Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 857: Anger (first)

These horse thieves ate a lot of meat and talked wildly. One of the horse thieves said: "These people are really, we took their cows and sheep for a sacrifice. They are still not happy. It is no wonder that the boss is angry and let us treat these unscrupulous. Everything is chopped. "

Another horse thief said, "It's just a few ant people, just slaughter and then slaughter. Come and come, everyone drinks and eats meat."

"Abominable, these beasts are harming people again, can't stay!" At this moment, Guan Heng, who came from the dense forest, saw the scene, and his teeth were rattling with anger, and he changed without hesitation. Bone evil armor, striding towards these horse thieves.

A sharp-eyed horse thief, seeing Guan Heng wearing a weird bone armor, immediately yelled and asked, "Hey, who are you?"

When the other horse thieves saw something wrong, they stood up one by one, each holding their own weapons, all of them staring at the person with a frown.

But Guan Heng, who was opposite them, didn't say a word. They just drove the magical shard fragments on the bone armor, "Oh!" A dozen six-star stars rushed to the feet of these people. The next moment, these horse thieves one by one He shivered and turned into a withered bone in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, wow ..." People's bones collapsed, and they were so excited that if a timid person saw them, they might have to be scared to death.

At this moment, there was only one horse thief standing there stupidly in the place, and the man suddenly made a long and scream: "Ahhhh!" In extreme fear, he turned his head and wanted to run, who knows himself His legs didn't move as if they were filled with lead.

Guan Heng, who suddenly appeared behind him, reached out and grabbed the horse thief's Tianling cover, making a "giggle", Guan Heng asked sensibly, "Where is your boss, Xiwen?"

"He, he went to the nearby creek to release his hands ... Bang!" The horse thief's voice had not fallen, and his frontal bone had been crushed stiffly. For this villain who harmed ordinary people, Guan Heng didn't mean to be soft and dealt with this Horse thief, Guan Heng stepped towards the distant stream.

"Is it Greek? You guys do n’t blink, you are not a good thing." Guan Heng muttered silently in his heart: "It's in my hands, it's your end."

The leader of the horse thief, Xi Wen, who was standing by the stream, had already drank a lot of wine. Although he heard the panic of the last horse thief, he did not respond for a moment, and He whispered to himself: " Which **** was full of food and was crying, and Lao Tzu drew him a few lashes, which was abominable, and almost scared me back to my urine ... "

As soon as the guy turned around, he saw a man wearing a weird bone armor standing in front of himself. Hevin was so scared that he had a clever fight in the cold war. Before he waited to ask who the other was, Guan Hengfei kicked him up and kicked him. Into the stream!

"Stop it!" After falling into the water, Hevin was caught off guard, but he didn't respond. Then he was stabbed to the shore by Guan Heng. The rain-like fists kept falling on Hevin's head, and the boy was beaten. Turning dizzy, he finally passed out with a scream.

When he woke up again, Shiwen found that he was lying in the middle of a group of horse thieves. He looked around and almost fainted again, because all these horse thieves had turned into a withered bone, which made him feel like he was in his stomach. After a few moments of tumbling, in a hurry, he was already scared with sweat.

"Hey." Guan Heng's cold voice sounded in Heven's ear: "You ... is Heven?"

Shiwen looked at Guan Heng, and trembled and answered, "Uh, it's me."

"Don't be surprised, your subordinates become like this, it's my masterpiece." Guan Heng said slowly: "If you don't talk honestly, you will end up with them."

Xi Wen was so scared that the atmosphere didn't dare to say a word, and he dared to make up nonsense, so Guan Heng quickly asked the bottom of the guy clearly.

Hewen and his dozens of horse thieves had made a living on the road between the capital of Kauru and Digun in the early years, but they also made small noises. Recently, his cousin gave him A letter addressed to him, and it turned out that the person was now one of the top leaders of the drug wolf organization.

For the sake of being a cousin, the man decided to pull Rahman, let him bring his subordinates to join the wolf, and came to see Hven in person last month, and arranged for today with Soga and Celeron. The task of the joint.

Heven's cousin ordered him to get the list, and rushed to East County with his men, because the day of rebellion with the private soldiers of the Lord's House was approaching.

In this way, all these things that Shiwen knew were forced out by Guan Heng, and after making sure that it was correct, Guan Heng let the horse thief with blood on both hands go to hell.

After making a circle in the mountain stream, Guan Heng was at the place where the bandits were resting, and found a hidden car with seven or eight boxes on it.

Guan Heng lifted the lid and saw that there were some gold coins and valuable belongings, and some gold and silver utensils had the mark of the fat Hyde's firm on it. Guan Heng was certain that these were the horse thieves robbing Hyde's property that day.

"These are all fat things. If you find them, take them back to him." Guan Heng muttered in a low voice, "save him a sigh of relief when he is okay, and distress his lost property."

So Guan Heng put all these boxes into the space ring and returned to Digong City.


In the hotel of Digun City, Guan Heng looked around and saw that Hyde and Prang did not return, and went to Hodley's room again. The guy was still sleeping, so Guan Heng twisted his ears, hard Shengsheng woke him up.

"Ahhhh! It hurts!" Hodley yelled like a pig, and he got up from the bed and screamed out of breath, "Your boy is crazy, I'm going to chop your ears off."

"No, there is no way to wake you up." Guan Heng said angrily: "Hyde and Prang haven't returned yet. Let's go find them in the shopping street."

"But I haven't eaten yet ..." Hudley muttered. "My head still hurts so much now. I knew I wouldn't drink so much wine, and I really suffer."

"Don't talk so much, just eat something on the road," Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders. "Did you forget your purpose of coming to Dagon City? You need to choose Madam Cindia for an inlay in the staff The gems on it should go to the shopping street just for this matter. "

"Ah, yes!" Hodley patted his head, he exclaimed angrily: "It's a drinking accident, I actually forgot about this task, **** it, thanks to you for reminding me."

Hodley hurriedly put on his coat, and he and Guan Heng stepped down the second floor of the hotel. The two were about to go outside the door, and suddenly ran into the fat men Hyde and Prang.

—— [2016.2.25 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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