Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 856: Connector Man (fifth more outbreak)

"Well ..." Guan Heng thought about his chin and suddenly looked up and asked Jacques: "Do you want to buy the original list or copy it?"

"It's okay in this regard," Jacques explained. "However, the original list price is higher. If it is a transcript, the price will be halved."

"Then I don't care, I keep the original, Jacques, you can find someone to make a copy." Guan Heng said with a smile: "How much is a copy of this list worth?"

"If it is the original, the lowest purchase price can reach 20,000 gold coins." Jacques shrugged his shoulders and said: "The copy is only 10,000 gold coins."

"It's okay, but I don't lack money. Help me redeem points for growth and promotion." Guan Heng said indifferently: "How many points can I get in total?"

"There are one hundred points for completing the investigation task I posted." Jacques said, "plus the exchange of ten thousand gold coins for the copy of the transcript of this list, which is one hundred points."

At this point, Jacques looked up and said to Guan Heng: "According to your guest elder token record, you now have two hundred points for promotion. If you want to be promoted to bronze star, you need 800 points. "

"Okay, I understand." Guan Heng smiled and nodded. At this time, the highly efficient guy had copied Guan Heng's list and checked it, and then returned the original to Guan Heng.

"Jacques, I'll go first," Guan Heng said as he turned away. "In the past few days, maybe I'm still in trouble for you."

Jacques smiled slightly: "Then, Elder Guan Heng, wish us a happy cooperation."

A moment later, in a dense forest on the outskirts of Digun.

"This is where Soga, Celeron, and the connector agreed to meet." Guan Heng stood next to a towering ancient tree and tapped his trunk with his fingers. He thought to himself: "I don't know if this connector can provide me some What new intelligence? "

The time passed little by little, and it was another hour in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the sound of a horseshoe suddenly came from outside the jungle. The sound went from far to near, and then went straight into the woods.

There were three horses, all strong men with weapons on their backs. The first person learned a few "coo" bird calls in the woods. Before long, the woods also responded to the same bird calls, only Seeing one person striding forward, saying hello to three people, "You are here."

The man who appeared was Guan Heng, who had been transformed into a "Soga" with an avatar mask, and said with a smile: "Several people came from afar ...

"No more nonsense!" The three horsemen yelled, "What about something?"

"Are you talking about the list? That thing can't be given to you." Guan Hengwei smiled. "On the contrary, a few of you, I want to stay."

"Well, he's not a linker, do it!" The three of them immediately realized when they heard the words, "Ye, ye, ye!" Each withdrew their weapons and smashed them.

"Huh, do you? Who is afraid of anyone?" Guan Heng's figure suddenly leapt forward, and he landed on the side of the head of a horse without hesitation. He waved a punch on the horse's head, and the horse hissed. Turned over and fell to the ground, along with the horseman immediately fell a dog shit!

"Bang, bang!" Guan Heng kept moving, and several other knights flew off each other between several landings. The two flew away, and they were already unconscious when they landed!

"Slap!" Guan Heng stretched out his hand to hold the knight under the horse and threw him under a tree. The knight pulled back the short blade in the boot, and went forward to Guan Heng desperately. Kick fly!

When the man was struggling to get up, Guan Heng had stepped on his back with his feet: "Don't dare to move, I will crush your bones."

"Uh ..." The boy turned his eyes into pain and almost turned his back on. He said in a hurry: "Man, forgive me, forgive me."

"Okay, answer my question honestly, I will consider letting you go." Guan Hengshen asked, "Who are you? And what is your relationship with Poison Wolf?"

"Hello guys, we used to be a horse thief with no money to buy and sell nearby." This person said in a stubborn manner: "Recently, our boss has defected to the drug wolf organization. Today, he just brought a group of brothers to the neighborhood. He only let me and The two brethren came here to connect with people and take one thing away. I don't know anything else. "

When Guan Heng heard that he claimed to be a horse thief, he looked at this guy carefully, and suddenly found that he had an orange silk scarf on his arm, which was particularly eye-catching.

"I seem to remember that the fat man Hyde said that the robber who had robbed him had orange scarves on his left arm." Guan Heng thought of it here and asked coldly: "Did you rob a fat businessman on your way here?" "

"Ah ?! How do you know?" The horse thief blurted out in surprise, waiting to deny it was too late.

"It really is you." Guan Heng glanced at the horse thief and thought to himself: "I am afraid this guy is just a little errand. Even if he crushed his bones, he probably wouldn't be able to interrogate."

"Since the little is useless, look for the leader." Guan Heng turned his eyes and continued to ask, "What is your boss' name? Where is this time?"

"Our boss, called Heven, now ... he should be resting with a fellow brother in a nearby mountain stream." The horse thief said rudely, "Hello man, I'll tell you everything, spare me my life."

Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Hum, well, for your truth, I can't kill you."

"But I won't let you go like this." Guan Heng said, walking to the two fainting horse thieves, reaching out to their companions, and then untied the belts of the three men and tied them together. On the tree.

"Well, that's almost it." Guan Heng smiled at the sober horse thief. "You rob the businessmen and do a lot of bad things, so I will punish you a little, but I will leave a note. I hope passersby can see it and then release you. "

Speaking, Guan Heng took out the pen and paper from the space ring, and wrote a few words, "Pop!" He put it on the horse thief's head, and he said casually: "Don't move, let the wind blow away. No one can save you with this piece of paper. "

The horse thief was tied to the tree, and he didn't dare to move. Where would he know? Guan Heng wrote on the paper: "Three of our horses are bad horse horses. Please do n’t rescue and let us starve to death. Forget it! "


A moment later, a dozen ridges in the outskirts of Digun City more than a dozen horse thieves were resting horses and setting up bonfire barbecues. There were still some lying down beside them, and there was still a lot of blood on the ground.

—— [Fifth more on February 24, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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