Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 878: Parting ways

The auctioneer said with a wave of his hand that someone had already lifted a half-height rock. The color of the rock was quaint yellow, and it flashed a dazzling halo in the sun.

At this moment, a guest in the stands shouted, "Oh my god, isn't this the stone of conviction?" Everyone in the room heard the words, and then there was an uproar, followed by the discussion.

"Huh? The stone of conviction ... I seem to have seen this name in an ancient book about the Holy See." Guan Heng thought to himself: "It is said that it is a magical stone. Anyone with evil intentions walks past the stone. Will involuntarily worship on the ground and talk about all the crimes and evils in his life. Alas, it is an exaggeration. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly thought, and his gaze at the pale yellow rock suddenly stopped, because he instinctively felt that the rock was not as simple as the surface, because the ghost-stealing tattoo on the back of his hand suddenly appeared. It came out, feeling a very hot.

"Swallowing the ghost and beast actually reacted ?!" Guan Heng stunned in the heart: "Is there a universe in this rock? It is very possible."

At this time in the auction venue, everyone was in an awkward situation. To say that the rich people who came to the auction were more or less, who hadn't done anything wrong? So everyone is a little embarrassed in the face of this "convict stone", for fear of telling their scandals.

The auctioneer's heart was also cursed at this time: "Damn, it's such a broken stone that reveals its shortcomings. It is impossible for anyone to buy it! I really don't know what the people who auctioned this rock would like Did n’t you intentionally tear down the channel? "

"No, that's not right." Guan Heng then looked at the rock carefully again and whispered in his mouth: "Although the appearance of this stone is similar to that of the conviction stone, it is not a type of thing at all."

Mrs. Linka next to him asked curiously: "Guan Heng, do you know the true 'Convict Stone'?"

Guan Heng shook his head and said, "I don't know the stone of conviction, but the book records that the true stone of conviction is much heavier than its appearance. It is usually such a large piece, and it weighs 10,000 pounds less. It is never a few people. You can lift it up. "

Mrs. Linka slightly twitched her head: "Well, you make a point."

"But this stone has an appearance similar to that of the convicted stone, and it should also be of extraordinary origin ..." Guan Henggang said here, and saw the auctioneer on the high stage screamed, "The reserve price of this unknown rock, It is two thousand gold coins, and everyone is welcome to bid. "

"Go to you." As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, someone on the stage whispered, "It's just such a frustrating and rotten one that sells two thousand gold coins? Only ghosts want it!"

Everyone present was attentive: "Whether or not this rock is a stone of conviction, or it is better to stay close, you must never buy it!"

Everyone made up their minds and fell into silence together. The auctioneer sighed and sighed when he saw the scene. He was about to knock on the gavel to announce the shooting of this rock, but at this moment, a voice shouted, "I buy two thousand gold coins. Now. "

Upon hearing this, the auctioneer and all the people on the floor were taken aback. Everyone was talking. This person was really full. What is the use of buying such a broken stone?

It was Guan Heng who bargained. He didn't care what others said. He turned downstairs and went to the stage to find the person in charge who took out a gold savings card, poured out two thousand gold coins, and then used the space ring to collect the rocks.

"Hey, what good do you do with this rock?" Prang said as he watched Guan Heng return to the booth. "This kind of obscene thing ..."

"Okay, I said it just now, this is just a very ordinary rock." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's just two things with that" convict stone ", so don't say more. "

"Hum, do whatever you want." Prang said with a puckered mouth. "Anyway, the money is yours, and I'm farting."

Mrs. Linka asked with a slight smile: "Haha, brother, tell your sister honestly, what use is this stone for you?"

"Hi, this stone is very useful." Guan Heng said jokingly: "I usually do nothing to exercise, in one fell swoop, when I encounter an enemy, I can also use it to smash them ..."

"Hahaha!" Everyone in the audience heard the remarks and laughed. Tyro's silly boy laughed particularly well. Guan Hengji gave him a glance, thinking to himself: "You laugh, silly boy, I will Every day I let you run on this rock to see if you can still laugh. "

The auction was so tepid for more than two hours, during which Mrs. Linka bought several kinds of valuable ore, and finally the auction ended like this before noon.

But Guan Heng noticed that the mysterious guest in the left-hand compartment had already left for a long time, and he thought to himself, "I don't seem to find any suspicious behavior of this mysterious woman. Is it my heart?"

Now that the auction in Digun City is over, after everyone left the venue, they ate lunch in a restaurant and finally decided to part ways.

"Son, remember to listen to Guan Heng and Cindia's words in the king." Mrs. Linka supported Tyro's shoulder and said, "When my mother handles the affairs of the East County Territory, I will go to the king to find you of."

"Um, I'm obedient ... waiting for Mom." The silly little boy Tylor nodded, and then hesitantly said, "Mom, come to me quickly, I want to eat your food."

"Okay, I promise you will rush to Wangdu as soon as possible." Mrs. Linka nodded to her son with a smile, and then said to Guan Heng: "I'll leave it to you, Tyro, and take care of him. "

"No problem, sister Linka, you can rest assured to return to East County." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "I will send Taylor to the capital of Kalulu safely."

In this way, Mrs. Linka bid farewell to Guan Heng, Tailuo, Prang, and Hordley, and drove straight out of Diagon City in her own red carriage, and rushed to East County.

A moment later, Tyro was awkward at the gate of Digon City. He sat on the ground and shouted, "I don't ride a horse, I want to ride a big bird, Guan Heng, let the big bird hold me!"

"Well, your boy's requirements are really high. I can't help but let you ride for a while." Guan Heng shook his head helplessly, then he said to Prang and Hordley: "You two ride back to the king, I first let the golden-eyed bird fly around the silly boy, and then I will meet you in the capital, and then everyone will meet at the baron's house in Prang. "

—— [2016. 2.29 second, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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