Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 858: Ambergris

"Don't worry, don't worry." Guan Heng said to Prang with a smile. "You'll catch your breath, how can you run sweaty?"

At this time, the fat man Hyde said at the back: "Baron, I told you already, don't run so fast, that thing is true or not."

Guan Heng asked strangely, "Fat, what did you and Prang see?"

"Boss, it is a precious plant called 'Ambergris Berries'." Hyde explained: "When Baron Prand and I were hanging out on the shopping street, I saw this thing displayed in a shop window. The baron's eyes were widened, and he was still thinking about buying. "

"Uh, you didn't pay to buy it for him?" Guan Heng said with a bitter smile: "On the perspective of Prang, when he saw something in the distance of 300 meters, he couldn't wait to pay for it."

"Guan Heng, are you exaggerating?" Prang argued dissatisfied, "I used to buy something that was cheap, but this time I can clearly see that it is indeed ambergris. That's why I came back to discuss with you to buy that thing, it is a rare treasure. "

Such things as ambergris, when Guan Heng browsed through the library, he did see them in the plant illustrations. It is said that this kind of berries have been moisturized by the saliva of the dragons and mutated the superhuman healing effect. After the next, almost all diseases disappeared.

In addition, ambergris berries can be used to make a long-lasting supplement for humans by combining with other precious herbs and materials. Therefore, the scarce amount of ambergris berries has been an extremely valuable luxury jewelry for many years and has always been valuable. city.

"Huh, isn't it just a plant that has been dripped by the dragon's haraz?" Guan Heng said dismissively: "Just that thing, who's rare?"

"I'm rare!" Prang yelled angrily: "Something like ambergris should be well-prepared, even if we don't use it now, it won't be necessary in the future."

Guan Heng stopped paying attention to the prostitute Prang, but turned his head and asked the fat man Hyde: "Can you tell the truth of the thing?"

"Uh, I'm not an expert in plants." Hyde shook his head and said, "So it's impossible to tell the truth, but the shop is very famous in Digong City. It's the countess of the East Crimson Countess-Linka. The industry has never produced fakes or fakes. "

"Let ’s go and see." After Guan Heng's suggestion, Prang and Hyde led the way, and he and Hodley followed, and the group went to Mrs. Linka's magical appliance store.

This store has a unique luxury decoration throughout the entire shopping street. The luxury is incomparable but original. The designer's taste is quite high. Four people walked outside the shop window and saw the ambergris berries displayed there.

The things are kept in a special transparent crystal cover. The crystal cover is surrounded by strange light, and there are countless twisted patterns on it. It seems to be some kind of magic array. The berries inside are small in shape and the surface is dark red. The four fruits grow on it. Above each branch, there are only good and bad ones, some are fuller, some have shrunk and withered, and they seem to be rotten.

In addition, a small palm sack was thrown to the side of the berry branch. I didn't know what was in it. Guan Heng looked for a moment, and frowned, "This thing is ambergris? It doesn't look good. Well."

"That's because you don't know the goods." Prang said angrily beside him. "This kind of good thing is not known to everyone."

"There is no price tag around this crystal cover." Guan Heng added: "Maybe the shop owner didn't want to take a shot at all." Fat man Hyde said, "Let ’s go in and look at the price by the way."

Four people pushed into the store and strode in. A male clerk immediately came up with a smile on his face and greeted him, "Several VIPs, do you want to buy something? Our shop has a full range of products and reasonable prices ..."

"Wait a minute." Prom couldn't wait to interrupt the clerk: "I ask you, what am I going to sell for that ambergris berry displayed in the window?"

"Uh, here to inquire about ambergris berries again." There was a helpless heart in the clerk's mind, he quickly said: "Sir, I am sorry, this bunch of ambergris berries is going to be auctioned on the day of the fair. Show it off. "

"Oh, this is the case." Prang's face suddenly disappointed, and he muttered in a low voice: "I said why there is no price tag. You are planning to use it for auction."

"Prang, are you satisfied now?" Guan Heng smiled and said, "If you want this bunch of ambergris, let's bid on the day of the trade fair. Don't worry, it won't be long. Run away by myself. "

"This customer is right." The clerk smiled at Guan Heng. "Anyway, the trade fair will be held tomorrow. Our ambergris is the third auction item. If several people are interested, they can bid at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Previously positioned at the auction venue. "

"Well, we know." Guan Heng nodded, and then said to Hodley behind him, "Lao Huo, it's hard to get a look at this store, just look for any gems suitable for setting on the staff. "

Hodley nodded in a hurry: "Yes, that's still a birthday present for Mrs. Cindia."

As a result, Guan Heng, Prang and Fat Hyde asked the clerk to come up with some magical gems to help Hodley pick it up. Time passed quickly, and twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, a luxury carriage with a red canopy suddenly drove outside the shop door. At the entrance of the store, the driver pulled the horse's reins, stopped the car steadily, and then reached out and lifted the car curtain. Get down a lady in her forties.

"Oh, huh, it's a fine day." The lady was very happy after she got off the carriage, and she muttered to herself: "Well, I come to my shop every day and feel a sense of accomplishment, haha Even the pedestrians on the road are very kind, and it makes people rejoice when they look at them. Even these two people who came running with weapons are very spirited ... "

"Uh ?!" At this moment, the lady saw two fiercely-looking strong men, suddenly rushing out of the narrow alley across the street, and overturned her coachman. Ahhh ... you ... "

"Bang!" The lady hadn't finished uttering a word. One of them struck her neck severely with a knife handle, and the lady's eyes fainted when she rolled her eyes.

"Hurry up, get in the car!" The strong woman knocking on the fainting woman instructed her companion, "Hold on, one, two, three, and so on!" The fainting lady was thrown into her red carriage.

—— [Second more in 2016.2.25, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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