Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 880: Return to Wangdu

The caravan leader shook his head: "I don't think it looks like this, because these masked people don't say" leave the goods and spare you, "and so on, they don't want to rob the goods at all, it seems that they want to kill. we."

"Well, I don't think it's like ordinary robbers and horse thieves," Guan Heng said, touching his chin. "How can ordinary small characters afford five magicians to help them kill people?"

"Well, the city of Digun is dozens of miles away from here. You can send someone on horseback to ask the Iron Armed Forces stationed in the city for help." Now that the other party has been rescued, other things are unwilling to take more care of it. Heng said, "I should go too."

"Engong, please wait." The caravan leader hurriedly called, "I haven't asked your hero for your first name!" Guan Hengwen stopped and said, "Hey you are Missouri People in the royal family should know Irene. Do you know Cassette and Xiushen? "

The leader of the caravan said with a surprise: "Sir, you know our little princess of the royal family and the elder of the court guard!"

"Both of them are okay?" Guan Heng asked with a smile: "Are you healthy and happy recently?"

"Yes, thank you for your inquiry." The caravan leader reverently replied, "The princess and the guard are very good."

"If you have the opportunity to return to the Missouri Kings' Court, tell Irene and Xiu Sen." Guan Heng then said, "Just say that the old man Guan Heng had the opportunity to return to the north to visit them."

Guan Heng said that he ignored the caravan leader who was standing in place and turned away. The next moment, Guan Heng rode on the back of the golden-eyeed bird and flew into the air with Tyro.

"Guan Heng, your trick of turning into a fireball is really fun." Tyrow said with a smirk. "Can you teach me?"

"Okay." Guan Heng replied with a smile: "Teach you no problem, but the premise is that I only teach you once, can I learn, it all depends on your own understanding."

Talking and smiling with Tyro along the way, the two returned to the outskirts of the capital of Kauru, Guan Heng gathered up the big bird with a metal cylinder and took Tyro to walk into the gate.

A moment later, Guan Heng met Hordley and Prang at the door of Baron Prang's mansion.

Prang said, "Your boy is back at last. What happened, didn't you encounter anything on the road?"

"Haha, I was really guessed by your crow's mouth." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders, and then said that he had been robbed by the caravan on the road.

"Damn, these bandits are becoming more and more lawless." Beard Hodley exclaimed, "I must reflect this to the King's guards, and let them find a way to besiege the bastards."

"Let ’s take these slowly," Guan Heng said to Hodley. "Now you have to take Tyro to Marshal's House to report. Don't let Mrs. Cindia wait."

"The thing is, let's break up first." Hodley held Tyrol in hand. "Master Master, let's go back to Marshal's Mansion and prepare a rich meal for you."

Tylor was ecstatic when he heard this: "Okay, go for a big meal."

"Oh, right." Hodley said to Guan Heng again. "When I entered the city, I went back to Marshal's Mansion first, and Mrs. Cindia told me about the tutor. I have to discuss with you, Do n’t forget to visit your home this time or two. ”

"Tutor ?!" Guan Heng heard this, tilted his head and thought for a while, and gradually smiled bitterly on his face: "Ah, I seem to have said such a thing casually before, and it's over, why is this lying all at once ... ... "

But at this time, Hodley had already taken Tyrol away, and Guan Heng couldn't follow each other to explain, so he turned around and said to Prang, "Let us, Lord Baron, go and see that our worm eggs spawn magic array. How's it going."

"Come with me, Guan Heng." Prang looked so proud, leading Guan Heng into the door of the house, he bragged as he walked: "I tell you, you can never imagine how great this magic array is, I used hundreds of Warcraft nuclei to arrange around the Magic Array to provide the necessary energy, and coupled with the equipment I bought this time, it was absolutely perfect. "

A few minutes later, it was still in the basement of the Baron's Mansion Library. Here was a new room. The walls were empty. Only a large circular magic circle was carved on the ground by Prang. This magic circle used countless mysteries. Odd symbol, weird pattern composition.

In addition, there are hundreds of potholes on the magic array, which are filled with crystal clear Warcraft nuclei to provide energy. In the middle of the magic array, there are two cutout grooves, each containing black and white insect eggs and tigers. Eggs after a bee.

Guan Heng held his shoulders and stared at this moment to see that this law array was operating as usual, constantly extracting air, flowers, vegetation, animals, and the nucleus life force provided to the two kinds of eggs. He asked in a low voice. Prang: "Are these two things hatching smoothly?"

Plang nodded when he heard the words: "Well, the worm eggs are constantly absorbing the energy that supplies them, but it is strange that they seem to be full. There are already hundreds of these days when you leave. The nucleus was absorbed and it was completely unexpected. "

"It doesn't matter, how many crystal nuclei are required?" Guan Heng said to Prang. "In the space ring I gave you, there are almost more than a thousand crystal nuclei. Use them first, if not enough, Ask me at any time, as long as I can ensure that the eggs hatch smoothly, I will spare no expense. "

"Okay, as long as you have this promise." Prang smiled slightly. "Don't blame my lion for that time."

Guan Heng said with a grin, "Okay, just a few crystal nuclei, I don't care at all."

At this moment, Prang waved his hand and said without raising his head, "I'm going to continue to consolidate and arrange the magic array now. If you are fine, go out quickly and don't hinder me here."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Guan Henglin asked casually when he went out: "So when did you start investigating the forge bug?"

"Oh, I'm busy all the time now." Prang said impatiently: "You know where all the information about Worm-type Warcraft in my library are stored, go and check it yourself, wait for me Arrange the magic array, hatch black and white worms and queen bees, and then forget about the forge bugs. "

"Also, I don't want you to be too tired." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Moreover, if you take care of both sides, I'm afraid you don't have that ability." Then, Guan Heng turned around and walked away. .

—— [2016. 2.29 fourth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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