Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 883: Knock again

"In addition, I want to eat something special." Guan Heng deliberately made a mouth-watering look: "Double portions of steamed deer brain, what do you think?"

"Well, I'll get a mallet that breaks the deer's head ..." Xu Lun turned and walked. At this moment, the ghost brothers in the body of the two-headed green deer could be anxious, and Carnell called in panic: "No You can't do that, it's terrible. "

"How can this be true!" Sheba also shouted, "Let me out, and I have fight with you."

"If you don't want to die, you will have some more blood." Guan Heng slowly drew his ears and said, "If you give up your life and don't give up your money, then wait to become a delicacy on the table."

"Wait a minute, I'm convinced you." Carnell shook his deer head helplessly and whispered, "The two space rings are really not all our possessions ..."

"Boss you ?!" Sheba was so annoyed after listening beside him, he exclaimed angrily: "Aren't we going to discuss it? The location of the burial ground can only tell the people who inherit our skills Disciples, why is it so cheap to offend this stink boy? "

"Shut up!" Carnell said angrily: "Now it's going to be the meat in the mouth of others, what do you want to do? Let's just let go, we are just two ghostly ghosts and ghosts, leaving some Nothing outside of me is useful. "

"Well, in fact, you and I should all know it. Guan Heng said that he was going to eat venison, but he was actually playing with us." Carnegie sighed and said, "Just the tattered babies we left behind. Instead of burying the loess, let Guan Heng take it away, or it will be rotten and rusty, and you will have no time to regret it. "

"Well, I think this kid is cheap, and I'm upset." Although he murmured like this, his voice was getting smaller and smaller, and it was the default of his brother's suggestion.

"Boy Guan Heng, our remaining treasures are buried in a place called the Nora Mountains." Carnell whispered, "It is a mountain range that crosses the border between the kingdom of Kauru and Niri ... "

Then Carnell told Guan Heng the exact location of the buried treasure, and then said, "In the cave of the buried treasure, there are two other things besides the huge wealth accumulated by our brothers. The most important thing. "

Guan Heng asked, "Oh, what's that?" "In the two space rings, the secrets about our double sword skills are not complete, and there are three great tricks that can be mixed with fighting spirit, even we haven't fully comprehended."

Carnell continued: "The scrolls of the three great tricks to learn are in the dense caves of the Nora Mountains. In addition, the caves are all kinds of double-sword types of weapons we have collected, although they are not as sharp as artifacts. , But it's all good stuff. "

Sheba, who was still angry, murmured, "Well, I knew I was going to fall into your boy's hands. I might as well throw it into the ravine!"

"Is that all?" Guan Heng asked a little uneasily, "Don't you hide anything?"

"Uh, that's all." Carnelle shook his head helplessly, he said, "I don't have the energy to entangle with you, I'm really tired."

"Bang, bang!" The next moment, Guan Heng cut off the big lock on the iron cage with the Berserker's Axe in his hand, and the orc statue Xu Lun stretched out the iron gate and said, "Come out, you are free."

The two-headed green deer took a small step, and ran out of the cage. The two heads took a deep breath, and Carnell and Sheba said in unison: "Ah, the free air, it feels so good."

"Brother, the scenery of this small island garden is really beautiful." Sheba said, "We have been in the cage, and we have not carefully observed this place. This place is really like a fairyland."

"Oh, yeah." Carnell chuckled: "Hundreds of years ago, although we were sacred-ranked powers, we were extremely glorious, but since we fell, ghosts have been imprisoned in the bodies of two-headed green deer. Since then, he has been hunted down by those greedy people, and he has not enjoyed a few days of comfort. "

"Kuan Heng, this small island garden is very good." Carnell turned his head and said, "Can we hide here?"

"It doesn't matter." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders. "As long as you can bear the raps of the statues, you know, they're annoying."

"Ahem, Guan Heng." The orc statue Xulun cleared her throat next to her. "Can you say these words when I leave, otherwise I will be embarrassed."

"Aha, I'm sorry." Guan Heng hippie apologized to Xulun with a smile, "I can't think of your strong self-esteem, which is beyond my expectation."

"Let's go for a walk around the garden," Carnell said, "and Sheba have been locked in the cage for too long, and their legs and feet are a little numb."

Speaking, the two-headed green deer took a brisk step and ran towards the flower garden in the distance of the huge garden. Watching them start to bend freely, Guan Heng suddenly remembered something and quickly released the golden eyes from the metal cylinder The bird said to it, "Big bird, it's home. You should come out and breathe. By the way, call the Flying Wing Dragon, Black Tiger and Dingchun back to the huge garden. Let's get together."

"呱呱呱 ——" The gold-eyed bird nodded, happily flying to the sky and heading towards the periphery of a small island in the distance.

"As for this purification crystal ..." Guan Heng scratched his head and thought for a while, then said to Xu Lun: "Otherwise, let's throw it into the polluted rebirth pond and try it out."

"It's good to hear the respect." Xu Lun said indifferently, "regardless of success or failure, we must try it to get the answer."

As a result, Guan Heng and Xu Lun quickly walked to the edge of the black pool and threw the purified crystal into the pool. The water splashed and the crystal fell into the center of the pool as if dragged by an invisible force. Does not sink to the bottom.

Guan Heng and Xu Lun looked at each other with a bit of surprise in their hearts. At this moment, the purification crystal suddenly bloomed with countless dazzling rays of light, covering the polluted black rebirth pool in an instant, and I saw the water rolling. Rippling waves set off countless waves. The pool of water swept by those crystal lights burst into blisters, and suddenly a black slender smoke column rose.

"Guan Heng, look at these pools of water," Xu Lun pointed at the water, "the black seems to fade away."

"Well, I also found it." Guan Heng replied in a low voice at this time: "The color is as dark as ink, which is close to dark gray. It seems that the contaminated part of the rebirth pond has been purified. The crystal that went in worked. "

—— [2016.3.1. The second more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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