Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 892: Small test (first)

"And me." You Lijia raised her hand and said, "My mother taught me a lot of light magic, I can attack, defend, and heal magic."

"Really?" Guan Heng and Dean Ya looked at each other and felt a little weird. Yu Lijia hurriedly said, "It's true. Even Brother Norton and Captain Hodley said, I'm very strong. of."

Although Yu Lijia and Norton did not seem to be bragging, Dean Arie was still not convinced, so he said, "Be careful about this. In my opinion, I still need to find a few people to try Norton. Strength. "

After speaking, the dean took Guan Heng and others to the teaching building and saw senior students passing by in the distance. Dean Yali called over a few tall men who specialized in physical exercises and asked them to compare with Norton. .

One of the seniors named Haier nodded and accepted the challenge, and then Haier and Norton went to the round ring.

Haier didn't look down on Norton, who was one and a half shorter than himself. Who knows that the two did not reach ten moves, Norton punched Haier off the ring with a punch, which easily defeated the opponent, which surprised the onlookers.

Immediately afterwards, Dean Yali asked You Lijia and a senior girl with a shofar to start the operation, and the two immediately started the test. On the ring, Yu Lijia continued to walk around with an extremely agile figure, making the girl with a dreadlocks dazzled, the opponent's magical attacks continued to fail, but finally she was hit by the magical light energy magic on the shoulders.

The girl made a scream of "Ouch", and then half-knelt on the ground. She saw the machine quickly, and immediately raised her hand to surrender after suffering a loss, because Yu Lijia was shaking her small wand and was ready to go.

At this time, a man in a samurai costume with a sullen face came suddenly in the distance. The man said to Dean Yali, "Dean, this is Mei Lu's recommendation. Is that the person who is Guan Heng? ? "

"Yes, Mr. Li Han." Dean Yali replied to each other, and secretly told Guan Heng, because the previous proposal by Mei Lu to let Guan Heng participate in the contest made Li Han very unconvinced, so he always wanted to find Guan Heng issue a challenge.

"Oh, this guy looks pretty combative, but I have no reason to do anything with him." Guan Heng started to smile slightly, ignoring each other.

But Li Han sneered and said, "Why, you dare not accept my challenge? With such courage, if you still want to go to the college competition, aren't you afraid of shame?"

Li Han's party next to him also coaxed: "Yeah, if you don't have the courage to accept the challenge, hurry up with your tail."

The words of Li Han and others are getting more and more unpleasant. His provocative words were even inconspicuous at last. Dean Yali, Norton and Yu Lijia were both blinded. Both children clenched their small hands and stared at Li Han fiercely. There was anger in his eyes.

"Guan Heng, come here, let me tell you ..." Dean Yali quietly told Guan Heng that this Li Han relied on himself as a relative of the royal family and often bullied others in the college. Finally, the dean hinted that Guan Heng: "You You can 'appropriately' teach this guy, don't make him too arrogant. "

Guan Heng noticed for a moment, and he nodded slightly with his jaw: "So it is, okay."

At this time, the onlookers and teachers began to coax: "Hey, hurry up, we can't wait to compete."

These people in the college can say anything, some say that Guan Heng is just a guy who can't talk, and some say that Guan Heng has a stigma and rumors, as much as hell.

But at this moment, Guan Heng no longer evaded the challenge, but made a "please" gesture to Li Han, and went to the square platform in the open space with Li Han.

Instantly, the two started to compete. This Lihan was a swordsman who was good at fighting, but he used not a general sword-type weapon, but a "fist sword", that is, on the metal gloves, a blade suddenly popped up.

Li Han was willing to give Guan Heng a disposition in front of the crowd, so he shook his wrists, and the full set of swords in both hands immediately brushed out, and launched the onslaught against Guan Heng the next moment!

At first, Guan Heng intentionally observed this "fist and sword" attack method, so he did not fight back under the severe attack of the opponent, but just hid from the left and right. At this moment, Li Han's students and friends began to sneer at the stage, saying that Guan Heng was as timid as a mouse, only to escape.

"What did you say? Damn ..." Upon hearing this, Norton got angry, and quarreled with these people, almost angrily.

"Norton, don't be reckless first." Dean Arie stopped him immediately. "Well, there is no need to make such a big fire."

Immediately, Dean Yali also reprimanded the other party: "You little jerk, look at the liveliness, look at the liveliness, where there is so much nonsense, and then I'll get far away."

At this moment, Guan Heng was tired of the monkey-like attack of the opponent. In the flashlight, he only made two punches. "Bang!" The first punch shattered the opponent's metal gloves.

"Ah!" Wrist shattered, Li Han screamed, but it was too late to retreat. Guan Heng's second punch had been bombarded, and the stun stun operation was launched, which directly knocked Li Han out of luck. Under the platform.

"Ah, I fell down so soon ?!" When everyone crowded around and watched, Li Han had rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Not good, Brother Lihan was injured, take him to see the doctor." Lihan's dog legs raised bad luck and ran away, not to mention how embarrassed, all the teachers and students who watched were haha. laugh.

After this battle, Guan Heng's strength was obvious to all, and a few respectful and admired eyes were added to the eyes of the audience.

"Ahem." After clearing his throat, Dean Yali took the opportunity to announce: "Tell you one thing, Guan Heng, Norton and Yu Lijia, will form a participating team, representing our Mowu Academy and heading to the Kingdom of Nili. Wang Du participated in the three competitions of the college competition. "

"What ?! Let these three unknown people go to the college contest? Is it appropriate? You know there are so many experts there."

The students and teachers were all talking about it, saying that they had never seen Guan Heng, Norton, and Yu Lijia before, how could they make them represent the college preliminary round.

Someone said, "Dean, is this decision too arbitrary, would you stop thinking about it?"

Dean Larry snorted and said, "You guys all feel that the competition is getting harder. No one is willing to sign up. It ’s hard to have others willing to participate. But you are ridiculous. Guy. "

—— [2016.3. 3 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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