Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 898: Adventure on the road

Even so, Guan Heng's rushing speed is already swift and gratuitous. He dashed all the way on the avenue, and immediately behind him a long stream of rolling dust like a dragon turning over.

At this moment, the evening has passed. Under the light of the vast night, this avenue leading to the castle is empty. Guan Heng chased along the carriage carriage and chased all the way. When he ran out seven or eight miles, he finally saw the shadow shaking in front of him. That is the shadow of a carriage.

"That's them." Guan Heng found the target, and his feet immediately speeded up. He took three steps and made two steps.

"Call—" The rushing servant saw someone blocking the road and hurriedly pulled the reins to brake the carriage. The horse suddenly landed on all fours and stopped his foot with a snoring nose.

"What man? How dare to stop the uncle's carriage?" Although these four pink-clad servants, as servants, were extremely imposing, obviously they were dogs and men who were overbearing.

Guan Heng snorted coldly: "Release the people you tied up, and I can spare you, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"Bad boy knows what we are doing to catch people ?!" The four pink-dressed servants looked at each other, sweating suddenly, and one of them snarled: "Exposed, can't be passed to the city's main government, kill--"

As soon as the words fell, the four of them agreed, and Huang Biao drove and stepped forward. "Wow!" He jumped off the carriage and rushed towards Guan.

"Uncontrollable!" Han Heng flashed in Guan Heng's eyes, "Well!" The figure disappeared into place.

"Pap, pap, pap, pap!" Guan Wang looked like an electric wind and flickered in front of the four pink servants. Each of these boys slap **** their faces.

"Uh, spit ..." The powdered servants sore a pain in their mouths, and suddenly spit out the teeth in their mouths. "Abominable, kill him!" One of the powdered servants revealed the fierceness in pain and pulled it from his waist. Short blade, waving will come forward desperately.

"Huh, I just got you to try a new trick." Guan Heng sneered slightly, turning his wrist between them, took out a thin metal disc, and flew it out, the metal disc was the size of a palm, wrapped in the wind and flying When I went out, the flames ignited, "Oh!" The wafer just passed the edge of the neck of the pink-served servant and opened a narrow mouth!

"噗嗤 嗤嗤 ——" The red mist of the sky suddenly sprayed out. The dog relied on the powerful evil slave, and fell knees softly on his knees, and died suddenly.

"Ah? Not good!" The other three saw such a horrible scene and shouted in unison: "This person is terrific, everyone run away!"

"Want to leave?" Guan Heng didn't plan to leave his hands and tails. In addition, these people were ruthless as soon as they met. It can be seen that they are not harmful at all, so he has a good intention to do it cleanly, so he shakes his hands and throws three more The flame-wrapped metal disc, "Oh!" The three pink-skinned servants hummed, their necks crooked, and they immediately fell into a ball.

"Unexpectedly, the metal round blade that can absorb the element of fire is quite effective." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "It seems that I chose to accept these things, which is really good."

Waving four flames at random, Guan Heng burned the remains of the four powdered servants, and at this moment, in a pile of flames, a black gas of ghosts and undead screamed out, whimpering, trying to run away.

"Hmm, just right, I also want to know something about the Jansen Denton family and Shi Mili, just read your ghost memory."

Guan Hengxi suddenly showed the tattoo on the back of his hand, swallowing the ghost and beast like a ghost, biting the ghost who wanted to escape, and dragged it back to the strange space. In an instant, Guan Heng read the memory of this ghost again.

It turned out that the Jansen Denton family had a huge power in Pegasus City, and they could even fight against the City Lord ’s Chamber in Pegasus City. They carried the evil trade and made huge profits without knowing the Lord of the City. If they were not afraid that the Lord had an iron army, Jansen Denton It is possible that the clan rebelled in Pegasus.

And the sweet girl who likes young men is the eldest daughter of the patriarch of the Jansen Denton family. She is arrogant and ruthless. She wants to get what she wants, otherwise she would rather destroy it. Fingers touched by others.

Guan Heng was in the memory of the evil slaves and learned the secrets of the small castle in the suburbs, where the magical caves that have killed countless lives are almost impossible.

The slaves often gave orders to Shimily, forcing the young men to the small castle, and when Shimili was tired of them, they were killed immediately. There was no mercy. The bones around the small castle were all young men who were killed.

"Uh, a black-handed witch ..." Guan Heng thought of this, and frowned. "She's too cruel."

However, now it is not time to take it easy. When she was slandered, she hurled three steps and made two steps. She hurried over to unlock the sack on the carriage. He pulled the person inside out, but was shocked. .

"Ah ?! It's a woman!" Guan Heng only felt an unexpected surprise: "Did the four pink servants not Pian Ya's fiance-Du Li? Why suddenly became a big girl? "

"Hmm ..." This young woman was shaking her body and struggling. Her mouth was still stuffed with a large group of rags. Guan Heng quickly pulled out the rags, and untied her, and Guan Heng asked immediately. "Who are you? Did you see a young man named Du Li?"

"Uh, I'm the cook in the kitchen of the small castle in the suburbs." The girl said in a crying voice, "Because she was often beaten and couldn't eat enough, she escaped from the castle and returned to Pegasus City. They were caught. "

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since you have n’t heard from the cook.

"Is that so?" Guan Hengwen heard this remark as a joy, because he was originally looking for and rescued Du Li, and Guan Heng then asked: "Where is Du Li at this time?"

"I'm not sure. The young man, Du Li, was arrested with me. At that time, there were seven or eight pink-clad servants, who said they were to be transported back in two." The sour arm said: "One group of people escorted me and returned to the castle to be punished later. The other group hurried the carriage in advance and sent Du Li back to the castle to Miss Shimily."

"So, other powder-served servants may have sent Du Li to the castle." Guan Heng said to himself, and his heart sank: "Not good. Once at the castle, you need to rescue Du Li. It took a lot of trouble, but fortunately I read the memory of a wicked ghost, and I already know the terrain and routes inside the castle. "

"Will you catch a carriage by yourself?" Guan Heng said to the cook: "If you can catch a carriage, you should take the carriage and go back to the city. I have to hurry up to save people. I have no time to take care of you."

—— [Second more in 2016.3.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide O (∩_∩) O] ——

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