Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 886: 吝啬 (fifth more outbreak)

"By that time, you're the true 'boss'." Xu Lun chuckled: "I'll leave it to you to perform everything myself, and I'll be more relaxed."

Guan Hengzhen gave a glance at Xu Lun: "Hum, don't want to let go of your hands, I solemnly declare that Xu Lun will always be the chief executive of the island, I hope you will always be tired forever ..."

"Ahhh! This is really terrible!" Sulun exclaimed exaggeratedly, "I will resign, or I will be given a salary increase!"

"Go to you, you still want a salary." Guan Heng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I'm still a poor egg myself. If I hadn't sold some of the Warcraft crystal cores you gave me, I would even have a meal now miss a meal."

In this way, they laughed, made a lot of noise, and tossed for a long time. Guan Heng was also sleepy, so he went straight to the room on the second floor of the castle.

... "Well?" Guan Hengxi suddenly opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a garden, just asleep on a stone table.

"It's weird." Guan Heng muttered quietly. "I was sleeping in the bed just now, why now ..."

"Oh, I see." Guan Heng's fist smashed his palm, chuckling softly: "It turned out to be dreaming again, yeah, every time I sleep on the big bed in the bright god's room, I will dream about something strange, It ’s better to give this dream a name, it ’s called 'Five Great Lord Divine Records'. Haha, the name is good. "

"DaDaDa ..." Just as Guan Heng was talking to himself, footsteps suddenly heard in the distance. Guan Heng didn't care. He knew that in the dream, others could not see himself, and after seeing the person Guan Heng suddenly stunned and cried out: "Great priest? It turned out to be you."

The person who came was originally a bright priest, Guan Bo, who was given to Guan Heng token. When he saw that he was in a hurry, he walked to the corner of the garden and met another person. The priest said with a smile on his face. "Her Royal Highness, you ... are you doing anything?"

"Well, Cooper, where are the others in Dalakende?" The witch **** Herrager glanced at the great priest and asked: "The divine bright god, even if he doesn't count, he clearly promised to give me a big bright purified crystal ore , Why keep avoiding? "

"Uh, Her Majesty, you listen to me." Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, the great priest explained: "Yes, Her Majesty sneaked into the world again with the maid, as Brother, Her Majesty the Light must go and get her sister back in case she is in danger. "

"Oh, it's a new excuse. Last time I went out, this time my sister lost it." Witch God Herrag said blankly. "Really, it's so troublesome to ask the God of Light for a purification crystal. , Drakekend, a stingy devil, really called the head of the five gods. "

But he could n’t find the God of Light himself, and Helag was helpless at this time. Before he walked away, he resentfully said to the great priest Cooper: "Tell Drakend, you can escape for one day, you can't escape for one year, anyway. He promised to give me the promise of the crystal mine, which must be fulfilled, otherwise I would break off land with him, what a reason! "

Having said that, Herrag turned away discouraged. After the witch **** disappeared for a few minutes, the bright priest official Cooper looked around at no one, and whispered: "His Majesty, His Majesty, Drakekend, the witch **** has left ..."

"Squeak!" A "huge rock" next to the great priest was suddenly lifted, and there was a hidden figure of the bright **** Darakund, "Hoo! Finally, this black flag is really ridiculous. , He actually stared at my few crystal ore. "

"Uh, His Majesty the Bright God." At that time, the Great God official Kubo was full of black lines, and he snorted and said, "You just hide Tibet from the east for the sake of purifying a few pieces of crystal ore, is it indecent? what?"

"Huh, what do you know?" Dalakund said indifferently. "These purified crystal ore have been mined for a long time. I keep the game for fear of loss. Where can I give it away?"

The great priest smiled bitterly: "Then you are still bragging about Haikou in front of the witch god, saying that you have enough purified crystals in your hand, and the witch **** can choose a few pieces to take away."

"I was drunk by Corbinus and Herrag at that time, otherwise how could I be so ill-advised." Darakund Fuer sighed bitterly: "There is really no good way now, I have to think of an idea and keep me These purified crystal ore will do. "

In meditation, Darakund walked around the path of the intestines in the garden twice, even Guan Guan, who was on the side, looked a little confused, sitting on the stone bench and snoring.

"Ah, there it is!" Dala Kinder slammed his palm into his palm, and he grinned, "How did I think of this idea long ago?"

"Your Majesty, do you ... do you have any weird thoughts?" The great priest officer, Kubo, suddenly realized that something was wrong, for fear that the master would do something extraordinary, and I saw the bright **** Drakekend. , Suddenly said an incredible idea.

"Cooper, if you say, if I turn all the purified crystal ore by my side into another look, wouldn't Helag find it?"

Drakkend laughed proudly: "I'm going to make the purified crystals into furniture, bookshelves, beds, and cabinets. I don't believe that they will be covered with another layer of color. The witch **** will recognize it, hahaha, want me. Crystal ore, let him dream. "

"Well, nah, in order to save some purification crystals and not give them away, I actually came up with this method." The great clergyman covered his gradually feverish face, and secretly exclaimed, "Uh, I will shame you for your Majesty and go out." I dare not say that I am under the Light God. "

"Okay, I immediately started to make these pieces of furniture myself," said Dalakand, rubbing his palms, and said cheerfully, "This is really a wonderful note that God can only think of, haha, start work!"

With that said, the God of Light took a brisk pace and walked directly towards his room. The great **** official Kubo shouted: "Sir, go slowly, wait for me, wait for me, please pay attention to appearance and majesty ... ... Oh my god, the gods are up! "

"Wow." Guan Heng blew a whistle, covered his mouth and grinned, "It turns out that the God of Light is actually a stingy ghost. This is really a surprise. In order not to give the purification crystal to the witch god, he actually came up with the ore The idea of ​​changing to furniture. "

"Ah, I feel that the private affairs of the gods I know are getting more and more." Guan Heng then smiled bitterly again: "When I meet again, will I be killed by these guys?"

"Hello!" As always, Guan Heng only felt that the foreground was distorted, and he suddenly disappeared in place. When he opened his eyes again, Guan Heng found that he was still lying on the big bed in the bright god's room. on.

—— [2016.3.1. Fifth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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