Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 890: Meet the Dean

"In the fragment of memory, the old man who gave Doris the magical item is exactly the same as the old man in the blue robe in front of him." Guan Heng suddenly showed a strange smile, and then he said to the old man: "Old gentleman, if you don't mind, How about we talk in a quiet place? "

"Alright." The old man in green robe nodded and followed Guan Heng to a remote alley.

"The next step is to ask an old gentleman." Guan Heng faced the old man and said straightforwardly, "Please don't know, former Grand Marshal of the Kingdom of Kauru, Doris."

"Oh, man, are you talking about Doris?" The old man in the green robe twisted his smile and said, "Of course I know. In the past, Doris was one of the husband's disciples. How could he not know?"

"That's right." Guan Heng hurriedly took out the evil pupil sword from the space ring, and handed forward: "This is the sword Marshal Dorisdike used before. Now it falls into the hands of the junior, but this The thing is quite evil. I heard that the old man has a way to resolve it, and please help. "

"Eh, this, this is the evil pupil sword that Doris had used before." The old man in the green robe suddenly frowned, staring at the strange sword for a long time, then he said: "I did not expect this sword would be heavy This life is unexpected, lad, the old man asks you, where did you come from? "

"It was in Marshal Doinstead's fallen silhouette, I got this sword." Guan Heng whispered, "Although I and Doris have not known each other, but his deeds have always been like thunder, I also admire the Marshal. "

Guan Heng continued: "Mr. Old, haven't consulted your first name, can you tell me?"

"My name is Yali," said the old man in the green robe. "I am the dean of the Mowu Academy in Kauru Kingdom."

"Ah ?!" Guan Hengwen was surprised at hearing: "It turns out that you are Mei Lu's teacher, Dean of the Mowu Academy-Mr. Yali?"

"Uh, you and Meilu know each other?" Alibaba old man Ali suddenly realized suddenly: "I said how familiar you look, do you save my students several times, right? Meilu often yells at you. "

"I'm Guan Heng. I didn't expect to meet you, the dean on the way to Mowu Academy." Guan Heng flashed a surprise in his eyes, and then he said, "This time, I am the young master Norton with the Marshal House. , Miss Yu Lijia went to college together. "

"That's it." Dean Yali nodded. "I've seen Hodley, the head of Marshal's House, and he explained to me that you're coming to the college."

"Yes, because I have something to go to the Elven Forest, I hope to receive a referral from Her Majesty the King." Guan Heng said, "It is said that if I win the place in the Academy Competition, I can get the King's call and make a wish."

"Yes, this is a tradition that has existed since the establishment of the Kauruan Kingdom."

Dean Yali nodded, and then smiled: "Originally, you have helped my students several times. I should go to the king and ask for an introduction letter for you. This is not difficult, but the king now After traveling, he will return to the Capital City at the end of the Academy Competition. "

"So, can I participate in the Academy Competition?" Guan Heng remembered earlier that he had intercepted the conspiracy of the Trident, a tribe of gods. They tried to make a big fight at the Academy Competition, and they had assembled a lot of people. So Guan Heng has decided to stop this group of guys.

"Of course you can," said Dean Arie without hesitation. "Actually, this time the college plans to send Mei Lu, and she will be a trainee teacher to lead a few students to race, but after the girl returned from Diagon City, she suddenly told My own strength is insufficient, so I decided to travel abroad and continue to hone myself. "

"Meilu? Did she say she has left the capital?" Guan Heng seemed surprised when he heard the news.

"Yeah, she has been away for a few days." Dean Yali said: "Meilu ... told me before leaving, you are extraordinary, and you are interested in participating in the college contest, and recommended it to me. you."

"Since you have repeatedly rescued my students, there is no need to doubt the character and skill." Dean Yali also said: "That is why I have decided to play for you on behalf of our Kawulu Mowu Academy."

"That being the case, I should thank you for your trust." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "So the evil pupil strange sword thing ..."

"Ah, what about this sword." Dean Yali said: "Actually, what I used to suppress the evil energy of this sword was a kind of powder made from the spine of a huge World of Warcraft. These powders passed through me. After casting, it will have the effect of breaking evil, even exceeding the exclusive evil magic of the Holy See and the Holy See. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes shone, and he quickly said, "Can you give me this thing ..."

"Guan Heng, sorry." Dean Yali scratched his head awkwardly. "Powder, I ran out of it twenty years ago!"

"Uh, that's what happened." Guan Heng's face changed suddenly. "Dean, is there any solution?"

"The huge Warcraft is a unicorn green python that lives in the Nora Mountains. It is said that this python contains a trace of dragon blood, so their spine contains the power to break evil."

Dean Yali explained: "When I was young, I accidentally picked up a spine of a green python. I have never seen a living unicorn green python. Mi, the temper is quite fierce. "

"I see, I'll take a trip to the Nora Mountains when I have time," Guan Heng said. "If you're lucky then, maybe you can find the whereabouts of the unicorn green python."

"Actually, this time I will go through the Nora Mountains to the venue of the Academy Competition in Nili Kingdom."

The director of the Yali Academy twisted his beard and said, "Specific things, when you arrive at my office at the Mowu Academy, let's talk about it in detail. I still have something to deal with. I have to take a step."

Guan Heng nodded, and the two went out of the alley one after the other. Guan Heng watched the Yali Yuan for a long time. At this time, he heard Norton calling his voice: "Brother Guan Heng, the gifts are all bought, let's go Right. "

"Okay, I'm here." Guan Heng promised, walked quickly back to the carriage, saw You Lijia holding a delicate gift box, a pair of very beautiful butterfly cards, and Norton chose one. The mauve striped scarf is also very beautiful.

"Hey, the gifts you picked yourself are all very good." Guan Heng asked with a smile: "What about gifts for me?"

"Ah!" The brother and sister cried at the same time: "We forgot, what should we do?"

—— [2016. 3. 2. The fourth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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