Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9529: Hard bones that cannot be burned (first more)

"Bang bang!" It was too late, it was fast, the light spit out from the thick armored monster lizard suddenly burst into pieces, turning into countless tiny sharp lights rushing towards the worm mother, next to the golden sting king and the ancient wild roar. They all screamed: "Boss, be careful!"


A good evil worm mother, at the moment the crisis hits, it has already roared, and a blazing fire aura bursts out all over her body, "Boom boom boom!" In the blink of an eye, the sharp light that hits has been tempered by the fire aura. The worm mother who burned and burned all over her body continued unabated, and rushed towards the six-claw thick armored monster lizard.

"Roar!" Realizing that the insect mother wanted to attack herself like crazy, the thick armored monster lizard felt life threatened, and suddenly roared, this guy suddenly bombarded the blue pool with his front paws.

"Plap! Wow!" In an instant, the green pool water rushed up, trying to block the worm mother. Unfortunately, the fire aura that emerged from the evil worm mother was too violent. After it forcibly penetrated the water curtain, He banged on the forehead of the thick armor monster lizard.

"Puff!" At the next moment, the thick armor on the forehead of the strange rhinoceros burst into pieces, and a large amount of blood mist was splashed out of it. The pain caused this guy to scream and fell into the water with the thumping sound.

"Get out, don't think it's over if you take a little bitterness after attacking me!" The evil worm mother yelled over the blue pool at the moment: "Bastard thing, get out, I want to smash you into pieces!"

Guan Heng, who was watching the game behind, said with a smile: "The insect mother was so angry this time, it is estimated that she has done what she said, and really intends to tear the other party to pieces."

"Hahaha, that thick-armored monster lizard is so pitiful, it actually got in touch with it, it can only be said that it was his own death."

Ruotao chuckled. Xianxin shouted at this moment: "Hey, insect mother, a quick fight, don't waste time with this kind of waste."

"Okay, I see, princess!" Hearing these words, the evil worm mother was just right, and at this moment it released fireballs in succession towards the green pool, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The fireballs fell into the pool one after another. , The explosion caused huge waves to roll and the blue water splashed.

"Oh oh oh--" the six-clawed thick armor lizard hiding in the water wailed and screamed, and finally couldn't help but rushed out. The insect mother sneered: "Animal, you know you can't hide, die!"


In an instant, the worm mother threw out more than ten fiery filaments and entangled the opponent's head, face and body. Although the thick-shelled monster lizard struggled desperately, the evil worm mother's filaments became tighter and tighter. , The insect mother suddenly raised her divine power and dragged it out of the water abruptly.

"Dang!" The body of the thick armored monster lizard was severely smashed to the ground. This guy turned black in front of his eyes, was smashed to pieces, and almost bubbling at both ends. At this moment, the worm mother had fallen by the thick armored monitor lizard, and said coldly: "If you are unlucky, if you offend me, you must die!"


Hearing this sound, the frightened and angry strange lizard suddenly raised its paws, trying to scratch it, but unfortunately this guy’s front paws were too short to reach the worm mother, instead, the evil worm mother used filaments. Entangled and pulled hard: "First of all I broke your paws!"


The next moment, the front paw of the thick armored monster lizard was torn off, and the wound was bloody. This guy didn't even have time to scream and howl, the fiery filaments of the insect mother had already wrapped its tail, and then used force. Tear, "Puff puff puff!" In a blink of an eye, the tail of the strange lizard broke into pieces of meat.

At this moment, the thick armored monster lizard has no strength to make a sound. In addition to shaking his body like a sieve, and spurting blood, this guy is about to die. The insect mother sneered: "Bastard, now. Do you know how good I am?"

"Mother, be careful!" At such a time, Guan Hengyang said: "This strange lizard you are dragging ashore is not the first time it appeared. There must be its kind in this blue pool."

"What?!" Hearing this, the insect mother was stunned, and then she looked at it carefully, and then whispered: "Sure enough, it's different from the guy just now, **** it, how could this be?"

"Huh la la!" It was too late, and then soon, another figure had already rushed out of the blue water pond, and it was able to rush to the insect mother, raising its paws and slapped it down.

"Beast, look for death!" When she said this, the worm mother not only did not dodge, but shook the fiery filaments of the injured strange lizard with a violent flick. "Hoo!" The injured guy was immediately taken hurriedly. Liefeng slammed into his companion who had just emerged from the pool.

"Wow?!" The guy who tried to attack the insect mother had no idea that the other party would use this kind of strange trick. Unable to stop, his claws immediately patted his companion again.

"Pap!" At the next moment, the claws of the sneak attack on the strange lizard gave his companion a big opening. As the puff sounded, the unlucky injured strange lizard's intestines spurted out, splashing the guy's face all over his face. .

"Hahaha, thank you for helping Benworm solve a waste. In order to reward you, I will send you on the road with him!"

Throwing the corpse that had been beaten into waste, the evil worm mother had already grinned and rushed towards the other party. The scared and stupid sneak attack monster wanted to escape, but found that her body was so scared that she could not move at all.

"Swish! Swish!"

At this moment, the fiery filaments have entangled this guy's neck, and under the worm mother's strong pull, the head of the six-clawed thick shelled monster lizard surged up with a piercing sound, and the broken body without the head shook in the same place. After a few strokes, he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Hmph, you want to be arrogant in front of me with these two wastes, you can't help yourself!"

"Puff, puff!"

When she said this, the worm mother suddenly spit out two flames and fell on the corpse of the thick armored monster lizard. With the sound of "cracking" one after another, the blood of the strange rhinoceros was burned out in a few breaths, but a large pile of dark scale armor and The whole set of bones remained, but was burned all over.

"Hey, what a sturdy scale armor and bones. With the pure fire spirit of the insect mother, they can't burn them to ashes?" Seeing this, even Guan Heng was a little surprised. He said, "Overlord, you The flames are also very strong, try burning these bone scales."

"No problem, just look at me." When Fen Xinbahuo heard this, he flew to the worm mother in a magnificent manner and said: "You, you, it's really useless. You can't even burn the bones of two beasts. Lord will show you a hand."

Hearing this, the evil worm mother said unconvincedly: "Hey, who won't be able to blow and blow? Wait until you succeed."

"Huh—" Tyrant Huo was not polite, and suddenly released a flame that covered the bones of the strange lizard. Although the flames made the bones crackle, the high temperature and heat made them glow red and red, but they couldn't refine this thing. , Tyrant Huo couldn't help saying: "Evil door!"

"Hahaha, how is it, Lord Lord, it seems that your flames are also useless, right?" Seeing the other party slumped, the insect mother said with teasing at this time.

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