Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 860: Abandoned manor

"I'm afraid that's not right." Guan Heng whispered dissuaded: "It's too big to search from house to house. If the gangsters panic and the dog jumps off the wall and hurts Mrs. Linka, this is counterproductive."

"This ..." Leader Lacey was in flames at this moment, and was in a mess, and had to ask Guan Heng for help: "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Let's go, let me think about it first."

Guan Heng told Hodley and Lacey: "In Dagong, I know some friends who ca n’t be named. They are familiar with the dynamics of the Three Religions and Nine Classes. As long as you keep your guard on the city gate, you will not let the gangsters bring Mrs. Linka out of the city. I can take this opportunity to have my friends investigate where the gangsters are in the city. "

Guan Heng paid attention to the calculation time of the position of the sun at this moment, and then said to the leader of Lacey: "After half an hour, if there is no progress on my side, you can let the armored soldiers start searching the city. This is a last resort, please. Be sure to give me half an hour to investigate separately. "

"Understood, everything depends on Mr. Guan Heng." Lacey commanded and listened to Hodley's many deeds in Wangdu. He believed that Guan Heng was intelligent and brave and could be trusted, so he agreed to Guan Heng in one breath. Requirements.

After a moment, Guan Heng, the shoe and hat shop of Black Feather's stronghold, passed the abduction of Mrs. Linka to the person in charge, Jacques.

"I've heard the beggar liaison talk about Mrs. Lynka being hijacked." Jaco frowned deeply at this moment. He frowned twice in the living room and said in a low voice: "Strangely, Before you arrived, I had launched dozens of spies inside the city of Digun to investigate the traces of his wife and gangsters, but now there is no response. "

"Really?" Guan Hengwen was also a little surprised when he said this: "It's not too big to say that the city of Digun is too big. Can these guys disappear with the air like Mrs. Linka?"

At this moment, there was a sudden footstep outside the door, and then a man ran in, and he shouted eagerly: "Mr. Jacques, Elder Guan Heng, there is the latest news."

"What's the news?" Jacques and Guan Heng asked in unison. "Did you find Mrs. Linka or the two gangsters?"

"Uh, almost." The dude saw the two with four eyes staring tightly at him, and his hair was inevitable, and he said, "Twenty minutes ago, one of our informants found two in an abandoned manor in the south of the city. The traces of a man and a woman, according to him, describe the appearance of those people, much like two gangsters carrying Mrs. Linka, but ... "

"But what?" Jacques said anxiously: "Don't talk about it, make it clear!"

"Eh, that's it. Our people looked for seven or eight times inside and out of the abandoned manor house, but found no trace of those three."

"You are all waste!" Jacques shook his head and shouted, "Where you can find two men and one woman in a big slap ?! They are all idiots!"

"Mr. Jacques, forget it," Guan Heng advised. "Anyway, it's also a clue. You've already helped a lot. Leave the rest to me."

"This ... Mr. Guan Heng, if you go alone, would there be any danger?" Jacques said with some reassurance: "Otherwise, I will send a few people with you."

"No need, just a few hair thieves." Guan Hengman said indifferently. "There are more people but hands and feet. The black feather crows are good at intelligence gathering, not fighting and killing villains, let alone if they encounter When in danger, I will inform Lacey's Iron Armor to help, this is for everyone's safety. "

After listening to Guan Heng ’s seat, Jacques also felt a bit of reason. He said slightly, “Well, Mr. Guan Heng, if there is anything else that needs us, please let me know immediately. I ’ll do my best. help."

A moment later, Guan Heng, who had gone alone to the abandoned manor, reached his destination. The area is not small. Looking from the ruined walls, there are old abandoned courtyards and dilapidated houses.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "The black feather crow said that the gangster took Mrs. Linka and did not come out after entering the abandoned manor, and they looked inside and out several times, and did not see three people. This is really strange. "

"Anyway, go ahead and search and see the situation." Guan Heng made up his mind and stepped into the largest dilapidated living room in the manor.

Glancing around, Guan Heng found that the rooms here were in all directions. There were seven or eight small doors in this living room leading to the rooms. At this time, Guan Heng suddenly had a heart.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng took out the metal cylinder and let out the golden-eyed finch. He said softly, "Big bird, you are watching the movement inside the big tree at the door of the abandoned manor. If anyone wants to run out, give it immediately I stop them! "

The gold-finch nodded slightly, suddenly spread its wings and shook its wings, and fell vertically on a large tree in the distance, covering its body with a dense crown.

"Now, let's search this abandoned manor carefully." Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Where should I start?"

Thinking about it, Guan Heng walked forward unknowingly a dozen steps. When he lowered his head, he suddenly found some messy footprints and traces of wet mud on the floor of this living room. Not long ago, there had been less than an hour of detail here. Rain, there is also a shallow puddle at the door of the abandoned manor. The color of these wet mud is exactly the same as the surrounding of the shallow puddle.

Guan Heng, who was initially considered to be the Black Feather Raven, came in to search the footprints of the manor, but he squatted and took a closer look, and found that some of the muddy footprints were directly broken in the brick seam, as if they were being knifed. Cut away a few inches in the middle, it looks very weird!

"I seem to understand. It should be that the floor tiles were once lifted up. When the hands put down the floor tiles, the footprints left by them were separated by a few inches." Guan Heng said secretly: "Hei Yu Zhi Zhi After the crows came, they stepped on randomly, so they confused the previous footprints. Actually, under the floor tiles ... "

"Bang!" Guan Heng thought of this, waving his fist and knocking lightly on the two-meter-square floor tile in front of him. He heard only a slight bang, "Giggle", this floor tile has been quietly shaken Broken, Guan Heng smiled slightly at this moment: "In fact, there is a secret road under this floor tile!"


At the end of the tunnel under the abandoned manor is a soil hole of tens of square meters. Although the area is wide, it is dark and humid, and the smell is extremely unpleasant. At this moment, a strong man threw a steel hammer in his hand and slammed the transparent in front of him. On the crystal hood.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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