Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 897: Save People (First)

Who knows? Just today, while Pang Ya was going to the magic guild to take an exam, she was suddenly attacked, and her fiance, Du Li, was also robbed by the powder servant. This was obviously a carefully planned conspiracy.

In retrospect, all of this may be due to Miss Shimily's tricks, the purpose is to take the opportunity to rob Du Li, and always let Pang Ya shut up, once and for all.

The oil lamp in the room flickered, reflecting Pang Ya's shaky fat face. The fat girl's fists clattered, and she murmured in disgust: "If I am a magician, no, I'm afraid it's just If a magic apprentice, the guild would shelter me and my loved ones, and they would no longer be afraid of the persecution of these dog nobles, but now, everything is too late. "

"Woohoo ... I'm about to lose everything." Pangya whimpered and looked at the people around her: Ford, Guan Heng, Norton, and Yu Lijia all felt a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Pangya took a hard shot and took out the water vapor beads from her pocket. She whispered, "I have worked hard for many years. It is your broken thing that gave me the hope of becoming a magician, and it is you who made me change. I can't help it, thinking that I can one day become a magic apprentice ... "

"Huh, everything is over now!" As she said, Pang Ya threw the water vapor beads to the front wall severely: "Go to yours."

"Wait, don't be so reckless!" Guan Heng saw that Pang Ya was about to destroy the family treasure under her anger. There was a pity in the bead that could absorb the element of water. Between light and flint, his flicker flashed, and he was impartial. Stopped in front, "slap!" Reached out to catch the water vapor beads.

"This is your heirloom. Don't ruin it just because you can't think of it for a while." Guan Heng held the water vapor beads and said to Pang Ya calmly: "Otherwise, you really have nothing. "

"But my fiance, Du Li him, has been taken away by Shimily." Pang Ya punched her on the table, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This **** lady, she has taken away Everything about me isn't enough. I even sent someone to kill me. Damn, I hate her. "

"Well, think about it now, how to save your fiance." Guan Heng thought about his chin and looked up and asked Ford: "Little brother, did you see those pink-dressed servants taking Du Li out of town?"

"No, because Brother Du Li has not been arrested for a long time. At that time, I and some of my friends quietly followed the powdered servants."

Ford said: "I saw them tying Brother Du Li firmly, and then discussed, saying that they were out of the city gate during the day, and they had some trouble with the gatekeepers, so they had to wait until it was dark, and then use the people without knowing it The carriage went to the castle. "

"I think the time they plan to leave the city is probably now." Ford said to Guan Heng again: "So I let the two friends stare at the gate of the city, and ran back to report by themselves."

"That's it." Guan Heng turned his eyes and suddenly thought of it. He said to Norton and Yu Lijia, "You are here to protect Pangya, don't let her be in any danger. As for me, I'll stop it immediately. The pink-served carriage brought Du Li back before they reached the small castle in the suburbs. "

"Guan Heng, are you willing to help me save my fiance?" Pang Ya hardly believed her ears, because she had only met the three people in front of her, and they were first saved by their lives. Now Guan Heng said she was going Save Du Li, shocked her so much that she didn't know what to say.

"Since I encountered this incident, I have to reach out and manage it." Guan Heng smiled and said, "Furthermore, we are just travelers passing by Pegasus City. No matter what happened, anyone It's helpless for us. "

"Okay, little brother Ford." Guan patted the boy's shoulder: "It's not too late. Hurry up and take me to the gate to see if the powder-coated carriage is gone? It must be before they return to the castle." Stop the car or you will have to go through a lot of trouble. "

Fu Futian answered: "Yes, Brother Heng Heng, please follow me quickly."

"Benefactor!" Pangya suddenly swayed her tired body at this moment, barely stood up, and bowed to Guan Heng: "My fiance, Du Li's safety, I'll leave it to you."

"Relax, take this." Guan Heng passed the water vapor beads in his hand to Pang Ya, and then said, "Don't break any more. This is a heirloom. You can wait for my good news here, I must be Will bring Du Li back. "

After saying this, Guan Heng nodded again to Norton and Yu Lijia: "I'm going, remember to protect Pangya." Norton and Yu Lijia said in unison: "Brother Guan Heng, rest assured. "

A moment later, Guan Heng took Ford and ran to the gate of the city in one breath. At this time, it was completely dark. When they got near the gate, two children in rags ran out of the dark corner: " Brother Ford, you are here. "

Ford hurriedly asked the two friends: "Have Du Lie's powdered servant out of town? Did you see their carriage?"

"Ah, you're one step late," one of the children said on tiptoe. "Just three or four minutes ago, the pink-clothed servant was out of town in a carriage."

"One more thing, I noticed that there were four pink-clad servants on the carriage," said another little boy. "In addition, there was a bulging sack on the carriage, and the direction of their drive was the castle in the suburbs. , Absolutely nothing wrong! "

"Ford," Guan Heng said decisively. "Hurry up and tell me which way to the small castle in the suburbs, and I should be able to catch up with them now."

"It's a road to the left from the city gate. There must be fresh car marks on the road," Ford said. "You can find them by just following the wheel marks of the carriage."

"So smart boy." Guan Heng patted Ford's shoulder with a smile, and then said to him, "Okay, leave the rest to me, I will definitely save Du Li."

"Please, Brother Guanheng." Ford and his friends said with their fists, "Sister Pangya and Brother Du Li are good people, you must help them."

Hearing this, Guan nodded severely, and said nothing else, he rushed away at once, ran out of the gate of Pegasus City, and chased down the left route.

"Acceleration starts." I saw that the metal boots under Guan Heng's feet were suddenly lit with white light, and the enchantment effect had been activated. Guan Heng's running speed immediately doubled, this time he used the run instead of calling out the fly. Pterodactyl is not trying to cause too much unnecessary trouble.

—— [The first change in 2016.3.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for push to hide ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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