Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 893: ready to go

"If they don't go, who are you? As long as you dare to come out and sign up immediately, the president will immediately approve it!" Dean Yali said immediately that everyone would be ashamed and red-headed, all scratching their heads and walking away. Already.

After that, Dean Yali returned to the office with three people and introduced the specific content of participating in the competition to Guan Heng and others. The original preliminary competition was not held in the capital of the Kingdom of Nili, but required the team to cross the Nora Mountains. , Then go alone.

Not only that, when Guan Heng's three reached the summit of the mountain, they also had to defeat the challenger sent by the organizer of the conference. After receiving three pieces of competition tokens, they were eligible to travel to the Kingdom of Nili to participate in the sub-match.

Only then did Guan Heng and others understand that even if the goal of the preliminaries was to be achieved, it was not so easy. At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "I can't think of a college contest, and it will be so troublesome."

After discussing some details, Dean Yali said to Guan Heng, "You go back and prepare yourself. Norton and Yu Lijia will stay in the college today and let them familiarize themselves with the environment and teachers and students in the college."

"That's it, Dean, I'm leaving now." So Guan Heng said goodbye to the crowd. After leaving Mowu Academy, he went straight to the library at Baron Prang's Mansion.

When he met Prang's housekeeper in the courtyard, Guan Heng asked, "What is Baron Prang doing now?"

"Mr. Guan Heng, my baron is still in the underground laboratory," said the housekeeper. "He has locked himself in there for a long time, but daily meals will be delivered on time."

Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, "That's the case, I understand."

At this time, Guan Heng thought to himself: "Prang must be in order to arrange the magic array that spawns the spawning eggs, and is sleeping and forgetting, so don't go to the underground laboratory to disturb Prang."

So Guan Heng said, "Butler, I'll go to the library first. If there's anything, just go to the library or the guest room and let me know."

"Okay, Mr. Guan Heng, please help yourself." After the steward bowed, he left alone.

Guan Heng himself went to the library of Baron's Mansion. In the library, he began to read various books, and carefully studied the notes sent by Mrs. Cindia, trying to understand the mystery of the great cure.

In this way, half a day passed in a blink of an eye. After that, Guan Heng felt a little sleepy, and he stretched out: "Uh um ... a bit tired, just go to the baron's room to rest."

"Ah, yes." Guan Heng suddenly remembered something at this moment: "Don't take a rest now, you have to come to the door."

A moment later, at the gate of Baron's Mansion, Guan Heng said to himself: "Since going to travel with two children, you must prepare some more necessities. These must be purchased on the street, and then go and see Fatty Hyde."

When exiting the gate, Guan Heng smiled and greeted the doorkeeper's servant. He was no different from the host in Baron's Mansion, because Prang had instructed that Guan Heng was his best friend and should enjoy the same treatment as himself.

When Guanheng reached Wangdu Center Street, he noticed that the market was a little deserted today. He thought to himself, "It's strange. Many shops are closed and locked. I don't know what it is."

Although I felt inexplicable in my heart, Guan Heng did not stop at the foot, but continued to move forward.

After searching around for a long time, he found a grocery store that was about to close, and Guan Heng hurried over: "Hey, boss, wait a minute, I think ..."

It's easy to say that Guan Heng worked hard before the shop owner promised to sell him something he needed to buy.

After paying the money, Guan Heng asked casually: "By the boss, now is the day, why do you want to close the board so fast, do you not want to do business?"

"You ..." Upon hearing this, the grocery store owner's face suddenly changed color, and he whispered, "Shao Luo, please get out of me when you buy something!" Then, the boss and his friends pushed back The stunned, hurriedly hurried check hurled out of the store.

"Oh!" The two store doors were closed tightly, which made Guan Heng feel inexplicable: "It seems something is wrong. Hurry to see the fat man."

So Guan Heng hurried to the fat Wude ’s magic weapon store. At a glance, he was a little disappointed: "Well, the shop door for the fat man is also locked." Now that the shop is closed, Guan Heng thought about it. There was no alternative but to run straight towards Hyde's home.

When the fat man's house knocked on the door, he just met the housekeeper first, so Guan Heng asked, "Is the fat man okay recently?"

"Well ..." Butler's face was awkward, and he whispered, "Master, he has been sick recently, so he has been recuperating at home."

"That was the case." Guan Heng heard the fat man say he was sick at home, and then asked, "So why is the Mowu Store closed?"

The steward said, "I have been ordered by the master to announce a shortage of supplies in the store, which will be closed for one and a half months."

But just as the steward was talking about it, Guan Heng had glimpsed not far away, and a large number of householders and folks carried many goods into the warehouse.

At this moment, Guan Heng wondered: "These goods seem to have just arrived, but why did Hyde declare a shortage of supplies and closed the business? This is inexplicable. It seems that he should ask him for details."

With the housekeeper, he quickly walked to the living room of the fat man Hyde, but Guan Heng saw that the fat man was eating and drinking in front of the table full of dishes.

Guan Heng frowned, "This guy, isn't he sick at all!"

"Uh, Guan Heng ?! Fat Man Hyde was surprised when he saw Guan Heng coming, and he didn't even notice that the chicken leg in his hand fell on the table.

"Hey, fat man." Guan Heng asked Hyde: "The strange shape on the street and the weird scene in your house, what is going on?"

"Hey, you don't know." Hyde said with a bitter smile: "Now all the shops in Wangdu have secretly reached a tacit understanding, that is, they are closing their doors and closing their business together."

"Are you all crazy?" Guan Heng asked, holding his shoulders, "During the day, I closed my business with good business, why?"

"I did it because I was not crazy." Hyde shook his head, and reluctantly replied: "Because of the battles at the border and the Orcs, the royal family has temporarily imposed several heavy taxes, and the merchants in the royal capital are unbearable. I can't handle the burden, so I have to close the door. "

The fat man sighed again: "There is no way to close the door and go out of business. If it does not work, most of the merchants will have to relocate from Wangdu and flee elsewhere to make a living."

"Unexpectedly, even the business people have encountered such difficulties." Guan Heng heard just secretly feeling: "Is the royal family ignored all this?"

—— [2016.3. 3 The second more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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