Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 859: Disappeared (third more)

At this time another strong man pointed at the window and yelled at his companion: "Look, it's ambergris berries. This is a good thing, take it away!"

There was a loud noise. Two strong men broke the window, reached for the crystal cover with the twig of ambergris berries, turned around and jumped onto the carriage. "Drive ---" The red carriage ran quickly all the way, and the blink of an eye disappeared at the end of the street.

"What's the matter ?!" Guan Heng, who was selecting gemstones in the store, was originally in the lounge of the store. He didn't hear the first cry of his wife, but the sound of the window shattering surprised everyone.

When Guanheng and a few of them ran out of the door, they saw the driver lying on the ground, and Prang walked quickly and reached out to help the driver: "Hey, wake up, what's going on?"

"Uh ..." The driver covered his injured arm and grinned. "My wife has been taken away. She is the owner of this place, Mrs. Linka."

At this time Hodley shouted: "Look, the ambergris are also taken away from the window!"

"What !?" Prang yelled angrily: "That's my thing, these **** thieves."

"Don't worry," Guan Heng said. "Hodley, you take Hyde and Prang to the commander of the Iron Armor, and let him lead someone to block the city gate to prevent the thief from escaping."

"I'll go after that carriage now." Guan Heng finished and ran straight down the carriage's seal.

But when Guan Heng chased after him, the car ran away long ago. Guan Heng glanced left and right and found a ragged beggar sitting on the side of the road. Guan Heng hurried over and saw a beggar embroidered on the corner of his clothes. A crow, his eyes flashed, because it was a sign that the black feather crow contacted people in the city.

"Hey!" Guan Heng said to the beggar, "Do you know me?"

"You are Elder Guan Heng," the beggar said respectfully. "Mr. Jacques has commanded us to give our full assistance whatever you ask."

Guan Heng asked, "I just ran over a carriage and saw where it was going?"

"I see it." The beggar blinked for a moment and said, "There are two strong men chasing the carriage and running to the left corner of the street."

"Thank you!" Hearing this, Guan Heng chased directly there and turned east and west. Guan Heng finally found the car on the side of the road, but it was empty.

"Huh, have you abandoned the car and fled?" Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly. "But it's not difficult to find you."

Where the carriage is located, only the left and right roads are feasible. One is a lively area where people are rushing and coming and going; the other is a very dark, narrow alleyway that does not see light.

Guan Heng whispered at this time: "If I were the two guys who hijacked Mrs. Linka, I would choose a place with few people to escape and hide."

Half a minute later, Guan Heng, who had rushed into the back alley, had already encountered a three-handed, powerful man with a handful of weapons. "Bang!" A man who came on was lifted by Guan Heng to kick his lower abdomen, and the young boy flew out. After rolling into the wall, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"It's weird." Guan Heng felt a little inexplicable looking at the men who had been knocked down. "There were only two people who hijacked Mrs. Linka, but the other side sent seven or eight people to ambush halfway. What does this mean?"

"Yeah--" At this moment, a man in black suddenly emerged around the corner, and the iron rod in his hand suddenly leaned forward and slammed the horizontal door.

Guan Heng tilted his head slightly, letting the overwhelming iron rod come over, slap his left hand, and hit the opponent with a strong wind in front of his right fist. Guan Heng planned to break the kid's jaw, but he suddenly thought about it. , Fist recovered nine points.

"Bang!" Although Guan Heng regained his punches in time, he still spit out blood in the black people. The boy gave up his stick and threw himself to the ground. Guan Heng reached out and grabbed the collar of the black man, yelling loudly. "You get me up!"

"Say, why did you hijack Mrs. Linka?" Guan Heng's fist dangled in front of the nose of the man in black, and seemed to be ready to fall at any time.

The forehead of the man in black suddenly sweated coldly. He said in a verbal way: "Sir and uncle, we are just fooling around in the city of Digon. Just now two people paid for us to ambush here, saying whoever we are. Follow me, just fight to the death. Others, what hijack, Mrs. Linka, I do n’t know.

Guan Heng saw the panicked face of this man, and the few people who had just been defeated were indeed not very powerful characters. He immediately felt that it was the two people who had taken Linka away.

"Go!" Guan Heng loosened the guy and kicked him with a kick: "Don't let Lao Tzu see you again, otherwise see him once!"

"Yes, yes." He agreed in a hurry, running up and running away.

"I don't know if the gangster who hijacked Mrs. Linka has left the city of Digun." Guan Heng thought at this moment: "Yes, hurry to the city gate to see."

Guan Heng turned around and ran out of the alley. At a glance, he saw the horse pulling the red carriage. He ran over to hold the bay horse, and he rolled over and jumped up: "Oh, horse, I'm in a hurry to save you Master, run fast for me, drive— "

The bay horse was urged by Guan horizontally, hissing hissing, and the four hoofs flew over, rushing towards the northwest gate.

"Call—" Zongma ran to Guanheng in the city gate, limped a reins, and stopped the Mercedes-Benz's bay horse. At this moment, he saw Hodley standing with a general in iron armor, and There are hundreds of Iron Armor behind them.

"Huan Heng, you're here." Hodley hurried over to say hello. He pointed to the general next to him: "This is Lacey, the commander of the Iron Armored Army in Digun City. He is my old friend. When I hear Lynka The lady was robbed, and she and me took the Iron Armor to block the city gate. "

Guan Heng and Lacey nodded to each other. The two sides knew each other from then on, and then Guan Heng asked with a grimace: "The two robbers didn't leave the city while they were in trouble?"

"No, no," said Lacey, a mid-to-large figure with a prickly face. "Hodley and I have been here for a long time, and have been carefully examining the pedestrian traffic, but no suspicious guy or Mrs. Linka has been found."

Guan Heng whispered his chin and whispered, "Well ... then, the gangster might take Mrs. Linka to hide somewhere in Digun."

"Well, the scarlet Countess of East County has been robbed. This is a big deal. If the Countess really has three long and two shorts in my place, my rice bowl and head can't be saved!"

Lacey led the frowning sorrow in the same place, and at last he said lamely: "Just I mobilize all the armored men in this city to search from house to house, I don't believe I can find any clues."

—— [The third change of 2016.2.25, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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