Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 845: Find a door

"Well, go to lunch in a while, what are you anxious for?" Guan Heng gave Prang a white look, and then asked the fat man Hyde: "How is the business going? Have all those nuclei sold?"

"Congratulations to the boss, and make a lot of money." Fatty Hyde's eyes were shaped into a crescent, and he said with a smile: "I found a familiar buyer, only to know that because of the recent frequent outbreak of Warcraft in various places, it has been a long time Warcraft crystal nuclei are sold all over the canyon. "

"Women in other parts of Ashton's mainland are basically metamorphic, and it is impossible to produce crystal nuclei." The fat man continued: "So this kind of goods has been out of stock and has become extremely tight. A hundred crystal nuclei, the price has tripled or quadrupled ... "

"Ahem, Guan Heng." Prang said with thieves in his eyes at the moment: "When you gave me the crystal nucleus, you made it clear that you only need 40,000 gold coins, and the others are my errands. Fei, you can't break your word now! "

"Don't dream about it for the rest of the day!" Guan Heng interrupted Prang angrily: "I didn't know that crystal nuclei could sell so much money now, and now the profits are so much, I want to redistribute!"

"Ah ?! Can't you do that?" Prang said with a sad face. "Is this a cross-river demolition? I knew that I would force Hyde to conceal the fact that Crystal Null sells more money."

"Well, when Hordley returns, let's go to dinner." Guan Heng ignored the pensive look of Prang and said to Hyde, "Then you settle in the hotel, and Melo and I redeem his father."

Speaking of here, the sound of horses and horses came suddenly in the distance. Two fast horses came to the hotel door in a blink of an eye. The immediately knight was a soldier in armor, they turned over and went down to the crowd, respectfully. Di asked, "Who is Mr. Guan Heng?"

Guan Heng replied with a smile: "Is there anything wrong with the two?"

"That's it. Today, Mr. Hodley, the head of the Marshal's House, is visiting our leader. They are very happy to meet. The leader hosted a banquet to entertain Mr. Hodley." One of the soldiers said, "Mr. Hodley is worried that you will not wait here. When he got to him, he was anxious, so he sent us to inform him, and he said that he could only return to the hotel at night. "

"That's the case, thank you for your intention to report." Guan Heng winked at Hyde. The fat man immediately noticed and hurriedly handed out two gold coins to the two soldiers. The fat man said with a smile: This is what our boss asked you to buy and drink. "

Where these two Qiu Ba had seen so many gold coins, they immediately rushed into their arms with a smile, and after gratitude, they rode away.

"Well, Hodley is drinking at the commander at this time, let's go to dinner too." Guan Heng patted his hands and said, "There are still a lot of things waiting for us in the afternoon."

So a few people had lunch in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. During the meal, Prang softened and dunked it. Guan Heng had to give him a share, but Guan Heng said, "The money is for you, and you also buy some This kind of thing is too dangerous for unreliable bargains. Think about the strange space magic array in the basement study last time. We almost lost our lives there. "

"In my opinion, it's still like this." Guan Heng said slowly: "What about the money for selling crystal cores, I can count you more, but it must be placed with me first, until you see it at the fair Something, we just do n’t have to pay for it, and it ’s better than you spending it indiscriminately. Buying a bunch of garbage will be much stronger! ”

"Well, what you said makes a little sense." Prang sat in his chair and thought for a while, then said, "It's still well-funded now, and I should consider adding some advanced facilities to my laboratory. What do I want to buy, you just have to pay for it, anyway, a lot of gold coins are placed with me, I still feel heavy. "

Several people ate and talked. In this way, lunch time passed quickly. Hyde and Prang went to the front desk of the hotel to arrange everyone's accommodation. Guan Heng put a large amount of gold coins into the space ring and took Meilu. Depart for the homes of those creditors.

A moment later, at the door of an insignificant courtyard in Chengnan, Guan Heng glanced at the note in his hand: "Well, yes, this is it."

"Let's go, Meilu, let's go in." Guan Heng turned his head and said, and led Meilu to knock on the door: "Hmm ..."

"Who?" Within half a minute, there was a gimmick, a short man with fangs opened the door. He looked at him horizontally and then asked blankly, "Who are you looking for?"

Guan Heng didn't answer the dwarf's words directly. Instead, he took out a bag, rattled in front of the dwarf, and asked him, "Can you hear what the sound is?"

"It's a gold coin!" When the dwarf with bright eyes uttered these two words, everyone was a little bit spirited and nodded Guan Guan: "Yes, we are here to send gold coins, can we go in? "

"Certainly, please, two of you!" At this time, the dwarf-headed dwarf had long since lost his cold expression, but replaced with a charming smile full of joy. He opened the door and hurriedly closed it. Henghe Meilu walked in.

After closing the door, he asked casually, "Is your boss there?"

"Being there, as long as someone comes to send gold coins, our boss must be there!" Said the dwarf, and shouted to the courtyard: "Have a few out of breath, and greet your guests."

At this time, a few young men dressed as waiters hurried out and led Guan Heng to the living room. After a while, a woman appeared at the door of the living room. Before she came in, she uttered a slang of an orion: " Whoops, who's the one who sent the money? "

Guan Heng, who had just picked up the tea cup, looked up, and spit out the tea!

"Cough cough ..." Guan Heng coughed loudly and asked the woman who came in, "Red Rose Ritz ?! How could it be you?"

"Oh, sir, you acknowledged the wrong person." The woman, who looks exactly like Red Rose Ritz, said with a smile: "You said that Ritz lives in the town of Garcia? Is that my sister, my name is Violet Mary. "

Guan Heng glanced at Mary and asked casually: "Uh, are you guys twins?"

"No, we are—six-sisters!" Violet and Mary said with a smile: "The average outsider cannot tell what we look like, but ..."

Mary said here, and helped Fu Yan's card issue: "The only difference is that we wear different headdresses, and mine is a violet card."

"My God." Guan Heng sighed. "I really want to meet your parents if you have the chance and ask them why they are so healthy ..."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.22, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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