Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 844: Black Feather Crow (3rd)

"Meilu, in fact I have gotten a lot of benefits with you." Guan Heng laughed secretly: "If it was not for the first time in Wangcheng Street, I have absorbed a lot of strange fire elements from you, I would not have been so The flames of immortality are about to condense, but you don't even know these things. "

As a result, Hyde and Prang rode into the city to find merchants selling Warcraft nuclei, while Hodley went to visit his former colleague, the commander of the armored army stationed in the city, and Guan Heng quietly entered from another gate with Meilu. Started operations in Digun.

"Guan Heng, although Digong City is not big, but to find the people who detained my dad, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Meilu asked, "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple," Guan Heng laughed. "If you want to inquire about the city of Digon, of course you should ask the local snake here."

Speaking of which, the two's mounts have reached the center of the city. There are so many people here and there. There are endless numbers of merchants buying and selling, and the annual magic weapon trade fair is coming soon. People from all over the country flocked, making this small town even more lively.

"Well, here it is." Guan Heng looked up. There was an inconspicuous shop in front of him, a merchant selling shoes and hats, but there was a black crow engraved in a humble corner on the merchant's signboard.

Seeing this, Guan Heng smiled slightly, thinking to himself: "On the day of Ilmas, I got a piece of information organization-the visiting elder token of the Black Feather Raven, and now it comes in handy."

Guan Heng immediately greeted Meilu to turn over and dismount, walked into this shop, the shop here is small, the goods are not very complete, it seems that few customers patronize, Guan Heng saw the shop buddies are lazy at this time Snoring on the counter, he stepped forward and tapped on the counter with his index finger.

The man heard the noise and slowly raised his head. He looked at Guan Heng weakly and asked, "Guest, what do you want to buy?"

Guan Heng ignored the languid attitude of the guy, but took the token of the Black Feather Raven before him, and said softly, "Are you in charge here?"

When the guy saw the token in Guan Heng's hand, he immediately played a clever trick, and immediately became a hundred times more energetic. He took a closer look, determined that the token was correct, and immediately respectfully said to Guan Heng: "Please wait a moment, I will call immediately Here comes the boss! "

After the guy said a bow, he hurried away. After half a minute, the steps on the second floor of the shop sent hurried footsteps, a middle-aged man with a short stubborn, three steps and two steps to the gate In front of Hengheng, the middle-aged man whispered to Guan Heng, "Jacques, the head of Digun City, has seen the visiting elders."

"Well, Mr. Jacques," Guan Henghao said in a leisurely manner. "When I first arrived in Diagon, many things were unfamiliar. I have three things here that you need to investigate."

The middle-aged person Jacques said respectfully: "What's the matter, please ask the elders." Although Guan Heng was very young, the principle of the black feather crow has always been to recognize tokens but not people. This is information. The iron law of organization, so Jacques has no sign of neglect.

"The first thing ..." Guan Heng pointed to Mei Lu around him, and then said, "This girl's father has some disputes with some of the city's borrowers, because the debt was owed, I want to ask You can check her father's whereabouts, and we will visit each other at the door and redeem the money in accordance with the rules. "

"I see, this is a trivial matter." Middle-aged Jacques immediately asked Mei Lu's father's name and appearance characteristics, and then instructed the guys in his shop to mobilize the entire city to find the man named Grey, Middle-aged strong man.

"The two remaining things are not the problems that can be solved here," Guan Heng said to the middle-aged Jacques. "These two things are all black feather crow bases that I want to use throughout the Ashton continent. Announcing the reward. "

"One task is that I'm looking for a wandering founder, Ms. Marz, and I need a portrait of herself."

Guan Heng then took out a sliver of cloth from his arms and handed it to the middle-aged man Jacques: "This is torn off from a magician's special robe. I want to know, who is wearing this, this magic I need to understand all the information of the teacher. For each of these two reward tasks, I will give out a reward of 5,000 gold coins. "

"I see." Middle-aged Jacques nodded, then he said, "Master Maz's whereabouts are not difficult to find, because she often commissions our organization to investigate things, and often posts tasks everywhere, so this The whereabouts of the lady is not difficult to find, and we can provide you with her portrait soon. "

"It's just ... For this second reward task, you only provided a strip of mage robes, which is a little difficult." Jacques said, "Let's put this strip first for me for a day, and I will let people put The stripe pattern and color are painted down, and then the task is announced, what do you think? "

Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, it's rare to think well, just do it."

At this moment, the guy just sent out hurriedly walked into the door and handed a note to the middle-aged person Jacques. After watching it, Guan Heng said with joy: "The first thing you asked us to ask Things are coming to light. This is the address of Mr. Gray's borrower, and he is safe now, and the other party has not embarrassed him. "

Having said that, Jacques handed the note to Guan Heng, who took the note and flicked it, and then said to Jacques, "Thank you. The remaining two rewarding missions, I hope many of the Black Feathered Ravens Please worry, the sliver of cloth is placed here first, and I will come and take it later. "

Seeing Jacques nod, Guan Heng said goodbye to him and took Meilu out of the shop. Meilu took the horse and asked Guan Heng: "Let's save my dad now?"

"No, first go to the hotel and meet with Hyde and Prang." Guan Heng said: "The results of the survey just now showed that the creditors did not embarrass your dad, so we had better take money from Hyde before redeeming them. , This also looks polite and can avoid unnecessary conflicts. "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Mei Lu slightly jaw head: "Well, there is news that my father is safe anyway, not in a hurry."

A moment later, the fat man Hyde and Baron Prang, who had been waiting here, finally ushered in Guan Heng at the entrance of the largest hotel in Digun.

"You two are back," Prang called. "Wait until my stomach gurgles. The fat man and I haven't eaten yet."

—— [Third more in 2016.2.22, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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