Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 866: Things in the pond (fifth more outbreak)

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, Guan Heng turned around and wanted to leave, but at this time he heard the slamming of the water behind him, his heart moved: "Well, there is something in the deep lake? Let's see what it is!"

After speaking slowly, Guan Heng flashed into a corner on the side and hid himself behind. At this time, he saw a thing swaying out of the pond, and Guan Heng looked at it. Ruler Yu Fangyuan's white turtle.

The white turtle crawled to the shore with a large model, suddenly raised its head, exhaled a gray mist, and hit the rock wall.

I only heard the sound of a crackling sound, and the rock wall hit by the gray mist suddenly added another layer of stone cover, which is obviously a masterpiece of gray mist spewed by the white turtle, but that layer of stone cover only stayed After a few seconds, they fell off the rock wall, no doubt the power was too weak.

"Oh!" The white turtle screamed angrily, and turned and drilled back to the pool of water in an anxiety. Within ten seconds, the rushing water and the waves broke out again, and then a gray mist was spit out on the rock wall. On top of that, it seems that the petrochemical capacity of the mist has grown a lot, and the stone covering has completely assimilated with the rock wall, and it has never fallen off.

At this time, the white turtle shook his body with satisfaction and walked out of the hole with great swing. When the white turtle walked away, Guan Heng flashed out of the corner. He said to himself, "Did Bai, The reason why the Warcraft has a petrified attack ability is related to this pond ?! "

Driven by curiosity, Guan Heng wanted to dive into the lake to see, but he was afraid of danger, so he took out all the bone armor and put it on his body. This bone armor has a benefit: it can sacrifice the body armor. The gap automatically tightens and becomes tightly closed.

At this time, Guan Heng saw that there was nothing moving from left to right, so he jumped and jumped off the deep pond, and went straight towards the bottom. The pond did not know how deep it was. An off-white light appeared in front.

"There is something weird in that place. Hurry up and take a look." Guan Heng thought of it and hurriedly diverted the water. When swimming there, he found that there was something floating in the water, an oval object suitable for the size of an egg, and the surface was gray. , Blooming with a strange and shining light.

"What's this?" Guan Heng saw this thing suddenly curious, and left his left hand to touch it subconsciously. Who knows, the gray oval object trembled suddenly in the water, and then the light became bright.

Guan Heng's outstretched fingertips appeared petrified grayish white at the instant of turning. In shock, Guan Heng suddenly shook his hands, and the things covering his fingertips suddenly fell down. At this time, his fingers Only returned to its original state.

"That's it. It seems that the reason why the white turtles can spit out the petrified fog must be related to this oval gray-white object." Guan Heng secretly said: "If you can take it away and study it, it should be What should I do? I don't want to be turned into a stone by this stuff! "

At this moment, the Bone Evil Armor suddenly shook for a while, and the piece of magic disk suddenly popped out of a six-horse star paradox. "Oh!" It flew under the ellipse in an instant, and the black gas of the paradox suddenly rolled towards Oval object, completely wrapped in it.

Regarding the ten thousand bone evil armour and the magic astrolabic action again, Guan Heng had no objection, after all, he was helping himself.

The next moment, the light on the surface of the elliptical object appeared in the black gas, and seemed to be fighting against the black gas, but in the end, the object's light gradually weakened and gradually became dim.

At the same time, the six-horse star paradox suddenly rolled back the oval object, and the thing fell into Guan Heng's hand, but at this time did not cause any petrochemical damage to Guan Heng. Guan Heng was happy: Now, take this thing and leave quickly, so as not to cause the white turtles to be alert. "


Ten seconds later, I jumped out of the water of the lake, accelerated my pace and ran towards the cave entrance, but at this moment, a sudden roar came out of the cave: "Oh!"

It turned out that the White Turtle King had some kind of spiritual connection with the gray-white oval object in the deep pond. After Guan Heng got this thing, the White Turtle King suddenly noticed it, and was very angry, it shook his bulky body and took a step The hole was blocked, and then a roar burst out, eager to tear the guy who dived into the deep pool and took away a family of treasure!

Guan Heng took away his belongings, and naturally felt a little guilty, but the White Turtle King blocked the hole to prevent himself from going out, which was also a trouble. So Guan Heng gritted his teeth and took out the Berserker's Ax from the space ring. , Slammed to the white turtle king blocking the entrance!

"Bang!" Berserker's axe's unmatched power blasted the turtle's shell fiercely. This is also the reason that the white turtle king was stunned. In order to completely block the opening of the hole, he was in a state of anxiety. There, there was no way to turn around and spit petrified mist at Guan Heng.

Seeing that the other party was unable to counterattack, Guan Heng fired an axe after another, and kept banging on the opponent, and in an instant, the axe of the Berserker reached the enchanting effect-a state of energy storage.

"Ahhhh! Get out of here!" Guan Hengxi screamed suddenly, raised the Berserker's Axe, and slammed it on the White Turtle King, and saw that the Berserker's Axe in the state of charge suddenly exploded three times. The above fierce power knocked the White Turtle King a dozen meters away.

The body of the big white turtle king did not live in front of the stream and rolled backwards, splashing mud and gravel numerous, scaring other large and small white turtle swarms to flee, Guan Heng took this opportunity to rush out of the cave. At the entrance of the cave, pull your legs and run away.

A few minutes later, the fainted White Turtle King woke up. In fact, Guan Heng didn't use a sharp blade to chop the turtle shell, but just patted it horizontally to shake the White Turtle King, otherwise it would have been divided into two.

"Woohoo ... have finally run out!" Guan Heng, who had run two or three kilometers, panted, holding a tree for a moment to rest, and he thought to himself, "Sorry, Big White Turtle, this I'll lend this ellipse to Master Ben for a few days. If I'm not interested, I'll find a chance to give it back to you. "

At this moment, the hissing of the golden-eyed finch suddenly appeared in the air, and Guan Heng's spirit was suddenly shaken: "It's a big bird, and it seems that they have done almost everything there."

A few minutes later, Guan Heng and Dr. Jones met in front of his hut.

"How's it?" Dr. Jones asked Guan Heng: "Has the white turtle's eggshell got a hand?"

"Hey, here's your hand." Guan Heng took out a bunch of eggshells and handed it to Dr. Jones, thinking to himself: "I also brought some other things with me, but these words can't tell you."

"That's all right," Dr. Jones said cheerfully, "I've also collected all the herbs here, and now I'll make the healing agent for Tyrol right away."

—— [Fifth more on February 26, 2016, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙

)] ——

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