Imperial Overlord

: Twenty-two promotion list

The key is another matter. How did he accomplish these things without causing others to suspect?

You must know that he is risking his life now and has used a shadow army to fool a lot of people. Naturally, it is impossible to use this kind of thing forever. If it is revealed, he will lose his life.

Closing his eyes slowly, Li Le's mind was full of memories and knowledge of various past lives. These things were buried deep in his mind, and now they are as clear as they are in front of him.

He seemed to be reminiscing, recalling the past when he read these books and materials.

These things were imprinted in his mind, as if they were a reward for his time travel, or a kind of compensation.

When Li Le opened his eyes again, rolled over and sat up from the bed, his stomach was already a little uncomfortable.

Strictly speaking, he didn't wake up from sleep, but because of extreme hunger, he was woken up by hunger.

Of course, the President's breakfast can be prepared at any time. When he saw the bread and milk, Li Le finally felt that he was alive.

Compared with vegetable leaves and potatoes, eggs, milk, and bread are more popular for a twenty-first-century soul.

After he devoured two slices of bread and drank a glass of milk, he felt a little more comfortable in his stomach.

Fortunately, at this time, and the status of the head of state, the food Li Le eats has no additives and no bad ingredients, so it can be regarded as a relatively natural thing.

So, after eating another serving of bread and milk, Li Le finally got rid of hunger and lived a life of food and clothing that the Chinese people yearned for in the 1930s—something wrong?

After breakfast, His Excellency the Führer began his day's work. He wanted to see the main content of the newspaper that Bowman had excerpted for him, and then summoned Brauchitch.

Admiral Walter von Brauchich, the commander-in-chief of the German Wehrmacht, is also a commander who is somewhat capable, but not very popular with the Führer.

At least in the promotion of field marshal, he took the fast track and became the new field marshal of the German military after 20 days.

It's just that the number of marshals promoted with him makes everyone uncomfortable with the marshal's scepter - if there are too many VIPs, it won't reflect the adjective expensive, right?

There were as many as a dozen army and air force commanders who were promoted together with General Brauchitch.

No matter what kind of official title it is, if you give it a dozen or so in one go, it will make it worthless.

So Li Le wanted to discuss with the army commander whether he could cut some of these awards.

When General Brauchitch walked into the Führer's office, there was a smile on his face. He is a pure army commander, and this time is the spring breeze.

The battle for Poland and the capture of France gave Brauchitch an unprecedented honor as an army commander.

His troops achieved the results that countless famous German generals hoped to achieve, and they did so neatly.

In the 40 years of Germany, everything was so beautiful, brilliant victories on the battlefield, and the people in the rear lived and worked in peace and contentment.

These imperial generals have not yet tasted the bitterness of 1943, so the negative emotions are hidden under the dazzling halo, making it difficult to see.

"Victory! Führer!" At the door, Brauchitch, who had just won the French campaign, raised his arms and saluted.

"Ah, Brausch, my dear commander-in-chief of the army!" Li Le took off his glasses, stood up and walked in front of Brausch, smiled and patted the other's arm, showing his kindness.

This action made Brauchitch uncomfortable, because he had never experienced such an intimate reception by the Führer.

"The reason for calling you here is very simple. The war on the Western Front seems to be over, and there seems to be only one UK left." Li Le said to Brauchitch.

"You have to draw up a battle plan for logging in to the UK, and at the same time prepare for promotion... I would like to congratulate you and thank you for your victory for Germany as the commander of Germany."

Although the news of the promotion has spread from various cracks, Brausch still looks flattered.

He thanked him politely and expressed his gratitude to Li Le. It is a pity that, like most Prussian officers, he was not very politically savvy.

After Li Le went around and found that the effect was not very good, he had to say bluntly: "Actually, I found that because of the victory, I need to be promoted too many generals."

He said while looking at Brauchitch: "So I plan to condense this promotion list to 10 people."

Brauchitch raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had heard of the scale of promotion. Since it was said to be compressed, it meant that perhaps the number of people promoted to marshal would be far greater than the scale of 10 people.

This is not good news for him, because after all, he himself is sitting in the position of commander-in-chief of the army and is in a relatively advanced position in promotion.

This makes him more willing to compress the scale of promotion and control the rank of army generals within a reasonable range, which is convenient for his future command and transfer.

However, none of this could be discussed until the Führer left for Paris. Now, in front of the army, the head of state talks about the promotion of marshal for the first time.

Heard, after all, only heard. He looked at Li Le cautiously, and softly persuaded: "My head of state, isn't ten people a bit too much?"

Of course Li Le knows that there are too many, but many things are not as simple as they seem. The head of state needs to win over the generals of the army. If he does not give the position of marshal, how can he win the heart of the other party?

At the same time, what made Li Le feel depressed was the position of the Marshal of the Air Force. Not a good arrangement for Milch.

Milch was promoted to Air Force General in 1938. If he is promoted again, it will make Goering dissatisfied...

At the same time, Li Le wanted to be promoted to Kesselring, a field marshal who was more capable of fighting tough battles in the Air Force, but he also had to consider the feelings of Milche and Goering.

It's just that the Air Force has become like this, and if you count the vast sea of ​​people in the Army... Li Le thinks about it and thinks that his brain is not enough.

Brauchitch and General Bock have worked hard and are very prestigious within the army. Of course, they must be promoted in this state to demonstrate fairness and justice.

Besides the two of them, Li Le of course still remembered those marshals who were more loyal to the Führer: Keitel, Kluge and Reichenau.

These three people are the generals he hopes to promote very much, because they can be regarded as cronies and used to infiltrate the important forces of the Wehrmacht.

So it seems that Li Le first decided to kill the one he didn't want to see: Witzleben.

The rest of the matter is so complicated that it is too tangled. Li Le had to seek Brausch's opinion, or in a disguised form, he would leave the things that offend people to Brausch to do.

As a result, as the commander-in-chief of the army, after seeing the names of these candidates, Brauchitch also fell into an incomparable tangle.

He found that many, many people's names were not easy to handle. If he insisted on cutting them off, he would offend many people, even the head of state with a smile on his face.

Of course, Brauchitch also knew that Reichenau could not veto it casually, because he was a fanatical believer of the Führer.

Of course, Bock and himself can't be cut off. With Lundstedt, this is already four people.

Although the commander-in-chief of the army is very short-sighted and stupid in politics, he is definitely not a fool with insufficient IQ. He knows at a glance that Kluge and Keitel are used to mix sand for the army.

Therefore, he became more and more reluctant to cut off Loeb and others who had balanced strength. In this way, without leaving a position for the Air Force, the number of field marshals will go straight to the upper limit of 10 people.

He put down the name document in his hand with a wry smile, then looked at Li Le and said, "My head, if you need me to give you advice, there are not many people who can be cut here. ."

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Brauchitch could neither step in nor dare to intervene in the field of Air Force Commander Goering, so he believed that the promotion of the Air Force side was definitely a sure thing.

Li Le also felt that this kind of thing, since the real head of state who died did not have too obvious sequelae.

Except for a few complaints from Manstein when he wrote the memo after World War II, the others did not gossip.

So after a lot of entanglement, I decided to promote these people according to the original history.

But he still had to cut down some people, so he looked at Brauchitch and said, "Witzleben's contribution in the Western Front War was average, so don't you get promoted?"

Brauschic couldn't afford to go to war with the flourishing Führer over a Witzleben. After a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, he nodded in agreement: "Since the Führer thinks so, I agree in principle."

In this way, after some severe compression, the list on July 19, 1940 was cut by one spot - the unfortunate Witzleben, this time had to live with the title of general for the rest of his life.

Moreover, Li Leke, who is good at making up the sword, has no intention of letting go of the unfortunate man who later betrayed the head of state: "Let him go to the reserve, I need a stable general to sit there."

Brausitch thought for a while, then persuaded: "Even if Weitzler is not worthy of promotion, he can be transferred to the reserve...isn't there some..."

Li Le sneered in his heart, this Witzleben had a sneaky plot to overthrow the Führer in 1937, but it didn't work out.

If you still have such a fool, doesn't it prove that you are more stupid than the dead head of state?

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