Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 899: Small castle (third)

"No problem." The chef nodded in a hurry: "Engong rest assured, I can hurry back by myself, and you can leave."

"Okay, pay attention to safety, be careful." Guan Heng ordered the cook and ran down the road towards the small castle in the suburb.

The small castle on the outskirts belongs to Shi Mi Li's private residence. To prevent others from intruding, Shi Mi Li also sent many personal soldiers and house servants to patrol the station nearby, and also to prevent the main city of Pegasus from sending noise.

Because everyone knows that the Janssen Denton family and the city's government are at odds with each other, both sides have tried their best to bring down their opponents, especially the infamous Miss Shimily, which is also the target of the city's government's spies. If there is any mistake, the city owner will find an excuse to attack the Jansen Denton family.

After a while, Guan Heng had already run near the small castle in the suburbs. He also encountered a number of patrol personal soldiers. These people were in pairs, holding bright weapons, paying close attention to the surroundings and constantly monitoring the nearby movements.

The vigilance of the private soldiers is extremely high, and even some night owls fly by, they will be shot by these people with bows and arrows. In order to avoid trouble, Guan Heng did not actively provoke these people, but walked around the road.

Because Guan Heng believes that before rescue Pang Ya's fiance, Du Li, it is not necessary to work with these personal soldiers. Even if he is agile, knocking down the opponent can be silent, but it will cause other people to be more or less alert.

"Well, this is the wall outside the small castle." Guan Heng was standing beside the castle, looking up from the tall grass of Qi Ren: "It seems to find a way to climb up."

After a while, relying on his agility, Guan Heng was full of energy, and he climbed up a dozen high-rise outer city walls in an aggressive manner, and then climbed into the fourth floor of the castle along the gap of the city wall.

"According to the memory of the evil servant ghost, the small castle has a total of six floors." Guan Heng quietly hid in the dark corner of the floor, secretly whispering in his heart: "The first to fourth floors are rest areas for servants and maids, and the fifth floor is the entertainment room. On the sixth floor is the living room of Shi Milie, and in the basement is a private cell for prisoners. "

"But where do these people take Du Li's arrest?" Guan Hengxin turned to electricity, thinking about this question: "It stands to reason that if Shi Mi Li is interested in Du Li, the Pink Dressed Servant will Sending people to Shimily's living room, but it doesn't exclude them from entering the cellar in the basement after they enter the castle. "

Guan Heng is considering going to the living room on the sixth floor to check first, or to search the cell in the basement first. There is a sudden light shaking not far away. It turned out that there were two servants. The two held the oil lamp and talked while walking. Hurry.

Seeing that they were getting closer, Guan Heng hurriedly narrowed his body in the corner, and wanted to hear what the two servants were discussing.

One of them said, "You talk about it, our Miss Shimily is really not willing to stop for a day. I heard that a handsome guy was returned from the city today."

"Oh, Miss Shi Mili has such a good appetite that she can change more than 20 people a month." Another servant said with a sneer: "When will she show me compassion when I see her?"

"Yeah." The servant who spoke first gave the other side a sneer and sneered at the other side. "It's a daydream. Miss Ms. Shimily looks after all the top handsome guys. You don't look at what you are doing in the smelly ditch. Swollen eyes, or rotten mouths and windy ears, can Miss see you? Unless the sun comes out from the west. "

"Oh, I just want to talk casually." Another servant whispered: "Who doesn't know, the handsome guy who annoys the lady, then all click ..." The man said, making a cross-necked Gestures, meaning, are "deadly warped".

"You know it." At this time, the servant who spoke first stopped suddenly, and after looking at the left and right, he whispered to his companion, "Let's say a few more jokes that let me die in the future. Patrol together, I don't want to be dragged down by you and lose my life. "

"You know, you're too careful." The man sneered: "I'm a bit sleepy in the middle of the night. Let's quickly get some fresh guys to eat and water, and then go back to sleep."

"Okay, let's go to the basement ..." The man had just said half a word, and suddenly his body was crooked, and he fell to the ground silently.

"Hey, how are you ..."

"Slap!" One hand suddenly caught the neck of the man who was talking, making him unable to speak even the second half of the sentence.

Guan Heng whispered behind him, "I ask, you just nod or shake your head. If you dare to yell, the kid who fell to the ground is your end."

The servant was speechless, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. He nodded in panic, and Guan Heng then asked: "Is that young guy caught in the basement, right?"

When the servant heard this, he nodded desperately. Guan Heng knew what he wanted to know. The servant was snoring and almost drew his pants. Guan Heng's backhand was cut over his back neck, this boy. His eyes turned white and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Well, now that Du Li was arrested, he was locked in the cellar in the basement." Guan Heng thought secretly: "Go and save him quickly. I am afraid that something will happen later."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng pulled two fainting servants and dragged them to a humble corner. When it was dark in the middle of the night, no one could easily find their tracks.

Guan Heng took out his avatar mask and turned into one of his servants. He picked up the oil lamp and went straight to the basement of the little castle. A few minutes later, the cellar in the basement of the castle.

Several guards were eating and drinking in the lounge and talking about it. At this moment, a servant holding an oil lamp quietly entered from the door.

A sharp-eyed guard saw the servants who came in and laughed loudly, "Hey, why are your kids here now? Hurry up and have a drink with everyone."

"Hi, let's forget it." Guan Heng, disguised as a servant, lowered his voice, deliberately posing dissatisfaction, and said, "Lao Tzu is really hard-working. This is not the case, and I have to give Miss Shimi Li the mouthful, and give it to the little white face I'll have to send him to the lady's bedroom in the future, it's really going to exhaust me. "

"Ha ha ha, isn't your kid a habit of peeking?" The half-drunk guard teased and chuckled: "When you see something good outside the bedroom, don't forget to tell us how wonderful it is."

"Go to you." Guan Heng whispered, "Do you think peeking is an easy job? Lao Tzu put his head on the belt of his trousers, just in case the lady knew that I couldn't take it for a walk . "

—— [The third more in 2016.3.4, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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