Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and fifty hit each other

Just when John Tovey was tangled, the eight 381mm main guns on the German battleship Tirpitz opposite him also ejected dazzling fire.

Apparently, the German warships were trying to sink the British ships. As more and more cannons were fired, John Tovey felt the pressure from the enemy.

A full 16 381mm caliber cannons, plus 9 28omm caliber artillery, formed a fairly dense fire network.

It is only a matter of time before such a dense fire net hits the British warships in this large net.

The probing turned into a real attack when the German navy found that its shells had landed very close to where the British warships were on the water.

Lütjens gave the order to fire all: "Let the battlecruiser Gneisenau also fire! We still have the upper hand!"

The current German fleet is determined to run away, so of course, the British fleet cannot be allowed to follow itself.

Whether it was intimidation or really wanting to sink the British warships, Lütjens finally gave the order to fire all, hoping to use intensive firepower attacks to drive the British warships behind him.

Row after row of artillery fire suddenly, the British fleet surprisingly did not fight back. So the only thing on the sea was the surging waves, and the muzzle flames of the German cannons that were constantly shining.

In the distance, around the British fleet, huge water columns were constantly rising. Although no artillery shells were hit, the British fleet was not feeling well when they were passively beaten.

Seeing that his fleet was constantly being attacked by the Germans, as the commander of the search fleet, John Tovey finally couldn't help it.

"Telegram! Confirm where General Somerville and General Charles are now! I need to measure the distance! Immediately!" He was nervous and commanded.

Then, the British admiral weighed in his mind whether to order his warships to fire back.

In this way, you can't fire back, although you can use the night to hide yourself, but it is obvious that the enemy is already targeting you, and the effect of concealment is really doubtful.

However, if you fire, the opponent will see the flame of his muzzle, and he can correct his shooting parameters, which may be more accurate.

After struggling for about a minute, John Tovey finally made up his mind, continued to approach the enemy ship, and opened fire again at the moment of sunrise in the east.

He has confidence in his sailors, and he knows that at a distance of about 10 kilometers, his battleship can completely hit.

Once he seriously wounded the enemy ship, his attack was considered effective. When the injured battleship of the other side is caught up by the mainland and the two intercepting fleets, it will inevitably be sunk.

After making a judgment, John Tovey gave the order to continue to approach the opponent: "Steady! Don't open fire to expose yourself! Aim at the enemy's muzzle flame and be ready to fire at any time!"

On the other hand, Lütjens was also very nervous. He knew that the British navy on the opposite side had attacked until now and had not opened fire. He planned to use the darkness as a cover to get close to the German fleet.

"Let all the artillery be shortened by one kilometer below the original firing parameters!" In the command position, the artillery commander of the Bismarck ordered loudly.

Two rounds of salvos have been fired, and the Bismarck has not even hit each other with a single shell, which makes all the German navies hold an inexplicable resentment.

Watching the enemy is approaching frantically, but he has no ability to stop it, this is really a very depressing thing for the German naval officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, the German warships sailed quite fast, otherwise they might have been pulled into the distance by the other side.

"Boom!" The battleship Tirpitz opened fire again, the second salvo adjusted the shooting of Zhu Yuan, and the shells roared towards the distant target.

This salvo finally turned a boring naval battle into a lively one. The bad luck of the British came again in Sunday's naval battle.

One of the shells fired from the battleship Tirpitz hit the poor battlecruiser Reputation.

The deadly shell hit the mizzen mast of the battleship Prestige with a very high degree of speed, tearing apart all kinds of steel bars blocking the road, and shattering everything in the vicinity.

Then the shell was not stopped by the fragile mast, but crashed into the building behind the Prestige with strong kinetic energy.

The armor-piercing projectile carries a time-delay fuse, so it did not explode immediately when it hit the bottom of the mast.

In the building behind the Prestige, the shell really exploded, knocking off half the mast at once, and taking away a sight of the anti-aircraft gun.

The collision of steel made a sharp sound, and the broken iron filings flew everywhere in the air, forming a dazzling fire.

Like a firefly, the Prestige exploded and burst into dazzling sparks, revealing its slender figure in the night sky.

On the bridge of the Prestige, the captain broke out in a cold sweat from this hit. If the place where he was hit was not too close, the shell would be deadly enough.

But his happiness didn't last long, because the fire at the tail burned up a little bit, illuminating the awkward smile on his face that hadn't faded away.

Originally, this explosion did not cause any fatal injury to the Prestige, but the fire brought by the explosion suddenly exposed the Prestige to the entire German naval fleet.

"It's over! The enemy has hit the Prestige!" With such a concept formed in his mind, John Tovey realized that the Germans had an unexpected advantage before sunrise.

At this point in the battle, John Tovey, commander of the Navy Search Fleet, knew the battle was over.

If he continues to insist that his fleet follow the German fleet, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out here.

However, after retreating like this, he still could not explain the reason for his retreat. According to the so-called standard of the British navy to fight every enemy, John Tovey still felt that he should fight once.

"Order! Fire back! You can't be beaten like this anymore!" John Tovey, who knew that his fleet could no longer hide in the dark and couldn't turn around to retreat, could only force the fleet to fight this time.

"Boom!" The British naval battleship, which had already aimed at the German fleet, spewed blazing flames this time.

The battleship Reputation opened fire first, and the shells fell on the battlecruiser Gneisenau, which was close to the center of the German fleet.

This attack scared Lütjens into a cold sweat, because the shell closest to Gneisenau was less than 70 meters away from the battlecruiser Gneisenau.

Being able to hit such a close impact point when firing for the first time shows that the quality of the British naval gunners is also very good.

A loud bang came, and the battlecruiser Hood also fired its own cannonballs. The flames of the muzzle churned in front of the battleship, and the shock wave that spread out from the muzzle blew away the huge waves coming from the Atlantic Ocean.

Eight shells rushed towards the German fleet, and then hit the flagship Bismarck at the forefront of the fleet.

Hit, two shells hit the Bismarck, and the gunners of the Hood battleship proved their strength with practical actions.

However, the two shells that hit the Bismarck battleship did not cause fatal damage to the Bismarck battleship.

The same problem, the location of the hit is too high, one hit Bismarck's radar, directly flying the radar antenna, and the other shell hit Bismarck's crane, blowing off Bismarck's starboard reconnaissance aircraft crane arm...

Although it appeared that the Bismarck was hit by two shells and burst into flames, in fact the battleship was not damaged, and even the armor belt was intact.

However, after all, it was the flagship that was hit, and the nerves of the German Navy that were already tense suddenly became even tighter.

"Fire!" With an order, the battleship Bismarck fired its last salvo before dawn. The eight shells were aimed at the HMS Hood, the flagship of the British Navy's search fleet.

Unfortunately, this salvo, the Bismarck battleship still failed to write its own miracle. All 8 shells missed their target and formed side shots in front of and behind the battlecruiser Hood.

Standing on the bridge, Lütjens looked at the dark sea in the distance, anxiously waiting for the final result.

His battleship was hit by a shell just now. Although the loss was not large, it also scared everyone into a cold If it is hit again and bad luck affects the navigation, it will be really bad .

The fleet could not stay to protect a slow-moving warship, so whichever warship was hit and caused a reduction, that warship would be brutally abandoned.

But now it seems that the Bismarck has become the key target of the opponent's attack, and it is only a matter of time before it is hit.

The heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen of the German Navy in the distance opened fire at this time. Eight 2o3 mm caliber artillery pieces flew over the long sea and hit the British Prestige all at once.

With the flare as a reference, Prinz Eugen fired a third salvo and finally hit its target.

However, it is a pity that Prinz Eugen is equipped with a smaller caliber 2o3 mm main gun, which really does not have the ability to penetrate the armor of British battlecruisers.

As a result, although the shells exploded on the deck of the battlecruiser Prestige, they only had a visual effect and had no practical effect.

However, the flames on the battlecruiser Prestige became even bigger in an instant because of the explosion of Prinz Eugen's shells.

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