Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 896: Panya (fifth more outbreak)

"Oh!" The red mist floating in the sky suddenly turned into a drop-shaped object, stagnating in mid-air, and it suddenly shocked several others. The fat girl held back her pain and said with a sneer, "This is my primary magic-water gathering, use it to fight with you!"

"Ahhhhhhhh--ahhh," the fat girl drove the drops of water all over the sky, splitting her head and covering her face with the servant.

"Huh? What the **** is this?" The two remaining servants covered their heads. "Ah, aw", they just called for a place to hide, but suddenly found something wrong: "Strange, why not hurt? itchy?"

It turned out that the fat girl's water gathering technique was just a few drops of water that crackled, and there was no harm at all. The two servants were angry and waved their short blades at the fat girl.

"Uh, as usual, there is no power at all, it's over ..." At this moment, the fat girl was a little dumbfounded, wondering what to do. I saw two black shadows rushing over, and their speed was like a lightning storm. general.

It was Guan Heng and Norton who arrived, and the two of them fisted up and down, right in the heads of the two servants: "Go to death, you villains!" The two boys plopped down and couldn't get up again.

"Hey, don't you worry?" Guan Heng looked up at the fat girl, only to see that the other person's face was still bleeding, his body was shaking, and he sat down against the corner.

"Woohoo ... it's okay." The fat girl barely raised her hand and said, "Thanks to you, I just took my life. Thank you. My name is Pang Ya."

"Fat ?!" Guan Hengwen heard this, and thought to himself, "It's a real name."

Guan Heng then said: "I am Guan Heng, he is Norton, this is not a place to talk, you are a local, I will send you home."

"Wait a minute first," Pang Ya waved and said, "When these **** hit me just now, they robbed me of something. I'll take care of you, Brother Heng, help me find it, and whisper, I can't make it work. . "

"Well, Yu Lijia, Norton." Guan Heng gave a command: "I went to help Sister Pang Ya, I'll find something for her."

"Thank you, that thing ... is a walnut-sized blue bead." Pangya gasped and said, "It's a treasure of my family. It's an item called" water vapor bead. "

"I found it." Three times, five and two, Guan Heng drew a blue bead from a fainting servant's pocket. He just felt a cool water in his palm, and suddenly felt a little surprised in his heart: "This bead seems It's unexpected to gather water in the air. "

But this is Pangya's heirloom. Even if Guan Heng has a little interest in it, he doesn't take it as his own thoughts, so Guan Heng passes it to Pang Ya: "Well, please take care of yourself. "

Seeing that Guan Heng returned the "Water Vapor Ball" to herself without hesitation, Pang Ya almost touched the tears, and she thought to herself: "Brother Guan Heng, really a good man."

Norton and Yu Lijia struggled to help the fat girl. Under the guidance of Pangya, several people came to the street where she lived. Those things that change color in the stinky ditch will make people nauseous if they look at it more.

Norton and Yu Lijia, as the young masters and thousands of gold in the Marshal's Palace, have always been Jinyiyushi, never seen such a scene, so they frowned while supporting Pang Ya.

Suddenly, a thin and short figure came out of the street not far ahead. He stumbled forward and rushed forward. After seeing Pang Ya being supported, the thin figure showed a little surprise on his anxious face. His speed has therefore accelerated a little.

The man ran over in three steps and two steps. Before he got close to Pangya, he shouted breathlessly: "Sister Pangya, brother Du Li, he was arrested again!"

"What ?!" Upon hearing this, Pangya's momentum suddenly strengthened a bit, she snarled loudly: "Someone dared to touch my fiance, who they are, they are impatient!"

However, it was just Pang Ya who had suffered a fat meal. After yelling at this sentence, because he was overly tired, he suddenly started to shake, and he was about to fall.

"Hey, don't be so excited." Guan Heng said to Pangya with a smile, "If you faint here, Norton and Yu Lijia can't lift you."

It was a little boy who ran to report the news. After being introduced by Pang Ya, Guan Heng knew that his name was Ford, a neighbor of Pang Ya from a young age, and the 'Du Li' in Ford's mouth was Pang Yazi. Fiance, who has settled her marriage contract.

"Little brother Ford, what's going on, you slowly say it." Guan Heng signaled Norton and Yu Lijia to slowly help Pang Ya, walk towards her house, and inquired about Ford on the road.

It turned out that this afternoon, when the guy named Du Li was going out to buy something, he was forcibly taken away by the three servants who were standing at the door. When Guan Heng heard this, he asked Ford: "I know I took Du Li's servant Whose house is it? "

"I know." Ford nodded in a hurry. "They are Pegasus nobles, Jansen Denton's pink servants."

"Powder servant?" Guan Heng frowned, involuntarily asking, "Who are these people?" At this time, the crowd had already arrived at Pang Ya's house, pushed in, and sat around the table. .

Ford explained at this time: "The clothes of the pink servants are all light pink. They are the young slaves of the young Jansen Denton family-the exclusive servants of Shimily."

Pangya and Ford, the two local residents, talked about this Miss Shih-li, really gritted their teeth.

According to them, the three of Guan Heng, relying on the aristocratic forces of Jansen Denton ’s family, this Shimily often oppressed the common people and involved the local dark forces, but if there is a resistance, they will be removed in secret, which is almost overbearing .

In addition to loving all kinds of treasures, Shi Mi-li is more interested in handsome young men. She often sends her "pink servant" to look in the street. Once she meets a handsome man, she ca n’t help but force her away. Bring back to the small castle on the outskirts of Pegasus.

Don't look at the fat girl Pang Ya who doesn't look very good, but her fiance, Du Li, is a famous beautiful man in the slum. It wasn't a day or two that Miss Schimmel followed him. A few months ago, Send someone to keep an eye on Du Li's whereabouts.

Pang Ya also heard about this, but her fiance is an ordinary scholar, she ca n’t protect herself, so she wants to go to the magic guild branch to get the qualification of magic apprentice, as long as she has The sanctuary of the magic guild, even the nobles of a country, dare not embarrass them.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.3.3, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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