Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 852: Winning and losing (first)

Guan Heng secretly calculated the time and felt that the avatar's mask had only half the time remaining, and there were no more minutes left. At this time Guan Heng suddenly smiled: "Hey, how old are you, the spirit is not as good as before, Pippen, this I'm afraid the gambling game will extend into the night, when I can't, I'm already drowsy now and suddenly want to leave home to sleep. "

Pippen glanced at him and asked casually: "Oh, then, what do you have, Gray?"

"It's very simple, we will win." Guan Heng said decisively, pushing the chips and gold coins piled up in front of himself into the middle of the table.

Guan Heng then said: "I bet everything here, and you just bet my pure gold family crest as a bet, but the two of us have to shake the dice cup by ourselves, more than the sum of the three dice points. ! "

"Okay, happy!" Pippen's eyes lighted, and he muttered to himself, "I like this kind of desperate gambling, let's do it that way."

At this moment, Pippen's two bodyguards—Sorga and Celeron—suddenly changed their faces, and the sweat on their foreheads spontaneously burst out. All the gamblers present were watching the gaming table with concentration and attention. I did not notice why these two people who did not participate in gambling suddenly became so nervous.

The next moment, to decide who rolls the dice cup first, the dealer took out a gold coin and said softly, "Two, please choose a head or a word!"

"If you guess, you can shake the dice cup first, but it doesn't affect me much." Guan Heng thought so, and said casually, "Choose a person."

Pippen chuckled, "I'll guess the word!"

"Slap!" The dealer's thumb suddenly picked up the gold coins, letting it spin and roll in the air, and finally fell into his own palm again. The dealer's heart could not help but slammed up. He opened his palm and suddenly exposed A smile: "Yes, so please Pippen shake the dice cup first!"

"Okay!" The gamblers cheered loudly. They were all fox friends and dog friends invited by Pippen. Of course, they all turned to this gambling lover. Once they roll the dice cup, they will increase their chances by chance. Pippen applauded.

"Hey, Gray, it seems that the **** of luck cares more about me." Pippen smiled proudly, his palm was already pressed on the dice cup.

"It doesn't matter. Originally, you are the master, so you should take advantage of it." Guan Heng said with his shoulders intact, "please, Pippen, good luck."

Seeing Guan Heng so calm and usual, Pippen's mind was surprised and admired again: "Why is this Gree completely different from before? This calmness is as if it were more out of thin air, if not for him The appearance and sound are the same as before, and I suspect they are not the same person. "

"Don't! Wow, wow ..." Pippen's heart started to shake, and he began to shake the dice cup in his hand!

Pippen's skills are extremely sophisticated. The dice in the cup turns faster and faster. When all the gamblers are extremely nervous and intently watching, "Bang!" Pippen slaps the dice cup on the table. I only heard the sound of clapping, and finally there was no sound at all, and the three dice finally stopped as the dust settled.

"Oh!" After opening the cup, dozens of pairs of eyes stared round and round, looking at the three dice, which also included the eyes of the two bodyguards Soga and Celeron.

Three dice, two six, one five. This is the final result. Most people took a sigh of relief after watching it, because this is already a big point. From the perspective of the gamblers, Pippen's victory It is already a surefire thing.

"It's your turn, Gray." Pippen tapped his finger on the table, and there was no hint of pride on his face. In his career as a gambler, there had never been any cheating or cheating. With the mood of "entering oneself with gambling", I have been seeking real excitement.

Therefore, it is rare for Pippen to roll out such a big dice with his own hands. He thinks that his luck has begun to rise today, and the opposite Gray, it is difficult to win himself.

Guan Heng started shaking the dice cup without any hassle, and the enthusiasm of the gamblers who were present apparently began to cool down, because in their view, Guan Heng was just a guy who had walked a few times for shit, it was impossible to hide in the skin. Prince Peng turned over.

"Pop!" Shake the dice cup only three or four times. Guan Heng suddenly stopped and pressed the dice cup on the table. Everyone saw him shaking casually, and suddenly he was upset: "This boy must have abandoned himself, this is a broken pot." Then. "

After hearing these people's words, Guan Heng's mouth turned up and a smile appeared. He secretly said: "As long as the hand is in control, no matter how many times you shake the dice cup, you will get the points you want, like this ..."

"Eh!" Guan Heng suddenly opened the dice cup, and suddenly everyone was stunned, their voices shouted and shouted, "This is impossible! Turns out to be three sixs ?!"

"Bang!" Pippen patted his hands on the table and stood up, barely believing his eyes. When he saw the red six o'clock on the dice, he breathed a sigh of relief. An inexplicable smile: "This is the stimulus, the stimulus of the peaks and turns, oh, this kind of big ups and downs is really happy!"

"I'm sorry, Pippen." Guan Heng smiled and said, "I seem to have a little more than you, then, I'm going to take back this solid gold family crest."

"I'm willing to lose the gamble, Pippen has always been a gentleman in the gambling game." Pippen was very happy, he said with a carefree wave: "You take the family crest, you let me see a good bet, I am very Glad, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. "

"Thank you, Son Pippen." Guan Heng nodded and bowed to the gambling son Pippen: "If you did not provide this opportunity, I would also want to win the Home Emblem. It is delusional for your kindness, I will always remember it . "

Guan Heng picked up the pocket with the pure gold family crest and turned to leave. Pippen suddenly called out, "Wait, the gold coins and chips on this table are yours. Take them with you, I will never take them. Your cheap. "

"No need, I was penniless when I entered the door tonight." Guan Heng said without turning back. "When I leave, I will not take anything apart from this family crest. Starting today, Ge Rui won't bet anymore, these things are as if you are invited to have a drink at the bar and say goodbye! "

Having said that, Guan Heng pushed the door downstairs, and walked away. At this time, Sophia gathered in Pippen's ear and whispered, "Son, this guy named Gerry is extremely weird tonight. I suspect he cheated. Qian, it's better to chase this guy back and question it clearly. "

—— [2016.2.24 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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