Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 889: Old Man in Tsing Pao (Third)

"Then I'm welcome." Guan Heng immediately stood up and asked, "What about Norton and Yu Lijia? I want to see them."

"Oh, both children are in the back garden," said Mrs. Cindia. "When they heard you were going to school with them as a tutor, they were all very happy."

At this point, the two looked at each other and smiled. After leaving Guan Cindia, she went to the back garden and came to the garden, where she saw the brother and sister chatting.

"Norton, Yu Lijia." Guan Heng laughed and said, "A few days away, are you all right?" Norton and Yu Lijia ecstatically cried when they saw Guan Heng: "Brother Guan Heng is here!" . "

Norton ran over in three and two steps, and smiled and said to Guan Heng: "Brother, we were still talking about you just now, and you will accompany us to Mowu College to accompany me. I think there is nothing better than this. . "

"The stink boy really speaks." Guan Heng patted Norton's shoulder with a smile, and then said, "Yes, my body has become a lot stronger. It seems that I must have been working hard recently. You are working hard and will say Maybe he can become a Grand Marshal like your dad. "

"Yeah, although my father is busy with business, he rarely goes home." Norton blinked and clenched his fists. "But I have always aimed at him and demanded myself, but I worked harder and could bite my teeth. past!"

"As long as you are willing to work hard, you will be successful." Guan Heng nodded to Norton, and then said to Yu Lijia, "Sister, are you ready for school?"

"Well, she and I have been teaching me to read and write all these years when I was outside with my mother." Yu Lijia said with a little happy tone. "I also always wanted to go to school with my peers."

"All right, let's go to Mowu Academy now." Guan Heng said to the two, "I look forward to your performance."

"Guan Heng." Just then, Mrs. Cindia walked from the direction of the study with a smile, came to Guan Heng, and handed him a booklet: "Well, this is about the use of great healing Some tips and methods, and I have written some mantras of ordinary healing, presumably all will be useful to you, accept them. "

"Thank you, Mrs. Cindia." Guan Heng took the book with a smile: "This has helped me a lot."

"Why be so kind, are you still helping our family?" Mrs. Cindia pouted and smiled. "I'm just being polite."

Everyone talked and laughed, and thus left the door of the Marshal's House. Mrs. Cindia had already prepared a carriage. Guan Heng took Norton and Yu Lijia into the car. The driver took the horse and rushed. Go straight to the Kawulu Kingdom Mowu Academy located in the east of the city.

Halfway through the carriage, Yu Lijia suddenly cried, "Oh, I forgot a very important thing."

Guan Heng and Norton invariably asked, "What's wrong, Uriga."

"I promised to help Judy pick two beautiful butterfly cards and give it to her tomorrow." Yu Lijia said a little embarrassingly. "Tomorrow is Judy's birthday. The past two days were too busy because of school. I forgot my promise to pick a card. "

"Uh? I'm sorry!" Norton's face changed at this time, he murmured: "I also forgot to choose a birthday present for the little girl, and if Judy was crying unhappy, the whole Marshal's house would Annoyed by the dogs ... "

"Okay, I understand." Guan Heng lifted the curtain of the car hood and said, "Brother, driver, please don't go to Mowu Academy first. We have to go to the gift and clothing store on Central Avenue. "

"Okay, Mr. Guan Heng." The driver agreed, and immediately turned the horse's head. The horse pulling the cart immediately flew on all fours, and darted toward Central Avenue.

Guan Heng then said to Norton and Yu Lijia: "While there is still time, go to the gift shop to pick up a gift. By the way, please prepare a gift for Judy for me."

The brothers and sisters rejoiced and said in unison: "No problem, thank you, Brother Heng Heng."

A few minutes later, the carriage stopped at the gift shop on Central Street. Norton and Uriga went into the store to pick out gifts. The driver was lying on the edge of the cart and basking in the warm sun, while Guan Heng didn't talk to Norton. Enter the store and walk around in front of the nearby grocery stand.

Suddenly, a scent attracted Guan Heng. He turned around and saw that there was a snack shop on the door of the stove, where special malt sugar was cooked. Guan Heng smiled: "This is not bad. Buy some. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng stepped forward, and just about to speak, saw an old man in a blue robe rushed over, and the old man shouted: "Boss, give me ten special maltose, please be hot of."

"Well, sir, please wait a moment," said the shop owner diligently, "just right away."

"Wow, this old man really likes to eat sweets, aren't you afraid of tooth decay?" Guan Heng thought to himself, "It seems that this special maltose is really delicious, and I ..."

At this time, the old man in the Qingpao turned his head, his beard and face had been dipped in a lot of sugar, but he was still eating maltose with a big mouth, regardless of the image of the elderly.

After Guan Heng watched, he couldn't help covering his mouth to steal music, but the next moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt familiar with the old man: "Well, have I seen him somewhere?"

"Hey, what's your kid looking at?" The old man in the green robe said vaguely as he sent the maltose to his mouth. "Are you jokeing in your heart, it's so ugly to eat."

"Oh, old gentleman, don't be kidding." Guan Heng couldn't help but smile, and then said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere, but I don't remember clearly, so think about it."

"Speaking ... I think you guys are a bit good, too." At this time, the old man in the green robe wiped the sugar stains on his mouth, and looked at Guan Heng up and down: "Why is this familiar feeling?"

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly had a flash of light in his brain. He remembered that in the former capital of Kauru, he stopped Mei Lu for the first time. At that time, she ignited a flame and lost control. Guan Heng extracted the elements of fire and ran to The nameless valley condenses the flameless undead.

However, at that time, the Evil Eye Monster Sword moved stupidly, attempting to rebel, and in a huff, burned the Evil Eye Monster Sword fiercely with fire, which made the strange eyes on the sword completely surrender, and the strange eyes also had some memory fragments. Passed to Guan Heng.

Fragments of memory tell Guan Heng that the first master of the evil pupil strange sword, former Marshal Doris of the Kauru Kingdom, also encountered the rebellion of the strange sword, but Doris was in a building After asking for something from an old man, he completely suppressed the evil pupil monster sword and made it afraid to rebel again.

—— [2016. 3. 2. The third change, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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