Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 874: Ask for compensation (third)

"Guan Heng, I have something to say. I apologize for what I said just now." Sheba said in panic: "Brother, ah no, dear, don't go, don't go, I'm wrong!"

"Well, now that you know it's wrong, it's punishable." Guan Heng grinned. "Come and do a handstand and let me see, I will forgive you."

"Don't be kidding." Ghost Brothers shouted out of breath, "You might as well just throw us away!"

"That's serious." Guan Heng stared at the blue-headed deer in the cage and said with a smile: "I took the risk of running into the house at night to save you two, and I have to show what happened to them?" "

"This ..." Carnelle snorted and said, "Don't I promise to give you all my previous savings?"

"Yeah, but I haven't seen anything yet." Guan Heng said with two hands: "You still have to pay attention to money and goods when you are doing business. You can't just talk freely, at least you have to give me some advance, Otherwise, it will save you. If I do n’t confess it, who will I go to? ”

"Uh ..." The two deer's heads looked at each other and suddenly fell into a dull state. At this moment, Guan Heng said leisurely: "If you want to consider, you can wait a little bit faster. I don't think it will take long. My stunning butler and real cook are coming. "

"I saw that the chef was five big and three thick, and he had a lot of strength." Guan Heng said, making a "swinging knife" gesture, and then said: "I guess he can brush your two deer heads together at once Come down, that's fine, so you don't have to suffer. "

"Don't forget, there's something to discuss ..." Carnell couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't bear to say to Sheba next to him: "To this day, don't take it any further. Both are going to die here! "

"Well, this offense is really a rabbit and a hawk." Sheba's tone was also filled with helplessness: "Well, give it to him, as long as you can continue to survive, nothing else is nothing!"

After they had said this, the two-headed green deer suddenly turned around, pointed their backs at Guanheng, and listened only to two loud sounds of "噗-咣, ,", and an order suddenly spread in the kitchen. Stinking stench of people.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" "Hang Heng covered his nose and suddenly screamed," What are you two doing? "

As soon as Guan Heng's voice fell, two small things suddenly flew out along the sound of the fart. Guan Heng shook himself and hid, and the flying things had already hit the wall. "Dang 啷, Dang 啷!" East and West fell on the ground, Guan Heng walked quickly and took a closer look. It turned out to be two rings of pure white color.

But on these two rings, there were some dark yellow and black objects attached, and some indigestible grass debris, and Guan Heng's face sank and sank. He asked blankly: A ring, wasn't it in your intestines before? "

"Eh. You guessed it all," Carnell said. "This is the space ring we used before. It contains a lot of valuable things, as well as our collection of classics, precious metals and herbs."

"Also, my elder brother and I were the most famous swordsmanship and combat fighters in the past." Sheba said next, "There are still two volumes of our best long and short sword attack tips in the space ring, which is based on the elves. All the amazing skills of using the double daggers are given to you, please help us out. "

"Wait a minute." Guan Heng was black, found a rag to wrap the ring, and washed it dozens of times in the sink, until he was sure there was no odor on it, and he turned to ask: "This kind of old How do I open my space ring? "

Carnell explained in detail: "It's very simple, there is a ray of spiritual thoughts left by our brother, but it is already very weak, and you can just open it by forcing it with your own mental force."

"Well, there are indeed a lot of things in it." Guan Heng looked at the interior of the space ring with a mental force, and then said to himself, "It seems you didn't say a lot."

"So, goodbye." Guan Heng quickly put away the space ring and turned to leave. Seeing this scene, the brothers Carnell were so angry that they hit the iron cage with their deer heads. They shouted in unison: "You are too treacherous. Now, taking things will not save us, be careful not to die! "

"Shh, don't make a noise." Guan Heng put his ears against the door at this moment, and listened to the movement outside, and then said to the two Carnell brothers, "Now, I have to confirm my safety before I can Save the two of you, otherwise it would be troublesome to go out and get hit by someone. "

She couldn't wait to ask, "How are you going to save our brothers?"

"It's very simple," Guan Heng said as he walked around the iron cage, and he said casually, "I just need it."

After speaking, Guan Heng took out a scroll and tied it to the fence of the iron cage carefully with a thin rope. Then he wrote a note with a pen.

The note was written to the orc statue on the islands of the gods, Sulun. It reads: Look at this two-headed green deer, you can feed and water, but do n’t put them out of the cage. Interrogate the two guys carefully, remember, don't be confused by them to open the cage!

Guan Heng wrote the note, posted it on the top of the cage, and then smiled and said to the Carnell brothers: "You can close your eyes now, and when you open your eyes, you must have reached a safe place."

"Really?" The brothers closed the eyes of the suspicion, Guan Hengshun tore a corner of the scroll, and after two or three seconds, they heard only a bang, and in the smoke, the iron cage disappeared in place.

"Okay, the rescue operation is successfully completed." Guan Heng patted his hands to himself, turned and walked to a kitchen window, "squeak!" He reached out and pushed the window open, and turned to the outside.

At this time, the wealthy merchant Lille's mansion was already sky-high, because a large butler of the housekeeper was swollen on his head, and he helped the fat cook stumble and ran back. The housekeeper shouted, "It's amazing, we were just killed. Stunned ... "

The servants in the house heard the words, and they scattered and hurried away. Some went to report to the owner of the house, the rich merchant Lille, and some went to the kitchen to check. As a result, everyone broke into the kitchen and found that the two deer were closed. Iron cages and young chefs disappeared.

Immediately after, the rich merchant Lear ran to the lobby in a crying way, crying to the guests who came over and said, "Oh! My double-headed green deer, that was bought by more than 100,000 gold coins. Guy, pretending to be a cook stole my two-headed deer, ohh ... "

—— [The third change of 2016.2.28, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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