Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 877: Tit-for-tat (first)

Guan Heng frowned and asked, "So, is there any false news about white crystal's price increase?"

"Oh, it's true and false." Mrs. Linka continued: "I sent someone to inquire yesterday. It is said that some white crystal mines do show signs of being depleted, but those are small deposits. Business has no impact at all. "

"Oh, that's what happened." Guan Heng smiled, holding his shoulders, "It's really a group of guys who can do business. They have thoroughly studied the hearts of the people. Even if the miners know that the news is uncertain, I'll still try to buy white crystal. "

"Well, there are times when lies are pierced." Mrs. Linka shook her head slightly. "Although the use of fraud and deception is always inevitable in the business field, honesty is the real way to make money."

At this time, the auction of the white crystal raw ore was settled. A customer bought the raw ore at a high price of 15,000 gold coins. The man was full of joy and seemed to be picking up a big bargain for himself. And happy.

Then, the second auction item was brought up. It was a small ore with green and amber two-color patterns on the surface. It was not the size of a slap, but it surprised all the female guests present because the pattern was in the sun. When it shines, it's so beautiful!

"Uh ah ah-so beautiful!" Madam Linka, with her eyes simmering, boiled instantly. The Scarlet Countess was in a hurry, striding away to the edge of the rooftop, she reached out and patted the guardrail and called: "This The pretty ore mother is going to be ordered! "

All the people in the private room felt the flame-like fighting spirit radiating from Mrs. Linka, and were immediately startled.

Guan Heng couldn't help but sigh, he thought to himself, "Well, women really don't have any defense against beautiful things."

At this moment, Guan Heng glanced at the mysterious guest on the left chest, and saw that the person also grabbed the guardrail with both hands, and the probe looked at the ore on the high platform, which seemed to be the same thing.

Sure enough, as the auctioneer shouted, "The reserve price is 8,000 gold coins, the auction starts." All the women on the auction floor entered a decisive competition, and the shouting price of five hundred and one thousand gold coins was completely a few minutes later. Disappeared, shouted once at least two thousand gold coins.

These broad ladies wearing gold and silver, looking at the big green amber ore on the high platform, have already imagined it as various jewelry: bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, and the minds of ladies are thinking: "This If something is worn on me, the focus of everyone's eyes, everyone will look at me with envious eyes. "

There is no doubt that the ladies and gentlemen's bidding for this emerald amber ore is very fierce. At this moment, they are like soldiers who kill red eyes on the battlefield.

"I give out 21,000 gold coins!" When the Crimson Countess in the private room yelled at the price with her neck tied, she suddenly scared away most of the people who bargained. People who liked beautiful ore and jewelry did not. Fewer, but few can compare with the powerful East Jun female lord.

At this time, Mrs. Linka's face showed the joy of victory, and being able to win the contest at this moment is definitely a very face-to-face matter.

Who knows at this moment a sudden voice said: "25,000 gold coins."

Upon hearing this, the expression on the countess of the Scarlet Lady immediately froze. The next second, she finally broke out, and Mrs. Linka gritted her teeth and shouted, "Thirty thousand gold coins!"

Guan Heng next, as soon as he heard Mrs. Linka shouting a sensational price, she knew what was going to happen, and he cried inwardly: "It's over, it's over, how can I forget that the mysterious guest is also a woman, and she likes beautiful things There must be no resistance, too. Once Sister Linka fights with her, she will fight forever. "

Unsurprisingly, the battle between the two women is definitely not much weaker than the discoloration of the situation. In an instant, the price of the green amber ore has soared to more than 40,000 gold coins due to the auction of the two, and there are still unstoppable increases. Momentum.

At this point, Guan Heng, Prang, and Hordley in the private room all smiled bitterly, and they all thought, "It's terrible. This is the power of beautiful gems."

"The cheap embryo on the left-hand box dared to compete with my aging mother, and I don't believe I will lose it to you!" Madam Linka hit the top beam door at this moment, and she threw her fox fur scarf on the table and raised her Just stepping on the chair was about to bargain.

Guan Heng couldn't bear it at this time, and said something gently in her ear, then took out something and handed it to Mrs. Linka, who looked closely at the object and was immediately attracted.

As a result, the mysterious guest bought the big green amber slap with the price of 42,000 gold coins, which made the women present hate itchy. They greeted the ancestor of the mysterious guest in their hearts in their hearts. A hundred times.

"Guan Heng, this thing, are you really going to give it to me?" Mrs. Linka asked, staring at the thing in her palm. It was a pair of glittering and translucent nucleus of Warcraft. It is also rare in the same Warcraft crystal core.

Guan Heng originally picked the two out of a pile of crystal nuclei and played with it himself, but he saw that Mrs. Linka and the mysterious guest were already in an uproar, so in order to avoid wickedness with the other party, he chose this pair of crystals. The nucleus was taken out and it really calmed the anger of Crimson Countess.

"Yes, Sister Linka." Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "Although this pair of crystal cores is not worth many gold coins, but Shengli can make a pair. I think it is appropriate to make two earrings of this size, and my sister accepts it. Let's play. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng said with a low voice to Mrs. Linka: "I do n’t think the mysterious guest is like a messy guy. We ca n’t afford to fall out with her. Besides, there may be rare ore that I have never seen before. Appear, let ’s still reserve the funds and wait for the opportunity. It ’s better to let the other party go first. It also looks like you are generous, is n’t it very self-cultivation? ”

"Well, yes, yes, you're right." Mrs. Linka lowered her head and played with a pair of crystal nuclei, saying casually, she was already thinking about how to find a master craftsman and make them into delicate earrings. It was long ago that the bidding with the mysterious guest on the left box was just thrown out of the clouds.

"Oh, thanks to these things I still have in my hand." Guan Heng laughed inwardly: "Finally, a bloodless war was avoided."

"You guys, here is the third auction item." At this time, the auctioneer on the stage shouted with a throat: "The item I want to introduce below is not from the cold north. Its hometown is in the warm south. Please Look……"

—— [2016.2.29 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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