Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 867: Back (first)

"It's hard for you, Dr. Jones." Guan Heng laughed while holding his shoulders. "Just ask me for any help."

At this moment, the early morning had passed, and it was already morning. In fact, the process of refining the healing agent was not very complicated. With the help of Guan Heng, it took Dr. Jones only a few dozen minutes to complete the thing.

Because refining the healing agent requires a special furnace fire temperature, Guan Heng has the ability to control the fire, so it came in handy. At this time, Dr. Jones asked Guan Heng to lift up Tyro who was lying on the bed, and then let him put Drink the cure.

"Well, okay." Dr. Jones watched Tylo's face gradually recover as usual, and then said, "The healing effect is very good. About 15 minutes, Tyro can wake up, Guan Heng, this time you It helped me a lot. "

"It doesn't matter, since I brought Taylor to you, it should be a modest effort." Guan Heng and Jones talked while watching Taylor's situation, ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

"Uh ..." Silly kid Tyro stretched a stretch on the bed, rubbed his eyes and sat up. He glanced at Guan Heng and Jones stupidly, and asked, "Where is this place?"

"Taylor, you idiot is finally awake." Dr. Jones stepped forward and asked, "Do you still know who I am?"

"Oh, let me see ..." Tylor looked at the old doctor in white robe for a long time before saying with certainty: "You seem to be Grandpa Jones who used to come to my house."

"Boy, I'm not stupid enough to get home." Dr. Jones was relieved before asking, "How are you feeling now?"

"Very bad," Taylor said honestly, "I'm so hungry!"

Guan Heng and Jones smiled at each other. The latter hurriedly prepared breakfast. The three of them sat around for a meal. After the meal, Guan Heng said to Tyro, "Go back to Digong with me, your mother. Still waiting for news! "

"I don't, my mother will hit me if I go back." Tylor was jealous at this moment, he kept shaking his head: "Do not go back, do not go back ..."

"This stinky boy." Guan Heng cursed secretly, and was about to frighten the other side, when he heard a few beasts roar outside the thatched house!

Guan Heng walked quickly to the window and looked out. He suddenly chuckled: "Doctor Jones, it seems that the Capricorn brought a helper to look at your frustration. Where did you offend it, let this guy treat you Chasing after? "

"What did you say?" Upon hearing this, Dr. Jones was so frightened that his lips were pursed. "The ghost knows where I offended it, god, what can I do?"

The helper brought by the Capricorn is a yellow-spotted tiger. This Warcraft body is not very big, but it is born with divine power and also uses magic. At this time, the yellow-spotted tiger is walking around the open space in front of the thatched house with the cape. With a roar from time to time, it seemed that Yaowu was prestigious.

Guan Heng smiled slightly and said, "I'll just go and send them away." Speaking of which, when Guan Heng opened the door, he would go out to fight the yellow tiger, but at this moment no one was paying attention. He came out of the door, and ran towards the yellow tiger.

"Hey, tabby cat, I'll play with you." Tyro said, even when Faki rushed to the yellow tiger, his head fluttered, his mouth opened to bite each other's arm. Withdrawing his hand, the devil bit his mouth empty, and he was wrapped around his neck by a pair of thick arms.

"Hey, go to you!" Tyro suddenly yelled, and pushed the entire body of the yellow-spotted tiger over his head, slamming it to the ground, and immediately broke a cracked pit!

Guan Heng was taken aback by this scene: "The yellow-spotted tiger is not weak, and he was suddenly knocked to the ground by Tyro. This kid is really amazing."

"Oh, the tabby cat slumped." Tyro slaps and smirks in place.

At this moment, the yellow-spotted tiger that had been knocked down suddenly turned up and stood up, angrily into anger. It roared to the sky, and gathered a piece of earthy yellow magic element all over his body.

The yellow-spotted tiger is good at using the magic of the earth system-rockfall. I saw the sound of the surrounding wind, followed by a roll of sand and dust. A dozen **** rocks suddenly condensed in the air. These rocks fell one after another, "Bang! "One hit the top of the silly boy with impartiality!

"Oh, it hurts! I won't play with you anymore." The silly kid Tyro turned and ran after he was hit, but Capricorn squeaked and squeaked at his feet, biting at Tyro's ankle. !!

"Get off!" Guan Heng suddenly arrived at this moment. He lifted his feet and flew to attack Tyro's Capricorn. He was like an electric figure, and punched dozens of punches against the rocks that fell from the air: "Bang Bang Bang ! "

The next moment, the debris was flying, and the rock was crushed into shattered time. The yellow tiger had not had time to react, and Guan Heng jumped forward on his tiptoe, and fell to his side with a punch, hitting the tiger's side rib with a punch.

"Yeah!" The yellow-spotted demon tiger screamed and ran away. The devil slammed his tail into the back of the thigh, frightened and fled away.

"Hey, you are so amazing that you can run away the tabby cat." Seeing Guan Heng beat back the yellow-spotted tiger and Capricorn, silly kid Tyro abnormally worshiped Guan Heng, he suddenly came up with a thought, and held Guan The horizontal sleeve cried, "You teach me, how about playing that big cat? I want to learn!"

"Teach you ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes turned to his heart, and he smiled and said, "Okay, if you listen to me in the future, I will consider teaching you a half way."

"Okay, I listen to you, I'll just listen to you in the future!" Tyro smirked, "I can learn great skills, great."

From this time on, Tyro has been following Guan Heng, and what Guan Huan said, he was obedient and saved Guan Heng a lot of trouble.

At this moment, Guan Heng and Jones discussed: "Doctor, you are old, staying in Moguling is not the way. There are so many beasts here and there are frequent dangers. It is better to abandon the thatched house and go to Mrs. Linka in Digun . "

"Well, you're right." Dr. Jones nodded and said, "Anyway, my old bones can be settled anywhere, so I'll just move to Diagon City."

So the three were divided into two paths. Jones went to the village down the mountain to buy horses and went to Digun. Guan Heng and silly kid Tyro quickly returned on a golden-eyed bird.

It didn't take long for Guan Heng and Tyro to reach the outskirts of Digong City. Guan Heng gathered up the golden-eyed finch and took Tyro to walk into Digong City. The silly boy saw Guan Heng's big bird with envy. Although he had some insufficiency in his mind, he decided that it was absolutely correct to follow Guan Heng.

—— [2016.2.27 The first change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for a push ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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