Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 894: Avenger (third more)

In this way, the two chatted a few words, talked about each other's current situation, and then Guan Heng gave the fat man Hyde a list: "Fat man, look at everything on this list, can you help me prepare in a short time? "

"Well, let me see, you really need a lot of things." Fatty Hyde took a cursory look and then said with a smile: "Fortunately, these things can be found in my own storeroom."

"Butler, come over here." Hyde called the butler with a throaty voice: "Well, take this list and get everything ready."

"Observe, Master, Mr. Guan Heng, please come later." The steward took the lead, and bowed out of the door.

Then the fat man Hyde invited Guan Heng to dine with himself: "Let's get started, oh, now I can only turn my troubles into appetite."

"My God," Guan Heng said with a three-pointer. "Wouldn't you be fatter three times than you are now?"

The two talked while eating, and after a while, the housekeeper came in and told them that Guan Heng's list was ready. At this time, the two were eating almost, Guan Heng stood up and said, "Fat, I'm gone . "

"Well, when you come back from the Kingdom of Nili, remember to come and see me." Fat man Hyde said as he buried his head in eating, "I hope I will not be mad by then ..."

"Actually, I guess you'll only run into one kind of death in the future." Guan Heng laughed when he went out: "That's-to die!"

"Hmm ..." Upon hearing this, the steward on the side was almost unhappy, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands. Guan Heng came to the yard and used the space ring to collect the piles of things. He left Hyde's house.

After a short while, walking on the streets of Wangdu, watching the streets slump, pedestrians sparse, Guan Heng whispered, "Well, the consequences of frequent wars are serious. The future of this country is worrying."

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt that two people in black appeared distantly behind him.

"Huh, I have been following me for a short time, and finally I will show up." Realizing that the other party's whereabouts were strange, Guan Heng turned and turned into a remote street.

There are few people here, and the canopy of the towering tree is covering both sides. Guan Heng just walked in and walked a few steps. The two men in black suddenly disappeared behind him. Instantly, two black shadows pounced on the tree at the same time, one hand wielded an iron rod, and the other thumped a short spear, rushing straight at Guan Heng.

"You want to hit me just because of your attack? Dreaming!" Guan Heng was not afraid, and with a slight step back, he avoided the first attack of the two, "Bang, Bang!" Their weapons hit the ground at the same time. On the ground, the stone debris splashed.

"Hey, where did you come from? Why did you attack me?" Guan Heng opened his mouth and asked who the other person was, but the two men in black didn't answer. They were like dumbs, waving their weapons in silence and continued. Attacked fiercely.

"It turned out to be two dumb dogs, okay, since you don't want to talk, don't speak anymore!" Guan Heng sneered, and after two or three strokes, he was stunned and moved behind a man in black. "Slap!" He quickly knocked him down.

"Woohoo--" Another man in black waving a metal stick and fell in a strong wind, but was caught by Guan Chuan's relaxed hand. Immediately afterwards, Heng Heng's heavy punch slammed on the opponent's face, cracking the cheeks of the man in black, spraying the red mist of the sky, and flying out.

After defeating the two, Guan Heng did not relax his vigilance, because he felt that there were more powerful people about to appear.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a young man in a lilac samurai costume flashed out from the shade of a tree in the distance. "It seems that a small character in general cannot really clean you up."

When this person saw Guan Heng, he said coldly, "My name is Lou Si, and Li Han, who was defeated by Guan Heng at the Demon Academy, is my brother."

"It turned out to be revenge for his useless younger brother." Guan Heng sneered and laughed at Lou Si: "If you want to avenge your younger brother, you won't dare to challenge it directly. It will be timid to let both hands come down to test.

"Huh, talk nonsense, Lao Tzu will kill you now!" Lou Si became angry and rushed over, and the two started to act on the spot.

Lou Si is also a combative swordsman, but unlike Li Han, he wears a pair of metal boots, which can pop out the combative sword blade.

Listening only to the "beep" two times, the blade of the sword popped up the tip of the boot, and the boy Lou Si immediately used the sharp leg method, and immediately kicked out the shadow of the sky, constantly attacking.

"Oh, these two brothers will be ingenious, but unfortunately they are just the other side." Thinking in his heart, Guan Heng easily escaped from left to right, even if the other party was as fast as the wind and lightning, he would never want to touch his corner.

"Hey, enough. It looks like you're the same as Lihan, but that's it."

"Hey!" Guan Heng finally showed off a half of the black iron wooden staff, shouted and smashed the opponent's metal boots, and then straight out, hit Lou Si.

"Oh, oh ah-" This guy screamed and fell out against the ground and rolled, unable to get up in the same place for a long time.

Guan Heng snorted and said, "Dare you challenge me with your ability? You can't help it!" After saying this, Guan Heng turned and walked away.

At this moment, Lou Si struggled to support the ground with her elbow, shouting unwillingly, "I won't stop there, just wait and see."

"Huh, the defeated mad dog always likes to bark a few times." Guan Heng didn't take his heart out of Lou Si's clamor, but turned around and walked away.

After working with this group of people, Guan Heng's mood deteriorated. He wandered down the street with a calm face and found that it was almost dusk, so he returned to Baron Prang's Mansion.

When entering the door, the steward of Jue's Mansion came running with a smile and told Guan Heng: "Sir, my baron has come out of the underground laboratory, and he looks very happy."

"Really?" Guan Heng smiled slightly. "Then I'll go to him now."

In the library's study, Prang and Guan Heng greeted him, "Hey, Guan Heng, I'll tell you the good news. The magic circle that spawned the eggs and hatched eggs is now fully furnished."

"And the black and white worm eggs and queen eggs can absorb twice as fast as before." Prang said in a pleasant tone: "I don't think it will take too long before the eggs can hatch."

"Okay, I finally heard some good news today, hard work for you." Guan Heng also seemed very happy, and told Prang by the way, he was going to take Norton and Yu Lijia to see the college contest.

"So, you plan to cross the Nora Mountains with your two children. This is a short journey." Prang became interested after knowing this, so he insisted on giving away a few of his inventions. Off Heng.

—— [Third more in 2016.3.3, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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