Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 884: Fight in the top three (third)

"Oh, it was successful ... hey? No!" Sulun suddenly cried, "This water seems to stay in the dark gray, and it doesn't fade anymore. What's going on?" As soon as Xulun's voice fell, he heard 嘭With a crisp sound, in the middle of the water, the crystal held by the invisible force burst suddenly!

"Dang!" The shard of crystal rolled to Guan Heng's feet, he held it up in his palm, and then said to Xu Lun: "It seems that this crystal has completed its mission, but unfortunately it is not big enough to complete it completely. Purification of the pool water has already exceeded the load and burst. "

"It's a pity." Xu Lun shook his head slightly. "I estimate that there will be three or four big bright purification crystals like this to completely purify the pool water, but where do we go to find it?"

"Hey, don't worry," Guan Heng said indifferently and carelessly. "Since I can find the first crystal, it's not difficult to find a few more, let it be as it is."

"Oh, that's what you said." Xu Lun nodded. "Maybe I'm in a hurry, but I can't wait in a hurry. Think about it slowly."

At this moment, the sky suddenly came out with a hissing hissing and a roar of beasts, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Haha, the poisonous dragon and the big bird are coming, Xu Lun, open the iron garden gate of the huge garden, I guess Spring and Big Black Tiger have arrived. "

Sure enough, Dingchun and Black Tiger rushed to the front of the crowd like two flashes of lightning when the Flying Wing Dragon and the Golden-eyeed Finch landed in the garden.

"Chun'er ..." When Guan Heng saw Dingchun again, his heart moved a little, and the little white lion in the past was much stronger and stronger, and his head and face were covered with dense scars. There is no doubt that it has been battle-hardened.

"Woohoo!" Dingchun saw Guan Heng for the first time, and her mane was all at once, her eyes were red, and she opened her mouth with a **** mouth!

"Hey, I've learned to take the initiative to attack, a bit domineering!" The spirit in Guan Heng's eyes flashed away, greeted the past without hesitation, and punched!

"Huh!" Seeing the heavy fist wrapped in the wind, Dingchun was not afraid. Suddenly she let a fist come over, a front paw rushed out, and slammed at that hand. It took a while to see how hard it was to break the bones.

"Good guy, a little bit interesting." Guan Heng saw Dingchun react quickly, not angry and rejoicing, and his wrist turned sharply, snapping his claws, and then twisted his bow and waist to force, a Fell over Dingchun on the ground!

"Yeah!" Dingchun was smashed in place, and a cracked pit suddenly appeared. "Woohoo ..." Dingchun was slammed hard by the merciless Guan Heng who shot, and wailed involuntarily.

"Hahaha, it seems that the exercise alone these days is not enough." Guan Heng laughed with a hip on his hips: "Chuner, if you want to win Master Ben, it is still a million years earlier."

"Why--" At this moment, a swift shadow snarled, and suddenly came over from a distance, "Woohoo!" The guy who rushed over, uttered countlessly according to Guan Heng's back and back Broken Fist Shadow!

But it ’s fast. Guan Heng is faster than it. “Hey!” Guan Heng moved into shape, and suddenly disappeared into place. The opponent suddenly lost his punches, “Bang Bang!” Poured on the ground like raindrops. On the way, punched countless punches, which made the sand and stones splash!

"Oh!" Suddenly, Guan Heng had reached behind the figure, his hands clasped into a mallet, and he banged heavily on the opponent's back. "Bang!" I only listened to the groaning cry, this post Rolling out of the ground for several meters, "Dangdang!" Was collided with Dingchun, who could not fall to the ground!

"Well, you dead monkey want to attack me, dream it!" Guan Heng with a scornful look, attacked his boxer baboon with a scornful look: "The strength has risen a bit, but the speed is a fart, in my It looks like slow motion. "

"Roar roar!" The flying winged dragon next to him was already mad and saw Guan Heng defeated Dingchun and the boxer baboon. He swore without hesitation, and his fists immediately attached a layer of ice blue. Color, Frozen Fist!

"Good time!" Guan Heng was also very wary at this time, "Oh!" His fists were also clad with a layer of red color, which was a fist of flames and vigor with pride that was not lost to anyone, Suddenly shook up with each other!

"Bang, bang! Dangdang! Crackling!" Fire and ice's fierce boxing power broke out in the fighting circle of both sides!

In one breath, the frozen fist of the Flying Wyrm Dragon shook one hundred records, and the light in Guan Heng's eyes was full of joy. He couldn't help screaming: "Happy, happy! It's such a fight!"

However, after seeing his strength increase, the Flying Wyvern Dragon is still unable to attack Guan Hengjiu. The opponent is clearly capable. The poisonous dragon is irritable, screaming suddenly, raising his mouth slightly, "唰 唰 唰!" A lot of ice elements are steep Suddenly gathered at the mouth of Flying Wyrm Dragon!

"Well, this is the Black Tiger's ice arrow technique!" Guan Heng had already analyzed the other party's tricks instantly, and he was secretly pleased: "The Flying Wyrm Dragon Dragon has actually learned the skills of stealing others and become smarter. It's over. "

A few feet of ice arrow suddenly formed in the mouth of the poisonous dragon. It was about to hit Guan Heng fiercely, but the other side smiled strangely and leapt over the sky, leaving the flying winged dragon losing its goal!

"Hey, here!" Guan Heng yelled in the air, his feet gathered together and stepped down, "Bang!" Where the feet fall, it is the flying wing that is impartial The poison dragon's head, "click, cricket!" The ice arrow, which was several feet long in the poison dragon's mouth, was immediately bitten by its own teeth, and it was really embarrassed!

And at this moment, the strength of Guan Heng's feet remained unabated, and only listening to the loud noise, he stepped the flying wing poison dragon directly into the ground, creating a large pit that was several meters deep!

"Oh, I didn't expect it, Guan Heng's strength is so powerful ..." What was talking in the distance was the two-headed green deer who ran nearby to see the lively, and the left-headed Shiba muttered: "It's his fighting power , It's a little bit worse than the Holy Order. "

"Yeah, it seems that our hidden treasures are not a waste for him." Carnell, on his right head, continued, "I hope he can make good use of our stuff, and don't hold back our hard work. Collected for so many years. "

Just as Ghost Brothers discussed Guan Heng's skills, when he talked, Guan Heng laughed at the three guys who had been knocked down by himself: "Well, let's all get up, I don't praise you, these days everyone has made great progress Progress. It looks hard. "

—— [2016.3.1. The third change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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