"Don't be kidding." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "You also see how troublesome those white thorns are today. Do you want the kings to be drowned in the ocean of thorn bushes?"

"Hey, your courage is too small." Prang said indifferently. "As you just described, the reason why the white thorns blocking the road will grow crazy is that the red crystal is acting like a monster, ordinary white thorns are not It may grow to a height of three or four meters, at most one meter in length, and poses no threat to humanity. "

"All in all, I don't want you to risk planting these thorns in Wangdu." Guan Heng pouted his lips and said to Prang, "It's better to experiment elsewhere."

When Guan Heng said here, he had the intention to try to plant these things on the holiday islands of the gods. At this moment, Guan Heng secretly said: "Anyway, there is Sulun in the island garden. They do n’t have to worry about thorns. It ’s crazy, let ’s plan for it! ”

At the same time, on the road where large white thorns were burned, three strong figures appeared. They came from a distance and ran to the roadside a few times.

The dress of these three people was wearing a cape and a hood, covering their original appearance, but when one of them took off the hood, they showed sharp ears, which is obvious. The characteristics of the elven people.

The elves in cloaks looked around, and then said to the other two companions: "It seems that the white thorns that we left on the periphery of the elven forest were secretly transplanted here by those thieves. Fortunately, they have been used by people. The magical flames burned and caused no disaster. "

"I have advised the elders long ago not to plant such dangerous plants outside the Elven Forest." Another elf said rudely, "But the elder Lord just doesn't listen, now it's fine, if these are terrible When white thorns are introduced into other regions, a large number of unlucky creatures will be needed. "

"Well, the Presbyterian's wrong decision will be resolved by themselves." The third elf said, "Let's get the news back now." With that, the three men looked at each other with a dignified look, and immediately Quickly left.

At this time, Guan Heng and his party had gone a long way on the road. In fact, the small city of Digon was only a hundred miles away from the King of Kauru. If they did not meet the robbed fat man Hyde halfway, there would be white thorns blocking the road. After a period of time, Digon can be reached within a day of riding.

"Fat, do you remember what the robbers who robbed you like?" Hodley rode on and immediately asked Hyde around him. As a military person, Hodley thought he needed to know the traces of those savages in order to take them with him in the future. Soldiers besieged.

Fat Hyde shook his head and thought for a while, and then said: when the two or thirty horse thieves robbed, they all covered their faces, and their clothes were different, it was really difficult to identify, but I noticed their left arm An orange scarf was tied on it.

"Orange scarf?" Hodley lowered his head and groaned for a long time, and murmured in his mouth: "This is an important clue. When I return to the capital, I must reflect to the military."

At this moment, Meilu and Prang talked a few words, and suddenly saw Guan Heng being silent and wondering what she was thinking, so Mei Lu asked with a little curiosity: "Guan Heng, you are thinking what?"

"Uh ..." Guan Heng didn't look up, and said casually: "One thing has been lingering in my heart for a long time, but it hasn't been resolved, so I'm thinking about countermeasures."

In fact, what Guan Heng thought about had something to do with the two pieces of black ironwood staff. At the beginning, in the town of Garcia, Heinz repaired the avatar mask. Guan Heng took out two pieces of black ironwood staff. Heinz helped connect.

But Heinz said that although he can connect the stick, he can't be 100% perfect. At that time, a good black iron stick will be in danger of breaking, so Guan Heng proposes to use his own strange plaster. Stick two sticks firmly, but this method was also prevented by Heinz.

According to Heinz, singular gypsum does have an effect on bridging the cracks in the metal, but it can only help the black iron wood structure. In the end, it is easy to break, so Heinz told Guan Heng, There is a wandering foundry master who has more skills than himself. Let Guan Heng find this person to try.

"Listening to Heinz, this wandering master of equipment casting is an old lady named Maz." Guan Heng thought to himself: "According to Heinz, this old lady has a weird temperament, and likes to wander around, where she is. Finding her was quite difficult, and she had to try her luck. "

"Boss, it's going to be near the outskirts of Digun City." Hyde said to Guan Heng at this time: "What do you think we are going to do next?"

"Hyde, first bring Prang, find a familiar merchant in Digon City, and quickly sell our nuclei. Now it is most important to hold a lot of cash in your hands." Guan Hengyue The fat man and Prang said, "Hurry up, and then we will meet at the pre-appointed meeting place, which is the gate of the largest hotel in the city."

"Well, let's go with the fat guys first," said Prang, pulling the horse's reins, and then he said, "remember to come early and don't let us wait long."

Guan Heng turned his head to glance at Hodley, and then asked, "Lao Huo, would you like to go with Hyde?"

"No, I'm going to meet with the commander of the armored soldiers stationed in this city." Hodley said with a smile on the horse's reins. "We used to be colleagues. Today we are here, and naturally we want to say hello, everyone will be here for a while Just meet in front of the hotel. "

"So everyone is free." Guan Heng nodded, and then said to Meilu, "Let's solve your dad's affairs first, follow me."

"But we don't have money to redeem people now," Mei Lu said with a chant. "Even if I see the creditor, there is no way to save my dad?"

"It doesn't matter, when the other party asks you to arrive at Digon, wait at the gate of the city." Guan Heng said to Meilu, "We simply don't listen to their assignments, go directly to the city to find those people's nests, and make sure you are old After Dad is safe, the matter of ransom is easy to say. As long as they sell Warcraft Crystal Core, they will have money to redeem. "

Until now, there is no other way for Meilu. In addition, she thinks that Guan Heng's words are quite reasonable, so she nodded: "Okay, I listen to you."

"But ... this time can make Guan Heng cost you ..." Meilu said with her head down, "I will write an IOU to you when my dad is rescued."

"Haha, these are trivial things," Guan Heng said with a smile, "don't care."

—— [Second more on 2016.2.22, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some suggestions to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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