Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9530: Strong Bone Green Stone

"I don't believe in evil, let's try it together!" Fen Xin Ba Huo shouted, and the evil cricket mother nodded: "Well, I also have this intention. If I didn't try it together, I would not be reconciled! "


It's too late, then soon, the flames of the insect mother and the tyrannical fire suddenly fell on the bones of the monitor lizard. Although the fierce fire released by the two together is called fierce and fierce, it can’t help the bones and scales of the thick-shelled monster lizard. , The thing is still the same, just burned red.

"Stop, stop, you are just wasting the fire aura like this." Guan Heng waved his hand, and immediately stopped both of them, and then said: "Since the double fire aura can withstand the burning, this thick armor Bones and scales are definitely good things."

"But if this thick armored monster lizard is so powerful, how can it be easily killed by the insect mother?" Qing Huang said in a puzzled manner.

"It's very simple. The scales and bones are strong, but the flesh and blood are too weak, and the internal organs are even more vulnerable. It still can't keep the strange lizard's life."

"It turned out to be like this." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang and their sisters nodded and said yes.

"Okay, Earth Palace Toad, first put away the scales and bones of the strange lizard. Let's study slowly in the future, and now, keep going." With that, Guan Heng led his companions to the Jade Pool.

"Huh?" At the next moment, Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell into the green pond. The next to him, Fang Xin asked: "Hey, what's wrong, don't leave?"

"There seems to be something at the bottom of the pool."

"I'll get it!" The Shui Xuan spirit beast lying on the back of King Jia Yao was excited, and suddenly released a large amount of water aura, suddenly scrolling the green liquid in the pool, making them two points left and right in an instant, opening up one. the way.

The Shui Xuan spirit beast flew over to take a closer look, and then said: "Under the pool are rows of round turquoise stones. Strangely, I have never encountered their breath, but I feel very comfortable."

"Huh!" When it was too late, it was fast, and the water profound spirit beast took a shot in the air, and a green round stone suddenly fell on its claws.

"Bhacha!" In the next instant, the cobblestone in the water profound spirit beast's palm shattered unexpectedly, and then turned into countless green powder into its body.

"Oops!" Shui Xuan spirit beast screamed in shock, then flew to Guan Heng's side, and said in a panic: "This thing is not poisonous, right? Oh, oh, oh, my little master is going to die!"

"Calm down, aren't you still alive and kicking right now?" Guan Heng patted its forehead and said, "Hurry up and feel the changes in your body. Even if it is really poisoned, I can save you."

"Yes, yes, I was too gaffe." As he said, the Shui Xuan spirit beast felt the internal organs in his body, and suddenly whispered: "It's strange, I don't seem to feel any discomfort, and I feel my flesh and blood It seems to be stronger."


"Pop!" After that, the Shui Xuan Ling Beast swung its small paws and blasted against a nearby rock, leaving an inch-deep palm print on it.

"I understand." Guan Heng pondered it for a while, then analyzed it: "You crushed that piece of cobblestone. The green powder that you absorbed should have the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, which happened to be absorbed by you."

"Then I found it cheaper?" Shui Xuan Ling Beast shouted: "Hahaha, I said that I will have a great luck, and nothing will happen!"

"What are you talking about? Isn't it you who was scared and almost crying just now?" Guan Heng deliberately said with a bit of teasing.

"I, I just got nervous, I won't mention it." The Shui Xuan spirit beast blushed and hurriedly defended himself. Everyone laughed and said, "Hahaha, no more, we all understand. ."

"All in all, Xiao Shui Shui has done a good job, let us know the effect of this'Strengthening Green Stone', these are good things, let's put them all away."

Guan Heng said, "Let’s say there are thousands of green stones. We will leave some of them later, and let the flame hoof horses keep the rest. Let them be strong and strong, so that they can protect themselves in the future."

"Thank you Lord Guan." Upon hearing this, the flame hoof horse leader and the red hair thanked him again and again, and Guan Heng smiled: "You don't need to be so polite, you have to take the risk and come here with you to hunt for treasures. You must have something to gain. This is just a trivial matter."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy .

"There is a winding tunnel ahead, I'll go take a look."

The golden sting king's eyes were sharp, and he flew in the front again, so he hurriedly passed by, "Pop!" But I didn't expect that, as soon as it approached the entrance of the tunnel, it hit an almost transparent giant net on its own and was stuck. Above.

"Damn it, what is this?" King Jinzhe just wanted to struggle, but realized that the net still has a strong stickiness. The more he struggles, the tighter he gets, and he yells: "Who did this? Grandpa wants to kill it. !"

"Swish! Swish!"

At such a time, the end of the giant web on the top of King Golden Sting suddenly heard a hurried crawling sound. It cried out in its heart and turned its head and looked at it. It turned out to be a huge black-haired giant spider leaping forward. It is the king of golden stings as a good meal, and now I plan to open my teeth and feast on it.

"Goddamn bastard, do you think Grandpa is a bully? I will kill you!"

How could King Golden Sting be a generation waiting to die, struggling to turn his head suddenly, "Swish!" It released a large amount of Jinxuan aura in his body in one burst, turning it into dozens of golden auras and rushing towards the opponent. .


"Puff puff!"

The black-haired giant spider thought that the opponent had no resistance, and was too eager to approach. It was caught off guard. The head, face and body were nailed with sharp points, and the golden sting king instantly roared: "Blast!"

"Ping-pong-pong!" Jin Lingqi suddenly burst into pieces, exploding the black-haired giant spider's body full of blood holes, screaming backwards, but even so, this guy still pulled the giant net with his forelimbs and violently pulled , King Jinzhe was unstable and finally fell on the net again.

"You **** damned black spider, if grandpa can get out of trouble, he will smash you into ten thousand pieces!" Seeing that the black giant spider was seriously injured, but still trapped himself with a giant net, the golden sting king became furious and shouted. .

"Xiaojin, don't worry, I am coming!"

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the evil worm mother had already flown nearby, and it cried out, "It may be a bit hot, bite your teeth!"

"it is good!"

"Wow!" At the same time the Golden Sting King promised, the evil worm mother spit out a big mouth of fierce fire, and instantly covered the giant net that stuck to the Golden Sting King, and burned all this stuff in one go.

"Buzzing--" The next moment, the golden sting king fluttered his wings and got out of trouble!

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