Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 888: Marshals Dialogue

"Well, what's going on?" Guan Heng turned his head and asked Xu Lun: "It doesn't matter if the abnormal appearance appears on the six-eyed monster scorpion?"

"Well, you once said that the spirit of the Great Master of Light is lodged on it, and I guess it may be the effectiveness of the reincarnation pool, and it cannot be fully used immediately." Xu Lun analyzed: "Well, the six-eyed monster scorpion probably put this It will take a while to digest the power. "

"Squeak." At this moment, the six-eyed scorpion screamed twice, and Huangyou stretched a lazy waist.

"Oh, I fell asleep again." Guan Heng frowned slightly and shook his head: "Lao Scorpio has become more and more lazy lately, what should I do?"

"Just leave the six-eyed monster scorpion here in the huge garden." Xu Lun said: "With us taking care of it, you can rest assured, and let the six-eyed monster scorpion regenerate into the pool. The bright master may be earlier. Maybe you wake up. "

Guan Heng thought for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay, let's do that." At this time, a howl came in the air, and it turned out that the gold-eyed bird fluttered its wings from a distance and flew over!

"Hoo!" The golden-eyeed bird suddenly closed its wings in front of Guan Heng, stood still, and then yelled at Guan Heng twice. "Big bird, what's wrong with you?"

Guan Heng slightly frowned and asked: "Is something wrong?" Watching the golden-eyed bird making two gestures, Guan Heng slightly nodded his head: "Really? So you want to stay on the island for some time, those who follow you in the canyon I miss you all? "

"Of course you can, I'll allow you a holiday for a while." Guan Heng smiled to the golden-eyed bird with a smile. "It just happened that Flying Wyrm Dragon wanted to go out with me, you two can change shifts."

"Yeah!" The golden-eyed bird gave a close kiss to Tong Guanheng, expressing reluctance, but in the end Guan still waved his hand to let the big bird fly and fly away.

At this time, Xu Lun asked Guan Heng: "Are you going to leave now?"

"Yeah, it's time to get back to the capital of Kauru." Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders, "Counting the time, the contest of colleges and universities of various countries is about to be held. I need to find Madam Cindia of Marshal's House as soon as possible, She helped me enter the Mowu Academy. "

"Only by representing the college in the competition, I can meet the King of Kauru and ask him for an introduction letter into the Elven Forest." Guan Heng said to himself: "This is my Kawu. The purpose of Lu's stay. "

"Okay, I wish you success." The orc statue Xulun chuckled at this moment: "At that time, you get the introduction letter from King Kauru, don't forget to go to the core area of ​​the orc tribe, Dorungus, Get back the core hub of our island. "

"Relax, I will keep this in mind." Guan Heng opened his arms and said slowly in front of the rising sun of Dongsheng: "I have a feeling that this small island, for me on the Ashton continent, Travel is essential. "

"I'm gone." Guan Heng smiled and said to Xu Lun: "If I have time, I will tear the space scroll back to see you, but this time may be longer, and Dingchun's exercise is not enough, it last night He said he would stay on the island for a while and take care of it for me. "

"I see." Xu Lun nodded. "I wish you all the best and hope you reach your wish soon."

Guan Hengzhang blew a whistle, and immediately a large black spot appeared in the middle of the distance.

At this moment, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Does my wish? I am afraid it will take a long time to complete, because no one can know when I can save Qinghuang."

"Xu Lun, Six-eyed Demon Scorpion and Dingchun, as well as those other guys, please take care of you." Guan straddled the back of the Flying Wing Dragon, and then shouted, "I will be back soon, goodbye. —— "

Riding on the flying wing poison dragon in the air, Guan Heng silently recalled the great cure he had just learned, and he secretly said: "It is indeed the Holy Ghost of the Holy Spirit of Recovery. To fully understand it, I am afraid we still need a period of time."

"And the magic and physical and mental energy required are extremely demanding." Thinking of this, Guan Heng smiled, and said to himself: "I don't have to be busy for a while, I can slowly ponder Maybe you can ask Madam Cindia who is proficient in this healing magic. "

At this moment, the Flying Wing Dragon roared, and it turned out that it had flown near the gate of the capital of Kalulu. After landing lightly, Guan Heng put it into a metal cylinder and stepped towards the north gate of the capital.

A moment later, at the door of Marshal Kailong's house, Guan Heng saw Hodley who happened to go out, so he stepped forward and cried, "Lao Huo, where are you going?"

"Guan Heng, I'm going to the Mowu Academy to complete the enrollment procedures for Master Norton and Ms. Yu Lijia." Hodley Haha said with a smile. "They are all school age, so Mrs. Cindia decides to accompany them alone. Enter Mowu Academy together. "

"A man?" Guan Heng felt weird when he heard this sentence, and he asked casually, "what exactly do you mean?"

"Just let Guan Heng accompany you to go to school with the young master and young lady." Hodley pointed at the tip of Guan Heng's nose. "Fool, haven't you always wanted to enter the Mowu Academy and get qualified to participate in the contest? So the wife thought so An idea. "

Guan Heng's eyes brightened, and she suddenly realized, "Oh, you mean, Madam Cindia asked me to take Norton and Yu Lijia to the Mowu Academy as a tutor?"

"Yes, you can ask your wife for specific information." Hodley waved to Guan Heng. "I'm going to the college to go through the formalities now, and we'll see you later."

With that said, Hodley took the mount in front of the door, then turned over, and walked away. A few minutes later, Guan Heng talked with Mrs. Cindia in the room.

"Ma'am, I am able to enter the Mowu Academy this time. It really bothers you." Guan Heng said sincerely, "Thank you for your help."

"Mr. Guan Heng, you're welcome." Mrs. Cindia smiled slightly. "I would like to ask you to take care of Norton and Yu Lijia, because Judy is too young. I will take her personally. Li Jia neglected to take care of them and had to send them to Mowu Academy. "

"Ma'am, you can rest assured," Guan Heng slightly said, "I will definitely protect them during my time at Mowu Academy."

"That being said, I am grateful."

Mrs. Cindia also said: "As for what you asked me about the healing know-how, although it is related to the secret of the Holy See, I am no longer the Holy Lady of the Holy See. There is no taboo in this regard. A volume of notes will be compiled and sent to you later. "

—— [2016.3.2. 2nd more, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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