Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 881: Silent Stone (Fifth Eruption)

After taking a few steps on the street, Guan Heng suddenly snapped his fingers: "Ah, since you are back, let's go back to the island first to see the group of statues that are not slipping, and the flying wings of poisonous dragons."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng turned into a rough alley and saw no one left or right, then tore a space scroll back to the island.

"Hey!" After the muffled sound, Guan Heng's figure disappeared into place immediately. The next moment, he had already appeared in the huge garden of the gods' vacation island.

The first scene Guan Guan saw when he raised his eyes was that five statues were sitting or lying, leaning against the dragon's skeleton, and he was so relaxed and comfortable. Guan Heng couldn't help laughing: "I said five of you It's really leisurely. "

"Hey, Guan Heng, you are back." The statues beckoned at him, but they were too lazy to want to stand up and talk. Just as Guan Heng smiled and shook his head, the orc statue Xu Lun said, "You come back to ask Fei Are pterosaurs up to date? "

"Uh, I have this intention, too." Guan Heng walked over to sit on the floor with the statues, and then asked, "What happened to Dingchun and several other guys?"

"Oh, Dingchun's little lion has become more irritable since he was exiled to the periphery of the island." Green statue Zori said with a smile: "In the beginning, it challenged the island's powerful Warcraft everywhere, in order to pour out anger and suffer. Quite a lot, with a lot of scars on my body. "

"But every time Dingchun's guy fights, it becomes a lot more powerful." The White Statue Saige interface said: "Now there is basically no Warcraft on the outside of the island is its opponent, and now Dingchun often visits the black tiger. Canyon, playing against poisonous dragons and black tigers, without falling into the wind. "

"It turned out to be ... very good, basically reached my original intention." Guan Heng slightly jaw said: "I just hope that the little guy receives more cruel exercise, so that he can become successful as soon as possible."

"Right." Guan Heng then asked, "Are there any activities these boxer baboons have done these days?"

"That monkey is really tireless," said the dark statue of Vinson. "It keeps challenging the samurai warrior at the stone tower every day. In the evening, he will drag his wounds out to find something to eat. Even we can't help it. I admire it a bit. "

"By the way, Heng Heng, did you bring us a gift these days when you went out?" Haiman, the clear gray statue, shouted, "If there is one, just take it out and let us have a look."

"Gifts ..." Guan Heng smiled and poured a lot of things out of the space ring. Then he said, "If these weird things are also gifts, you can just pick them."

With that said, Guan Heng picked up one of the small cloth bags by himself, and hurled out a few things from it.

"Hey, Sulun." Guan Heng smiled at the orc statue. "Do you know what this is? It is the core of ambergris berries."

"Ambergris berries ?! This is a rare thing." The orc statue Xu Lun grinned. "The dragons are so stingy. You want them to leave a drop of haraz, it is very difficult, so, Ambergris were not very common in the former gardens of the shrine. "

"Seriously, I just want to ask you a question." Guan Heng blinked and said, "Do you think, if you plant the core here, ambergris will hope to grow again?"

"This sentence, if you asked me a month ago, my answer is definitely a word-no!" Said the orc statue Xu Lun slowly: "But now, it is very promising, do you know why? ? "

Seeing the cross section of Guan with a doubt, he shook his head blankly, and Xu Lun said, "It's because our huge garden suddenly has a skeleton of a dragon."

The orc statue stretched out his hand and knocked on the dragon's bones next to him, saying to Guan Heng: "A drop of ambergris can make plants bloom and bear fruit, not to mention that there is a whole dragon skeleton here. I believe that as long as you plant the berry kernel in the giant In the land below the bones of the dragon, germination, growth and fruit bearing are not a problem. "

Guan Heng slaps with a smile: "Haha, this is what happened, it was a coincidence with an unexpected surprise."

"Zori, Vinson, Hyman!" Guan Heng divided the berry kernels into three statues, and then said, "You plant these kernels in the soil around the bones of the dragon. The job is very simple, hurry up Right. "

The three statues were holding the core in full interest, digging everywhere, Guan Heng then picked up another thing, and said to Sulun: "Look, this is an oval object, not gold or stone, it is me Found in a deep pool in a cave where a group of white monsters live. "

"Uh, how do you let the Dark Realm be wrapped with this kind of thing?" The orc statue Xu Lun wanted to take a closer look. When he saw the Black Reale, he quickly retracted his hand, and said angrily: "Hurry up the Dark Realm To resolve, as a creature of God, I cannot touch the breath of evil. "

"Ah? But the blackness of the demon domain has been lifted, and I don't dare to hold such a thing." Speaking of this, Guan Heng frowned. "This thing will petrify any object that touches itself. I was almost at the time. It ’s a big loss and I have to guard against it. "

"You mean being petrified?" With a glance at the object, Xu Lun whispered, "This thing ... won't it be the Stone of Silence?"

Guan Heng asked inexplicably: "The stone of silence? What is it?"

"No one knows the origin of such a magical object as Silent Stone." Xu Lun shook his head slightly. "Even the five main gods are the same. The light **** once said that this substance comes from another world."

"From another world, can you petrify other things?" Guan Heng looked at the elliptical object wrapped in the black gas of the demon domain, but the introduction replied at this time: "Petrochemical? No, the function of the silent stone is far more than that. These, I heard those main gods say that the most important effect of the Stone of Silence is to keep the wearer in a state of static time. "

Guan Heng heard this sentence, frowning frowningly: "In a state of time still ... what does this mean?"

"I don't know the specific explanation." Xu Lun said, "I also asked His Highness the Brother God of the Beast God Benus because of this incident. He only said that when a person stays in the static state of time, the physical body , Longevity and combat effectiveness will be at their peak and will never decline. "

"Oh, that's it. If it is really a stone of silence, how can you control it?" Guan Heng looked at the ellipse surrounded by black gas and said, "I just need to remove the black gas from the demon domain, maybe this thing will surround all around Everything is petrified, isn't it bad? "

—— [2016. 2.29 Fifth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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