Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 895: Pegasus City

"Do you really want to give it to me? Okay, it ’s safe to accept it." Because the baron was very kind, the confessed Guan horizontally Prandial thank you, and accepted those things .

"Butler, come here." Prang called his confidant butler and said to him, "Hurry up and get ready to prepare dinner. I've been in the laboratory for the past few days, but I'm exhausted, not even a meal. Have eaten it. "

"Yes, Lord Baron," the steward said hurriedly, "I immediately ordered the kitchen to prepare."

"Huh." Prang said at a sigh of relief at this time: "I have resolved the matter of the magical array that spawned the eggs and hatched. I can finally relax."

"Let ’s go and have a good meal," Guan Heng said with a smile. "Then you will sleep soundly and wake up the next day and relax."

So, after having a hearty dinner in the living room, the two returned to their rooms to rest.

It was very soon. The next morning, Guan Heng said goodbye to Prang and went to Marshal Kailong. He took Norton and Yurijia, and Mrs. Cindia and Hodley said, "Norton and Yurijia are here. Beside me, rest assured, I will take care of them. "

"Bad sails." Madam Cindia quietly wiped the tears in her eyes, forcing the sadness of parting and said to the two children: "To listen to Brother Heng Heng, remember to eat and sleep on time, Norton remembers to take care of her sister. "

Norton nodded: "Relax, Mom, I have written down your words."

After waving goodbye to Mrs. Cindia and Hodley, Guan Heng took two children on the road, and the three rode the horse path to the gate of the city.

Dean Yali, who was already waiting there, gave Guan Heng three copies of the preliminary competition certificate of the college contest: "Well, this stuff must be well packed. If you lose it, you will be disqualified."

"This time the trip is long and high, and dangerous times will appear. Remember, to take care of the two children, you must also pay attention to your own safety." Dean Yali told him tirelessly that he should be careful on the road, showing that he was very concerned about them. .

"Know, Dean Yali, you can rest assured, and wait for the three of us to return with honor." Guan Heng put the entry certificate into the space ring, and Norton and Yu Lijia told the dean " "Goodbye", the three men left.


At dusk after one day and one night, Pegasus City, two hundred kilometers south of the King of Kaulu, greeted the three mounts of the wind and dust at the gate of the West City. These are the horses of Guan Heng, Norton and Uriga. .

"Huh, I saw the city gate." Norton murmured. "Finally, I've arrived in the big city. I left home all the way. I can't sleep well because I can't eat well. I must go to the city to eat."

"Well, you and You Lijia have worked hard this way, I can't do this." Guan Heng nodded and said casually: "It's getting late now, the three of us went to the city to find a hotel, eat and drink, Rest on a high bed and warm pillows for a night.

"Okay, we'll just wait for you!" Norton and Yu Lijia heard the words, cheering in unison, shouting, "Long live Guan Heng."

The three men rushed into the city, just shortly after they entered the city, when they passed a narrow alley, they suddenly heard the shouting of a woman and the sound of punches and kicks.

"What's going on?" The three people's curiosity flourished, and they quietly rolled over and dismissed him. Guan Heng winked at Norton and Yu Lijia, and they immediately stepped over and watched secretly.

In the alley, it turned out that there were three rude-looking servants who were stroking a fat girl with a full face. Several people's fists fell on the fat girl, and they could only hear a squeak, and the fat girl was screamed: "Uh, it hurts me!"

The servants beat and scolded, "This dead girl is really resistant, so why can't you fight? That makes us have to work harder."

Suddenly there was a servant's foot, and Fei kicked the opponent's forehead. "Uh ..." The fat girl groaned, her head suddenly turned silent.

"How can this be, this group of kids are actually killing people here!" Guan Heng and Norton, who were hiding in secret, suddenly burst their lungs. They were about to rush out to teach these servants, but at this moment, the sudden change suddenly occurred. !!

"Wait!" The fat girl suddenly struggled and stretched out a hand, grabbing one of the servant's ankles, and she gasped and exclaimed, "Why are you attacking me? Why must I die?"

"Why do you ask?" One of the servants seemed to be the leader. He sneered and said, "It's you who blame you for not being able to do what you want. You even want to go to the Wizards Guild to take the qualification exam. It's not worthy of you to be magic because of you. Apprentices, not to mention that some people are unwilling to watch you climb up, so we are ordered to clear you up. "

At this moment, through the moonlight reflection, Guan Heng looked at the fat girl's appearance clearly, and saw her face flesh, small nose, small eyes and small ears, except for a large mouth, Guan Heng sighed: "This girl ... ... It's really ugly, but it's not the appearance of a bad person with a loyal face. "

A servant next to me shouted, "What's wrong with her, choke this fat woman, and quickly go back to receive the reward."

"If you want me to die, I won't let you do it!" The fat girl was unwilling to wait, and touched it casually. She even picked up a half-metal strip, and hurriedly waved it to drive out the fierce servant in front of her.

"Is there any reason to do this, and we want to give us trouble, come on!" The other side saw her revolt, and immediately exposed her fierce appearance, one after another drew a short edge from her waist, and she was desperate.

"It seems that I can't escape the poisonous hand this time." The fat girl smiled horribly at this time, and said, "Within half a day, I can become a magic apprentice and learn more magic, but you bad guys are so connected. None of this opportunity is given to me, well, then I will fight with you! "

"Desperately?" A servant snorted coldly. "What do you think you fight for? Suppress it! Speaking with a short blade in your hand, you flew directly to the fat girl three or four meters away.

However, once this person's heart is desperate, even a stupid person will be anxious. When this fat girl sees a short blade coming, she can't avoid it at all, and slaps it on her shoulder.

In a short time, I saw the red light appeared, the metal strip on the fat girl's hand choked into the other person's neck voice, the boy did not snor, and then fell down, a large red mist splattered.

"Ah? Is this how it hurts? It ’s so scary!" For the first time in order to defend herself and take the lives of others, the fat girl was frightened in her own heart, but she had no time to think of anything else. Condensing a weak magic light, the fat girl roared: Shui Ju!

—— [Fourth more in 2016.3.3, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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