Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 887: Successful purification (first)

"Uh ah ... it's already dawning." As he stretched his arms, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Making the crystal ore into all kinds of furniture is really something that a little bit of Drakekend can make. In such cases, he can be regarded as a wonderful work among the five main gods. "

Thinking about this, Guan Heng turned over and jumped off the bed, then walked to the balcony, looked at the rising sun, and muttered in his mouth: "Purification crystal ... furniture ... the room of the **** of light ... ... "

"Ah, right!" Guan Heng suddenly flashed in his mind, and he shouted, "Damn, it's really dark, how can I forget that this is the room in Dalakende, then the furnishings and Isn't the furniture ... "

Guan Heng thought about it, turned quickly, and ran in three steps in front of a round table in the room. This was a jujube-colored table with a strange glow. Guan Heng grinned: "OK, let me take a look now Your true face! "

As something similar to paint was attached to it, Guan Heng ’s palms suddenly gathered a large number of fire elements. “Boom!” The table was suddenly shrouded in flames the next moment, followed by a jujube-like color that was grilled in flames. The bottom became mottled and scattered, and finally the luster of the crystal appeared!

"Haha, I'm not mistaken." Guan Heng couldn't help but exult: "These furniture are indeed made by Drakekend's ghost who uses purified crystals!"

After a moment, Guan Heng pulled the orc statue of Xu Lun, and hurried to the edge of the black pool. Then he took out several large pieces of purification crystals from the space ring. Xu Lun fixed his eyes and suddenly felt dumbfounded: "Guan Heng, these crystals Where did you get it from? "

"Cough, it's nothing," Guan Heng cleared his throat, and then hesitated. "I just removed a few tables and chairs in the Bright God's room, and these crystals appeared."

"Uh ?!" Before the surprise on Xu Lun's face disappeared, Guan Heng had reached out and threw those pieces of purification crystals into the pool.

Like last time, the crystal was supported by invisible power and floated on the water. I saw the dark gray pool water bubbling constantly, and numerous dim smoke evaporated from the water surface. In this way, the polluted Regeneration Pool rippled. Layer by layer, the color keeps getting lighter, and gradually turns to pure white that emits holy light.

"Oh, you're almost done," Guan Heng murmured. "It looks like Her Majesty Drakekend has really left us something good."

"But I always feel that if he takes the Light God's thing, he will come back and settle the bill with us sooner or later." The orc statue Xulun snorted and said, "Your Majesty Darakund has always been stingy. Who will carry this black pot?"

"What's the matter?" Guan horizontally patted Xu Lun's shoulder: "Of course you will bear the consequences, because without you, I don't know what the purifying crystal is!"

"Come again, I knew you would push on me." Xu Lunfu sighed bitterly: "Are you a little responsible, okay? It's because you dismantled the bright God's furniture ..."

"Don't hesitate, look at it." Guan Heng smiled at the reincarnation pond: "The black gas has all faded, and now the reincarnation pond has returned to normal?"

"Well, I'll take a look." Xu Lun turned around the pool twice, then nodded and said, "The reincarnation pool is now full of holy power, and it seems that its contaminated ingredients have completely disappeared."

"Okay, throw all the things that should be thrown into the pond." Guan Heng took out the strange plaster hexahedron, and the dragon nails that sealed the remnant soul, all left the rebirth pond, just listening to "plop, plop "Two beeps, these two things sank directly to the bottom of the pool.

"Guan Heng, you'd better wear that armor suit with bright attributes, and also jump out of the pool to try." Xu Lun said at this time: "Maybe this pool of water is also good for you."

"It makes sense." Guan Hengzheng put on the Dawei Ling suit when he was about to jump into the water. He heard the "squeak" cry on his shoulder, and it turned out that the six-eyed scorpion suddenly got out of the seam. Seeing what it means, it seems that I want to jump in and try this pool of water.

"Ah, why don't I seem to have forgotten something." Guan Heng slaps and yells loudly, "Because his spirit is too weak, he lives in the body of the old scorpion, and can just jump off. Chizi, help him recover. "

"Come, old scorpion," Guan Heng said with a smile to Liu Meng Scorpion. "Let's go with me." Liu Meng Scream squeaked twice, suddenly lying on Guan Heng's shoulders and moving, Guan Heng Gently, "Tongtong!" So he jumped out of the reincarnation pond.

As soon as he entered the pool, the six-eyed monster swiftly swam up and down. His body was constantly flashing with incandescent light, perhaps the spirit of the bright priest, who was being treated by the reincarnation pond water.

Guan Heng saw the six-eyed magic scorpion move freely in the pool water, so he ignored it, and relaxed himself, feeling the feeling brought by the reincarnation pool at this moment. At this moment, Guan Heng gradually felt that it was from the body and mind. Fatigue was swept away.

"By the way, Xu Lun said that in this rebirth pool, learning the magic of the light department can do more with less, so try it now."

Thinking of this, Guan Hengyu suddenly took out the scroll of the Holy See's "Healing Light" obtained from the abandoned temple in the plain, and Guan Heng reached out to unroll the entire scroll. Only the esoteric words and mantras above turned into a golden ribbon. , Suddenly wrapped Guan Heng's body.

At this instant, Guan Heng already knew how to perform the great healing technique. Then, this scroll was smashed into a little bit of debris, and it was closely attached to the heart armor of the Dawei Ling suit. Above, let this silver and white armor suddenly add a lot of glory like stars.

"Well, it seems that wearing armor with bright attributes, and staying in the rebirth pool, even I have great benefits. This armor is embellished with star fragments, presumably it can add a little more magic in the future.

Guan Heng thought in this way, turned and dived to the bottom of the pond. It didn't take long for Guan Heng to see the strange plaster hexahedron and dragon nails floating on one side. They were constantly absorbing the bright breath in the rebirth pond. Rejuvenate yourself.

"Okay, that's it." Guan Heng nodded his head and thought to himself: "Don't waste my boss's effort, get those purification crystals to restore the reincarnation pool to the old look, as long as it can help them recover, it's not white Busy. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng was reluctant to stay in the pool for a long time, so he used both limbs together, "Oh!" Swimmed back to the water.

"Oh!" The horizontal cross that pierced the water fell to the ground. At this time, the six-eyed scorpion crawled to the shore one step in advance, and saw that the light breath absorbed by the old scorpion did not immediately fade away, but kept flashing. Incandescent light.

—— 【2016.3.2. The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~】 ——

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