Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 876: Mineral auction (fifth more outbreak)

Plang explained: "While you sent Tyrol the foolish boy to Moguling, Hyde and I ran through the streets and alleys in Digong. Only then did I find a store with the most complete materials, so I bought Those things. "

"That's it." Guan Heng nodded, touching his chin. "So, thank you very much, hard work, Lord Baron."

"But I don't have any storage equipment," said Prang, shrugging his shoulders. "So you have to go with me to get those things."

"Storage equipment?" Suddenly remembered something, Guan Heng's fist smashed his palm: "You don't say I forgot, I just have a spare obsidian space ring here."

"Here you are." Guan Heng tossed a ring to Prang: "Although this thing is just a fake of an enchanted suit, it is indeed a genuine storage equipment."

"Haha, I have a space ring, too." Prang smiled proudly, and quickly put the ring on his finger, looking at it with joy.

Guan Heng reminded him: "But you need to pay attention to this, the ring is used for too long, or exceeds the capacity load, there will be cracks, then you will come to me, and I will repair it with plaster."

"Okay, I've made a note of this." Prang nodded with a smile. At this time, the three of them had almost the same breakfast, so they got up and left the restaurant, and went to the hotel door.

"By the way, do you remember what I mentioned to you about the founder bug?" Guan Heng stood at the door and said to Prang, "You said that you must think about it carefully before you can recall this kind of Worm-type Warcraft material. Are you impressed now? "

"The origin of the founder bug is not very clear in the ancient books." Prang shook his head slightly. "I just remember that this Worm-type Warcraft was extinct because of natural disasters and man-made disasters. If you have alive in your hands, That's a miracle. ”

Guan Heng thought for a moment, thinking that it was too early to talk about these things, so he said, "Okay, the forge worm is being sealed in the strange plaster at this time. After returning to the capital of Kalulu, we will open it carefully Study it. "

"Hey, don't you bother to chat." Hodley, leaning against the door, hugged his shoulder and smiled. "Look, Mrs. Linka has come to pick up our carriage."

"Da Da Da ..." The horseshoes went from far to near, and finally the driver pulled the reins and stopped the car steadily in front of the three of them: "Mr. Guan Heng, Baron Prang, Head Guard Hodley, three of you, get on, Lin Mrs. Card is already waiting in the private room of the auction venue. "

The three men got into the car with a smile, and the driver immediately whipped the horse, and the car went all the way. A moment later, the second floor of the Digon City Center auction venue.

"Oh, Guan Heng." Seeing Guan Heng coming in, Tyro immediately jumped from his chair and smirked and ran to him: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, when will we go to the king to play?"

"Well, when the auction is over, we can start." Guan Heng patted Tyro's shoulder with a smile, and then asked the Countess Scarlet: "Sister Linka, are there any rare items at the auction today? "

"Today's auctions are all rare magic crystal ore." Mrs. Linka explained carefully: "This crystal ore is 10,000 meters below the inaccessible ice peaks in the northern part of Ashton mainland, but it is extremely difficult to mine, so these Crystal mines are extremely expensive luxury accessories, and they are of great practical value. "

"It turned out that the crystal ore was auctioned today." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head. "I have heard that some families who specialize in mining crystal ore for profit live in the northern ice and snow environment. These ore must be those families. Are you transporting people to Digun City? "

"Well, you guessed right," said Mrs. Linka. "The powerful forces operating minerals in the north mainly include the Shihu family, the Lejie family, and the Missourian king's house. They have basically been excavated and sold by them. Monopoly. "

"Dangdang!" At this moment, in the middle of the auction hall, the auctioneer on the platform hit the chassis with a mallet, and he announced loudly, "Dear everyone, today's auction officially starts."

"Strange, it seems that the mysterious guest in the left private room yesterday has not yet appeared." Guan Heng glanced at the private room where the mysterious guest had stayed yesterday, and secretly murmured: "That woman doesn't know what the source is, always It feels like she's coming for a surprise attack. "

When I first thought about it, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and suddenly heard footsteps from the corridor outside the room behind him. Guan Heng discerned the sound carefully, then the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile appeared suddenly: "Here, it seems she wants to Take something from the auction today and hope not to conflict with our group of people. I really don't like anything to do with this woman. There seems to be an inexplicable danger to her. "

Guan Heng looked up at the private room on the left. The mysterious guest was sitting on the rooftop in the room. The other party seemed to notice that someone was looking at himself and suddenly glanced around. Guan Heng quickly looked away and looked at the auctioneer. direction.

I saw the auctioneer slap two slaps. Four strong men on the stage, a piece of gray ores of four or five meters square, said the auctioneer: "You, this is a rare ore that has not been cut and dissected, from White crystal mines under the northern ice peaks. "

"It is well known that white crystal is a magical material that has a great effect on the healing of the bright system." The auctioneer said in a loud voice: "This white crystal raw ore is 3,000 gold coins at a low price. Please quote now."

Such a thing as white crystal is only aimed at the increase of the magic of the bright system, and it is also the interior decoration of the rich man's residence. Therefore, the universal value is not very high, and it will be the first to be auctioned out.

At this time, the guests at the venue began to bid and bid. Don't look at the "500 or 1,000" of each person, which is inconspicuous, but after a short time, this white crystal raw ore actually rose to 12,000 gold coins. Above, the price has quadrupled, which is a little surprising.

"I did not expect White Crystal to be so sought after." At this moment, Guan Heng muttered quietly: "Should I also make a price?"

"Don't." Mrs. Linka covered her mouth and smiled. "To tell you the truth, this is a trick used by merchants selling ore."

"I have been in the business of buying and selling ore for a few years in the past, so I still know the doorway."

The Countess Crimson immediately explained softly: "In my opinion, the reason why the guests present today are interested in bidding for white crystal is because someone spread the news that" the white crystal mine is exhausted and is about to increase prices "in the market yesterday. So these people are holding the idea of ​​hoarding, and want to buy the white crystal raw ore. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.28, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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