Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 875: Do everything

At this moment, Guan Heng thought that he couldn't be too idiomatic, so he ran to the living room on the second floor of the rich merchant's house. He looked at no one left and right and threw a few pockets of gold coins on the table. Guan Heng said to himself. He said to himself: "There are also 100,000 gold coins here, even if I compensate Lille for the loss."

This night, Lille ’s house and the streets around him were so loud that everyone knew that a brave chef had stolen the two-headed green deer from the wealthy merchant Lille, but Guan Heng did n’t know all this. At this time, he Already slipped back to the hotel and lay down on the bed, the quilt covered his head and fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Guan Heng was still in his dreamland, and he heard a soft knock on the door from the room: "Boss, I am Hyde."

Guan Heng turned over and sat up, opening the door for Fat Hyde, yawning and asking, "What's wrong? Is there anything early in the morning?"

"I want to report something to you." Fat Hyde was tired now, as if he had stayed up all night, Guan Heng let him enter the room and sit down, and gave Hyde a glass of water, then asked: "Say ,what's up?"

Although Hyde looked very tired, he said with an uplifting tone: "Last night I calculated the accounts in my room and found that you had given me a lot of funds after all the Warcraft Crystal Nuclei were sold off. I used this money to sell a few batches of popular goods and made a lot of money. "

"The newly earned money is almost 100,000 gold coins again," said Fatty Hyde. "Before returning to the hotel yesterday, I went to the business alliance set up by Delong Kingdom, one of the three great powers, and exchanged the money for Ten savings cards, which makes it easy to carry. "

Delong Kingdom is one of the three major powers of Ashton mainland. It is a country known for business and various trades. It has a wealthy nationality and has established the "Delong Business League" for nearly 700 years.

The branches of the Shangmeng League are spread throughout the Ashton continent. They have a good reputation. The gold storage cards they produce are a kind of space props dedicated to storing gold coins. They can be used as cash in all countries. When you spend them, you can take them out directly. Very convenient.

Fat Hyde took out ten gold savings cards, Guan Heng left five of them, and gave three more to Hyde Fat: "I heard that your magic weapon store has had a sluggish turnover recently, and the 30,000 gold coins have been used. Right. "

"This ... Boss, you have paid me two bags of Warcraft Crystal Nuclei." Fat Hyde waved his hand again and again. He is an honest businessman and does not want to take advantage of the situation, so he said, "I cannot accept this money."

"Fat, gold coins aren't for you in vain." Guan Heng smiled and shook his head and explained: "These 30,000 gold coins are the funds I decided to invest in the store."

"I don't lack the nucleus of Warcraft, but there must always be a channel for selling. I am not assured of others. It is better to be familiar with life." Guan Heng then explained: "Your magic weapon store can just solve this problem. In addition, the store makes money, and I can also receive dividends, why not? "

"Thank you, boss." Fat Hyde was also an easy-going man, so he thanked him and accepted the three savings cards. Guan Heng pointed to the remaining two cards and said, "This is for the Prang boy." , But do n’t give it to him, just stay with you, even if he buys the shares. After Prang needs anything, let him take it in your shop. The cost can be taken from these cards. "

"I see." Fat Hyde nodded and said, "If you have nothing else, I'll go back first, because the business over Wangdu urgently needs me to take care of me, so I won't go Today's auction. "

Guan Heng: "Oh, that's right, then you go."

When the fat man Hyde went out, he also said, "If you have anything to do with Baron Prang, you can come to the store or my house directly to me." After that, the fat man turned and left.

During breakfast, Guan Hengba's conversation with the fat man repeated to Prang again, and Prang frowned: "So, the fat guy is my wallet in the future, alas, it seems to be verbal Don't offend Hyde too much, otherwise he will definitely deduct my money. "

"Oh, don't make fat people so uncomfortable." Guan Heng said while eating breakfast. "Hyde is a bit stingy, that's the character of a businessman, not a big deal."

"Hi guys." At this time, the belated Hodley also came to the restaurant. He waved for the waiter to have a breakfast, and Da Ma Jin Dao sat there to eat.

"Lao Huo, you eat slowly." Guan Hengzhang said with a smile: "Be careful, right, today's auction is different from yesterday, it will be held in the morning half an hour later, I guess it should end before noon Now. "

"Oh, then at noon, we can embark on the journey back to Wangdu. I took a few days off and it was almost time." Hodley said stuffed in his mouth and said vaguely: " You will go to the auction venue later. I will go ahead with Lacey, the commander of the armored army, and then meet with you. "

Guan Heng slightly nodded his head: "I see, remember to go early and return early, we just stayed yesterday, waiting for you in the private room on the second floor of the auction venue."

Just then, a man with a small appearance suddenly ran into the restaurant and went straight to Prong. He asked respectfully, "Is this you Baron Prohn?"

"It's me." After Prang nodded and looked up and down, he suddenly realized: "You're the guy in the shop I visit, right?"

"Your memory is very good," said the man with a smile on his face. "The kind of thing you customized in our shop yesterday is ready. The boss said, you can pick it up at any time."

"Ah, this is really good." Prang nodded with a smile: "I can't think of your efficiency is quite high, thank you, I will pick up the goods in your store on the way to the auction venue."

Speaking of which, Prang threw a gold coin to the man. The man gave a tip to himself, thanked Prang and left happily. Guan Heng asked curiously at this moment: "Prang, what weird thing did you buy? Don't spend any more money on it?"

"Cut, I really have no intention to report!" Prang rolled his eyes and said, "These props were bought for you. Yesterday, I and Fat Hyde chose them for themselves, which is definitely the best quality."

"Buy it for me?" Guan Heng pointed to the tip of his nose. "What did you buy for me?"

Prang poked his mouth and said, "Fool, I promised you that the enchanted enchantment array that has spawned the eggs has been completed and started to hatch black and white insect eggs and queen eggs. , It is better to add some materials to consolidate the formation. "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.28, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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