Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 846: Heirloom (fifth more outbreak)

"Identify the six-sisters with a card? That's the case. I'm a long-sighted person this time." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, and then asked: "Looking for a loan is also your common business?"

"Well, yeah, the lending business in the entire Ashton continent is all our family's property." Mary bowed to the two of Guan Heng and said politely: "The two are good. Let me introduce you again. I It's the owner of the 'civilian loan, the violet' family, Violet Mary. "

After sitting in front of Guan Heng and Meilu, Mary asked: "So, you said you were here to send money, what is going on?"

So, Guan Heng told Mei Lu's father, Gray, that he owed money.

"So it turns out, this lady is Mr. Gray's money." Violet Mary smiled slightly. "Yes, the debt collection letter I sent to you is indeed sent by me."

Meilu asked nervously, "Well, didn't you embarrass my dad?"

"How is that possible?" Mary said easily. "Mr. Gray is a regular customer who often borrows from us. He is with us, but he enjoys VIP treatment."

"What?" Meilu asked in amazement: "But I remember the tone of the letter was very strong, saying that if I didn't pay back the money, I wouldn't guarantee the safety of my dad and so on."

"Oh, younger sister, debt collection letters are all written like this, the tone is not tough, and we are not good at recovering debts." Mary smiled bitterly with both hands: "What's more, this debt collection letter is based on Your dad's request has nothing to do with me. "

"Uh, why did my dad do this?" Mei Lu was already a little dizzy at this moment. She stunned and said, "What did this dad do? Somehow!"

"I think you should ask Mr. Gray to ask for it yourself." Mary counted the gold coin pockets handed over by Heng, and said to Meilu, "Mr. Gray is in the third room from the left on the second floor. You will be able to leave when I have finished counting the amount of arrears, and ... thank you for your patronage and welcome to come again next time. "

"Hmm ..." With a stomachache, Meilu rushed to the second floor, knocking **** the door, and shouted in her mouth, "Dad, open the door!"

Mei Lu shouted four or five times, and the door finally opened. A sleepy-eyed man stood at the door with a yawn. He impatiently muttered, "Who is this? I don't know what I just hit One night card, do you need a break now? "

"Huh!" Angrily Meilu lifted up Gray's collar without hesitation, drew him directly into the room, and Guan Heng tossed a gold coin to the fellow who led the way, and said to him: "We are here Can you stay in the room for a while? "

"Of course, of course." The man said with a smile on his face, holding gold coins. "If you pay ten more coins, you can spend the night in the room ..."

"Oh!" Without waiting for the greedy buddy to finish, Guan Heng had just dropped the room door.

"Dad, can you explain to me now what happened?" Mei Lu asked with a grimace, staring at Gray. "Who vowed to stop gambling at the mother's tomb, and you said to yourself half a year ago. Have you forgotten everything? "

"Uh, Meilu ... listen to me." Gray saw his daughter angry and annoyed, and he cried out. He hurriedly explained, "I didn't want to go to the gambling table again. This time, something happened, so I asked Miss Mary to write the debt collection letter a little more seriously, just to urge you to come and discuss things.

"I don't believe it. It must be that your hands are itchy again, so I went to play cards and roll the dice. I lost and borrowed again, and finally owed more than 30,000 gold coins." Meilu's eyes shed tears. Said: "If it weren't for Blessing Star ..."

"Cough." Guan Heng coughed aside, and he stared at Mei Lu fiercely, which meant, "Did you forget my warning again? Brother Fu Xing is not allowed!"

Meilu quickly changed her voice: "Oh ... it's Guan Heng's help. Where can I go to collect so much money to pay you the debt?"

"Daughter, this time it's not gambling. Where can I take care of debts?" Ge Rui sat on the chair with his hips and said, "Because, I saw the other party had that one ' "Things", but I didn't have the money to redeem it, so I had to go to the gambling table with them. I didn't expect that I was out of luck and lost. "

"Meilu, you can sit down, too," Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders. "Don't just blame Mr. Ge Rui, and listen to his reasons."

Gray gave a grateful look at Guan Heng and whispered, "Thank you."

"Okay, I'll listen to Guan Heng once." Mei Lu sat angrily across from Gray, and she asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

"Well, I originally thought I couldn't be so muddled, so I left Wangdu and came here to find a job." Ge Rui sighed and said, "Who knows that I met a young hero who was very aggressive on the road the other day. "

"This rich man named Pippen actually has the pure gold family crest that has been passed down from generation to generation in our family." Gray said with a bowed head. "I remember when your grandpa was drunk and drunk, he sold it to After a foreigner, the emblem disappeared afterwards. "

"Meilu, our family ancestors, anyway, it is also one of the top ten nobles of the founding of the Kingdom of Kauru. Although it is now gone, I do not want the family crest to fall into the hands of outsiders, but I have no money to redeem it. "Pippen, the good bet, let me play against him at the gambling table. The bet is the family crest."

Grey's voice was getting lower and lower: "So I broke my word and wanted to fight again at the gaming table, but I was wrong, and I lost completely."

"Dad ..." Now that Meilu didn't know what to say, she muttered, "Forget it, I don't blame you, after all, because of the pure gold family crest."

"But the pure gold family crest, I really don't want others to take it away." Gray whimpered his head and said, "That's the glory of our family for hundreds of years."

"Okay dad, stop talking, you are more important than peace." Meilu said at this time: "Promise me not to go on those risky things, okay ..."

Before Meilu said that, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside. It turned out to be Mary's buddy. He shouted outside the door, "Mr. Gray, the servant of the Pippen son, came to you again."

"What's the matter?" Meilu turned with a surprised expression and asked Gray: "Dad, what Pippen, why did you send someone to come to you?"

—— [Fifth more on February 22, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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