Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 891: Mowu Academy (fifth more outbreak)

"Haha, it's okay." Guan Heng smiled and touched his chin. "Today I will personally choose a gift for Judy, you two don't have to worry about it."

So, three people got on the carriage again, and after a short time, they came to the gate of Mowu Academy. At this time, a young man in a robe came over and said to Guan Heng who had just got off the carriage, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Guan Heng?"

"Yes, I am." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "What is this gentleman's name?"

"Ah, please introduce yourself," said the young man politely. "I am a student of Dean Arie and a trainee teacher of this college, Bosang, and I am here to meet you under the order of the Dean."

"It was Brother Bo Sang. It's really hard for you to greet me." Guan Heng nodded and said, "If you have a job, you can lead the way."

"Some people, please." Young people Bosang Guan Heng, Norton, and Yu Lijia led the gate of the academy. I saw that the Mowu Academy has a large area, a large playground, and several circles and squares. In the high platform, many students and teachers are practicing the use of fighting spirit, body training and magic.

"It seems that the teaching method here is more orthodox, and the teacher-student relationship is also very harmonious." Guan Heng nodded slightly, thinking in his mind: "Norton, Yu Lijia, and even Judy will go to school in this environment. Getting a good education is especially important for children's growth. "

The young man Bossan led the three into the six-story teaching building, then turned left and right, and took them into the office of Dean Yali. After entering the door, Bosan bowed to Dean Yali: "Teacher, I have brought Mr. Guan Heng."

"Well, Bosang." Dean Yali waved to his students: "Tough work for you, go down first."

"President Yali, this is Norton, the eldest son of Marshal Kailong's house, and Miss You Lijia." Guan Heng beckoned to the two children: "Come here to see the Dean."

"Hello Dean." Norton and You Lijia respectfully respected the old man in green robes. Then, Norton looked carefully at the dean of the well-known Mowu Academy in the capital of Kalulu, You Li Jia was very interested in the white beard, which was a few feet long of Dean Yali, and even wanted to take a break, but forcibly resisted nothing.

"Hahaha, Kailun's children are so big."

The director of Yali Institute twisted his beard and said with emotion: "This makes me feel a bit older. I think when Kalon's father and Kalon himself were my students, now it's their turn to come to these little guys. The Mowu Academy has gone to school, and time is passing really fast. "

"In that case, you are all three generations away," Guan Heng said. "Really amazing."

"Oh, your kid speaks very well."

Dean Arie smiled with his uncle, picked up two copies of maltose from the table, and handed them to Norton and Yu Lijia, and said, "Let ’s eat it. At the time, Karon liked to eat this kind of maltose the most, and often sneaked in Come into my office and eat all the food, huh, that stinky boy, you can pout. "

Eating sweet maltose, Norton opened his eyes wide and said, "It turned out that Dad was like this before. I didn't expect it."

"Hey, I said the dean." Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "Can't you expose the parents' parents in front of your children, this is too ruinous."

"Hahaha, what's the matter." The director of the Yali Institute twisted his smile and said, "Kelon's kid is just like my son, and his children ..." The dean looked at the two children with kindness in their eyes. "Naturally, it's like my grandson and granddaughter. When I say something about my son's past, I don't feel guilty."

"Uh, I really convinced you." Guan Heng shook his head slightly. "Can you tell me something about participating in the college contest?"

"Uh-huh." Dean Yari smiled. "I remembered, let me tell you more about it."

"Well, Dean, do you want to talk to Brother Guan Heng about important things?" The sensible Norton said, "Would you like me to avoid it with You Lijia?"

"No," Dean Arie said with a grin. "It's not a secret, it's okay to tell your two children."

"Actually, none of the students in this college registered for the contest." Dean Yali shook his head slightly and said to Guan Heng, "Because our college has always been free to register and is not forced to assign, so Because the difficulty has increased greatly this year, all teachers and students have avoided this conference. "

"Is the college competition sponsored by the three major powers very difficult this time?" Guan Heng asked, holding his shoulder, "theoretically, the knowledge of the Kawulu Mowu College is not small, and should be able to cope with it?"

"Well, you don't know."

Dean Yali sighed and said, "Originally, a lot of outstanding students in our school can be sent to participate in the conference, but due to the disaster of Warcraft this year and the orc harassment at the border, these two events led to a large number Students, even teachers, have been forcibly recruited into the army to fight and fight disasters. "

"Now at the Mowu Academy in the Kalulu Kingdom, there are only the newly recruited students in these two months. They have no strength, no courage, and dare not sign up."

Dean Yali shook his head and said, "Our King, my lord, I like to do things by my own mind, without considering the difficulties of others."

"Dean, if there isn't a student willing to participate, then what's the use of me?" Guan Heng frowned at this moment. "This is really unexpected."

"It doesn't matter, because there are events that you can participate in alone, and you can still get the ranking." Dean Yali ate Guan Heng with a "centering pill", and then he said: "The college competitions are held at the same time. They are college teacher competition, student competition and teacher-student partner competition. "

"That being said, what I can participate in must be the college teacher competition, right?" Guan Heng was flexible and immediately guessed that he was suitable for the competition: "The other two competitions require students to participate. I am afraid this will be troublesome. Some more. "

"Yeah." Dean Yali said with a little embarrassment at this time: "Student match, teacher-student partner match, it really is ..."

"Dean, brother Heng Heng." Listening intently, Norton suddenly said to the two adults: "Actually, you and I can sign up for the competition."

"You ?!" Dean Arie heard this and was shocked. "Norton, you are new students who just applied for admission. Isn't that too fast?"

"Dean, don't underestimate Norton." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders. "He already has the ability of a junior fighter, and he has learned solid training very well. I have seen him and adults with the same ability. No fight, no wind. "

—— [2016. 3. 2. Fifth more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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