"Well, you're talking nonsense!" Pippen was furious when he heard his words. He pointed at Soga with his finger and said, "Here is my place, my bet, my dice, dice cup, Greiner. What's cheating? It's a real gambler who can afford to lose. I can't do such a shameful thing because I'm insulting others wrongly. "

"I'm sorry, son, I think this guy must have drank a few more cups of yellow soup during dinner, and his brain was a bit unconscious." Eagle-nosed Celeron quickly grabbed Suga's arm and said to Pippen in a hurry. I'm really sorry, I'll take him out now to sober up. "

"Hum, useless waste, get out of me!" Pippen waved his face with anger: "Don't show up in front of me tonight."

"Yes, yes, you can rest assured, we will get off at once." The hawk-nosed Seyan pulled Sorga, and dragged him out of the booth in one go, pushing and shuddering, the two came to a quiet corner.

Sophia yelled angrily: "Why? You can't let that kid leave, otherwise our previous efforts will be wasted!"

"That's why I hurried you out of the room." Saiyan stared, "You don't need to talk to Pippen that gambler anymore, all we have to do now is to chase the asshole!"


After a moment, Guan Heng was walking on the street not far from the gambling house. The time was close to late at night, and there were few people on the street. Guan Heng muttered: "The enchanting effect of the avatar mask, It just took a few minutes to disappear, why haven't they come? "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng looked at the oval pure gold family crest in his hand. On it was a relief with a horned deer head. The whole body was made of pure gold, but these were not the rarest. Guan Heng just walked out of the door of the mansion. A little shake of the family crest in his hand, this thing actually made a subtle noise, which suddenly surprised his heart.

"Kara, click!" Guan Heng grabbed the pure gold deer head on the family crest and twisted it gently. The oval family crest was immediately divided into two parts. The original crest had a mezzanine.

Guan Heng Guan Heng at this time pulled out a small, long, thin iron pipe from the inside, one side of this iron pipe, protruding a little paper head, Guan Heng gently pulled this paper out ...

Time turned back to the present, Guan Heng remembered the scene just now, his mouth tilted up and revealed a mysterious smile: "Well, who would think of a little pure gold family crest hidden in a big secret, as long as those two guys still want Looking for this thing will naturally follow. "

At this moment, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved. He felt that someone had followed him a hundred meters behind him, and Guan Heng moved slightly in his heart: "Here, hum, hunting now!"

"Oh!" Guan Heng's figure suddenly moved, he quickened his steps in a blink of an eye, and walked away a hundred meters in an instant. Soga and Celeron, who were already behind him, were shocked. The two men looked at each other quickly, Invariably said: "Why did the boy suddenly speed up ..."

"It's not right, he may have discovered that we are following." Suga's temper was more impatient, and he yelled eagerly: "You must catch up with Gray to get things back."

"Don't worry." The hawk-nosed stuffy Yang said as he walked. "Just like this, if you're afraid he'll find a chance to slip away, let's take the two of them separately."

"Okay, I'm chasing directly from behind him," Suga said. "There is a narrow alley on the left that can be copied, and you can pass around and stop him!"

The two discussed properly and had the wrong body shape, hurriedly chasing after Guan Heng.

Suga was so anxious that he was like a hungry wolf staring at his prey, struggling to catch up with the figure in front of him.

Who knows that in the blink of an eye, Suga even lost her goal, stretched out her hands and rubbed her eyes, muttering angrily: "Well, where did that **** named Gerry go?"

Just as Sorga stared at a pair of wolves looking for prey, the hawk-nosed Seyan had already encountered the other!

"Bang!" Saiyang, anxiously rushing towards the exit of the alley, was blown by the opponent with a blow in the mouth and nose, and flew out!

"Flop!" His body slammed against the wall at the end of the alley, and Celeron just felt his spine cracking, paining his teeth and grinning: "Uh!"

"Yeah!" Clenched his teeth and stood up, Celeron pulled out the sabre on his body, only to see that there was a flash of white fighting spirit attached to it, this spirit of fighting gas came out of the sword with a foot of a foot, this guy, Already a peak swordsman at the intermediate level, just one step away, he can advance to a high-level swordsman. This skill is at least one hundred miles!

"Oh!" A spit of blood spit out of his mouth, and Celeron yelled, "Which dare you dare to attack Lao Tzu? Are you impatient?"

"Hum, sneaking at you?" Guan Heng stood at the alley, sneering at Celeron: "I don't bother doing this, I'm just asking for a little bit of interest for the wealthy businessman killed by you."

"Rich merchant ?! You-who are you?" Hearing the other party knew that the rich merchant died in his own hands, and Celan's nose burst into cold sweat.

Facing Seyan, Guan Heng laughed and said, "Hey, am I just the unlucky gambler who just bet against your father-in-law-" Gree "?"

"Impossible!" Saiyang shouted frantically: "Gree is not your appearance at all ..."

"Really? There is no absolute thing in the world." Guan Hengxi took a step forward, and took out the pure gold family crest with a deer head relief: "Are you looking for this thing? Or rather, looking for the collection inside s things."

"Uh, family crest! Mix things up, give it to me!" When Celeron stared at the pure gold family crest, he couldn't hold anything else in his eyes, seizing the home crest and keeping the secrets of his organization was the top priority!

"Drink!" Sai Yang drank suddenly, waving his sword in his palm and slammed Guan Heng, but at this time, Guan Heng stretched out a hand from behind, using a huge round black shadow on his arm , Greeted the past!

"Bang! Squeak ---" The sabre wrapped in a strong fighting spirit collided with the circular shadow in an instant. At this moment, Celeron's arm was almost broken by a strong force, and under the fierce friction between the weapons Countless Mars shot out.

With these Xu Liangguangs, Sai Yang was shocked to find that the original axe part of Guan Heng's arm was covered with a double-edged giant axe, and he screamed, "What is this?"

"Hum, am I surprised?" Guan Hengzhen sneered suddenly: "This is the treasure of the wealthy merchant who was killed by you-the double-edged axe shield of the Berserker suit!"

The origins of the fighters in Ashton's mainland mostly belonged to the orc tribe. They learned strength and warfare methods and gradually integrated into the tribal area through countless years.

—— [Second more on 2016.2.24, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some suggestions to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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