"Well, I just lost a few herbs, like dead brothers and mothers. Does this old man matter?"

Guan Heng looked at the old man in the white robe at this time, and he couldn't help crying. He didn't forget the purpose of the trip, so he quickly asked: "Old man, are you a doctor named Jones? He also gave it to the Countess Crimson. Mrs. Linka's son Tyro has been seen? "

"That's right, I'm Jones ..." Before the words of the old man in white robes, Guan Heng took hold of him: "Come and follow me, Tyro is now relapsed, I put him in your hut . "


A moment later, in the hut, Dr. Jones, the old man in the white robe, carefully examined the fainting Tyro, and later said in a watery manner: "It seems that Tyrol's disease has indeed relapsed, and it is at stake now."

"What then?" Guan Heng frowned and asked, "Is there no way to treat him?"

"There are ways," Dr. Jones said with a grin. "Before that, I had found a cure for Tyro's disease from an ancient medical book."

Guan Heng said: "Then you quickly help him."

"But there are still a few materials to make a special healing agent." Jones took his own medicine basket and shook it: "" Look, these are the herbs I just lost. I already had them, plus another By planting the eggshell of Warcraft, I can successfully formulate a cure for Tyro. "

"What should we do now?" Guan Heng said, "or else I'll help you pick another herb right away?"

"It doesn't have to be." Jones shook his head and said, "I can solve the problem of medicinal herbs, but the eggshell of Warcraft is much more troublesome."

So Jones explained to Guan Heng that the kind of World of Warcraft he originally called was 'White Turtle', a fierce World of Warcraft that inhabits near the source of mountains and forests. Don't think that there is a turtle in the name of the white turtle. Slow and easy to deal with.

This white turtle is fierce by nature and has a strong sense of territory. Any creature that enters the territory of the white turtle will be killed by it relentlessly. Moreover, the white turtle has a special ability: it can spit out strange gas and instantly Other people petrochemical, it is relying on this ability, so it does not look at other Warcraft and humans.

Guan Heng frowned: "That is, the eggshell of that white turtle is the material you want, right?"

"Yes, the white turtle's lair is southwest of Moguling, where they live in groups." Dr. Jones continued: "This white turtle is a family of World of Warcraft, which usually has a head. As the leader of the 100-year-old White Turtle King, it is the most powerful role in the entire ethnic group and it is extremely difficult to mess with it. "

"Um, it seems that I still have to take the shot myself." Guan Heng thought of this, and said to Dr. Jones, "Then you go to collect other herbs, and I will let the golden-eyeed bird follow you to keep it safe. Encounter a guy like Capricorn attack you. "

"Mr. Jones, tell me the specific habitat of the white turtle group," Guan Heng told the doctor. "I'll get the eggshell for that white turtle for you."

"Uh, this trip is very dangerous, so you need to be more careful." Doctor Jones saw that Guan Heng had made a decision, so he sighed and began to point out how Guan Heng can go to the domain of Warcraft White Turtles.

After a while, Guan Heng had come to a blue stream. Guan Heng separated his tall wormwood plant in front of him with his palms, raised his eyes, and saw dozens of white turtles playing at the water's edge. And there is a pleasant sun, and at the end of this creek is a towering earth slope, on which lies a giant white turtle king.

The body of this White Turtle King is a few meters in length, and it weighs a few kilograms. Don't look at it lying on the dirt **** with eyes closed, but the whole body exudes awesome courage. The strength of the White Turtle King should be infinitely close to the period of impersonation.

When Guan Heng saw the white turtle king's body shape, his heart was also a little dazed. He was not afraid, but he was a little afraid of trouble.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "According to Dr. Jones, more than a hundred meters behind the White Turtle King are the caves inhabited by the ethnic group, all white turtles at their end of life, and those eggshell fragments at birth were in this cave. , Simply I figured out a way to bypass the White Turtle King and go straight in. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng lowered his body and quickly sneaked in the grass. In a little less than half a minute, he had detoured to the side of the dirt **** where the White Turtle King was located, and there was no more than tens of meters. Just then, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

Suddenly, the white turtle king on the **** opened his eyes, and his eyes stared fiercely at the barren grass where Guan Heng was located. In a low roar, a white mist suddenly spit out from the white turtle king's mouth and swept away the opposite grass in no time.

"Do la la, Ka Ka Ka ..." After a while, the original green grass was instantly covered with a layer of gray and dim, and the grass turned into a stone!

Guan Heng, seven or eight meters away, not only caused a layer of cold sweat on his forehead: "It's dangerous. If it wasn't for my quick response, it would be turned into a stone by the mist emitted by this big white turtle. It is best not to face it directly. Friction is better. "

With a lingering glance, Guan Heng quickly walked towards the cave entrance without hesitation.

The White Turtle King on the dirt **** was a little confused. Just now when he closed his eyes and raised his mind, he felt a stranger's breath was nearby, and when he was angry, he spit out a petrified mist toward the wild grass. Who knows nothing. movement.

The White Turtle King thought he was a suspicious ghost, so he closed his heavy eyelids again, and continued to close his eyes and recuperate, no longer moving. The other large and small white turtle groups just glanced at their bosses and seemed to have become accustomed to Changbai Turtles. Wang's startled personality also played for food as usual, and didn't care about it.

At this time, Guan Heng had touched the cave where the white tortoises inhabited for a long time, and was walking inside. After walking in the cave for four or five minutes, Guan Heng found that the front suddenly widened, and there was a huge one there. Puddle.

As he walked over to watch, Guan Heng saw the blue water of the lake clear and quiet. A breeze blew through and rippled slightly. He muttered in a low voice: "Although the water is clear, it's strange that it is bottomless."

At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes left this strange deep pond and glanced around. He noticed that there were countless turtle shells and egg shells scattered half-buried in the soil around the lake. This seems to be the grave of the white turtle clan right. mound.

"I found the eggshells." Guan Heng secretly rejoiced and hurriedly packed a large number of eggshells into the space ring. "Haha, with these eggshells, it is enough to doctor Jones."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.26, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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