Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 900: Dungeon to save people

"I won't talk nonsense to you." Guan Heng stretched out his hand to the guard. "Hurry up and give me the key to the cell. I want to pass."

"It stands to reason that we have to send someone to come with you to take a look." The guard shouted at the wine bar, reached out and took off the key on the wall, and then threw it to Guan Heng: "But we are busy drinking, you go Come on, hey, your kid really has no word of mouth. "

"Well, just two glasses of cat urine, don't bother me." Guan Heng reached out to catch the key, and went back into the cell in the basement without looking back. There are a total of six cells here, and where Du Li is detained, Guan Heng is not very clear, so he has to find one by one.

Guan Heng's careful observation revealed that, in fact, the cell in the basement was empty. Only the fourth and sixth cells were holding people, so Guan Heng walked over to confirm and found that the sixth cell was ragged and dirty. Little old man.

"Uh, this old guy must not be Pangya's fiance." Guan Heng slowly shook his head and muttered in a low voice: "And he looks like this, and I guess that Miss Shi Mili will spit out the dinner after watching it. "

Speaking, Guan Heng turned around and returned to the fourth cell. After careful observation, it was found that there was a person holding his knees in the corner of the cell, and his face was crumblingly crouched there. Watching by moonlight, the man was blonde and young. , But also gave a good look.

"Hey, are you Pia ’s fiance--Duli?" Guan Heng walked over and said, holding on to the cell fence, "come over and let me see."

"Enough, stop playing me." The blond guy suddenly raised his head, and said with an expression of resentment: "Since it fell into your hands, I didn't intend to live, and wanted me to submit to the witch of Shimily, it was dream!"

"Ahhh, I still have a terrible temper." Guan Heng laughed and said, "You don't even like the noble lady, do you like fat girls? It's not greasy, haha."

"What are you talking about?" Du Li, the blond guy, heard Guan Heng say the words "fat girl" and immediately stood up and yelled, "Pang Ya, what you said is Pang Ya! What happened to your fiancee? "

Du Li said that he was getting more excited. He rushed to the front of the cell fence, and shouted with red ears: "Mixed balls, dare to touch my fiancee's hair, I will fight hard with you!"

"My God, it seems that someone really likes Pangya's fat girl." Guan Heng thought of it here and laughed: "Everyone's taste is really different."

"Hey, don't worry." Guan Heng took out the cell key, unscrewed the iron door, and pulled Du Li out. He whispered to Du Li, "I'm a new friend of Pang Ya It was she who asked me to save you, so follow me quickly. "

"Ah ?! Pangya she ..." Du Liwen was surprised when he heard this, but Guan Heng couldn't help telling him. Hurry up and drag Du Li out, "Hurry up, but change later, leave here and talk about other things." . "

"Uh, you're right." Du Li wasn't a fool. Until now, he was staying in the magic cave. If hesitated and hesitated, he would end up in nowhere, so he followed Guan Heng and walked away.

"Wait, for the sake of the gods, save me, too." An old voice sounded behind the two, Guan Heng looked back, and it turned out to be the shabby old man in another cell.

The old man had originally crouched in a straw pile in the cell to snore, and when he heard something, he immediately got up and called for help.

"This ..." Guan Heng came to rescue Du Li. He knew that taking one more person out would be dangerous, and for a moment hesitantly, the old man shouted: "I am the original owner of this small castle-a businessman Waha, just offended the Jansen Denton family, was robbed of their property, and was imprisoned here. "

"Little brother, if you can save me, I'll tell you where the secret treasure house on the top floor of the sixth floor is." The old man Waha breathed and said, "There are treasures from my family's history, Shi Mi Lizhi. So I didn't kill me right away, I just wanted to know the location of the treasure house, so please save me ... Rather than being taken away by the witch, I'd rather tell you. "

"Forget it, I'm here to save people anyway. It doesn't matter if you save one more." Guan Heng thought of this, and reached out a handful of old man's cell door lock. The hot element of fire burned the lock into molten iron. Guan Heng pulled open the iron door and hooked his index finger to Waha: "Old man, follow me, I'll take you out."

"Thank you very much." The old man Waha got out of the cell shortly, and whispered to Guan Heng, "I have a great life, and I will remember it."

Guan Heng no longer said anything, leading the two to the prison cell near the guard room. At this moment, the guards were drunk and drunk. Guan Heng was full of joy, with Du Li and Waha about to walk over. .

Suddenly someone in the guard room stood up staggeringly, and the man muttered, "It's so uncomfortable, I'll put in some water first ... uh ..."

Anyway, the urgency guard, leaning on the wall, walked out of the door crookedly. He didn't see Guan Heng waiting to hide in the corner. He just turned his back to them and let out the water at the root of the wall. .

Guan Heng frowned: "Miscellaneous things, don't come out early, don't come out late, isn't it a mess?" He was about to pounce over the other side, but at this time a dark shadow grabbed in front of Guan Heng, holding up the hands Broken bricks, "slap!" He shot on the forehead without bias.

The guard didn't hum, he shook his body, and he was about to fall forward. Guan Heng was afraid of his movement. He reached for the guard's collar, drew him up, and threw it at the corner.

It was Du Li who shot him, he gasped at this moment, glanced at the broken brick in his hand, and quickly threw it to the side, then said with a bitter smile to Guan Heng: "Sorry, these guys were just locked up in me I punched and kicked me when I came in, so I didn't hold back. "

"It's nothing." Guan Heng smiled and patted Du Li's shoulder: "The manly husband has a hatred when it comes to the newspaper, totally understandable."

"Two living ancestors," said the old man Waha, and stomped his feet gently. "Don't sting anymore, it's important for us to escape now."

"He's right." Guan Heng waved to Du Li, and then said, "Let's go."

Three people stepped quickly to the basement near the stairs leading to the first floor. Waha said, "There are dozens of guards on the first floor. How can we get out?"

"It doesn't matter." Guan Heng replied confidently: "As long as there is a window." Then, Guan Heng took them three steps and two steps, and came to a window on the first floor. Take out the metal cylinder, snap it, and put the flying wing poison dragon out of the window.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.3.4, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for Tibetan mastiff | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~】 ——

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