Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and fifty one good luck to good luck

The Gneisenau battlecruiser is equipped with a 280mm main gun, which is too small compared to the 381mm main gun equipped on the British Navy battlecruisers.

However, small caliber still has the advantage of small caliber, that is, the amazing rate of fire of the Gneisenau gun.

After the Hood hit Bismarck, the Gneisenau fired a salvo.

This round of salvos was aimed at the battleship Reputation, the position of the battlecruiser Gneisenau, and the attack on Reputation was just right.

Its shells flew out densely, and most of the nine shells fell on the deck of the battlecruiser Reputation.

Three shells hit the side of the battlecruiser Renown and two hit the deck of the Renown. There is also a chimney that directly penetrated the Reputation.

It only took a moment for the hull of the battlecruiser Reputation to become lively. The explosions came one after another, and John Tovey cried out in his heart.

He only has two battlecruisers in total. If one is lost at this time, all the firepower of the German battleships will be concentrated on the Hood.

If it really becomes like that, the opponent has a numerical advantage of dozens of artillery pieces, and will soon hit the battle cruiser USS Hood.

Battlecruisers, a type of ship, proved to be unsuitable weapons for participating in decisive battles during the Great Battle of Jutland in the First World War.

The original purpose of its design was to chase and annihilate the opponent's guerrilla fleet on the distant ocean.

And this guerrilla fleet mainly refers to a small fleet composed of battleships like German ironclads.

In World War I, the Battle of the Falklands, in which the British battlecruisers HMS Invincible and HMS Indomitable defeated the Spey fleet, was the most successful example of battlecruisers.

In the attack on old-fashioned armored cruisers, the battlecruisers outperformed their opponents in speed and firepower, easily defeating the experienced and fierce and tenacious Earl of Spey's fleet.

History is always full of coincidences. In the naval battle of 1914, Gneisenau and Nuremberg were also in the Spey fleet; it just so happened that in the real history, the commander who encircled the Bismarck , it is the current commander of the British search fleet, General John Tovey...

Now, both the Gneisenau and Nuremberg are trying their best to avenge their former enemies.

The Gneisenau that hit the Reputation was no longer an armored cruiser with the will to kill the enemy, but a true battle cruiser.

The 280 mm caliber shells hit the armor of the battlecruiser Prestige, sending out sparks. The loud bang of the metal crash echoed in the monstrous waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

The armored steel plates that blocked the advance of the projectiles were twisted and deformed in an instant, and then shattered, tearing off the load-bearing beams supporting these steel plates.

The rivets on the battleship collapsed and flew everywhere like bullets, battering the soldiers in the cabin to pieces.

The shell smashed the armor, then continued to fly forward in the cabin, and then hit the wall on the inside of the cabin, tearing the iron plates like a piece of white paper.

Then, this time-delayed fuze armor-piercing bullet had a huge explosion right here, and it began to use chemical reactions to expand its power thousands of times.

The chemical energy that spreads from the inside to the outside expands and spreads along the corridor. The huge energy ripped apart the walls of the cabin and pulled the thick steel bars.

The Prestige had a huge explosion, so huge that even some parts were blown into the sky and landed on the battle cruiser Hood, which was at least 200 meters away.

"It's over!" Standing on the bridge of HMS Hood, British Admiral John Tovey sighed subconsciously when he saw the flames rising from the battlecruiser Reputation.

Seeing the increasing flames, there was a burst of cheers from the German naval battleship. They, who have never seriously damaged the enemy ship, finally hit the enemy this time.

On the sea, the explosion of the prestige battlecruiser, the fire not only illuminated itself, but also illuminated the Hood battlecruiser not far away.

The two British warships had nothing to hide in the dark, and the German fleet could finally target and attack intuitively at this moment.

The place where the battlecruiser HMS Prestige exploded was about two-thirds of the length of the hull. It was still near the mizzen mast that was hit.

Because the place where the Prestige was hit for the first time was here, the German navy subconsciously aimed to fire here.

The deadliest shell went through the Reputation's fuel tank, and the huge flames were caused by the burning of the fuel tank.

The second fatal shell hit the ammunition store below one of the Reputation's secondary guns, detonating the secondary gun ammunition, mixing the explosion with the leaking fuel.

"Quick! The damage control unit will be in place immediately! Be sure to put out the fire!" An officer on the Reputation shouted hysterically.

"Inject water into the ammunition compartment! Stop the fire from spreading! Adjust the amount of water injected on the other side, and don't let the battleship tilt!" Another officer ordered loudly, his face flushed against the firelight.

After all, it is not a battleship with heavy armor. When a battlecruiser is faced with more firepower than a cruiser, it seems powerless.

The 280mm caliber main gun, which was not very powerful at first, was still difficult to suppress at this time. It really put a big question mark on the survivability of the battlecruiser.

"My ship must leave the battle!" On the bridge of the battlecruiser Reputation, the captain sent a request signal to his flagship to leave the battle.

If this persists, everyone knows that the Prestige will be sunk by the hit shells after several rounds of salvos from the enemy.

On the other side, on the Hood, which was reloading its artillery, John Tovey decisively issued an order for the Prestige battlecruiser to leave the battle.

The current Prestige can no longer be called a help, but can only be a burden to the Hood.

Fortunately, the Hood's first salvo just now hit the Bismarck battleship because of luck.

The fire on the opponent's hull also made the battleship Bismarck a target for the Hood. As long as it could bite the opponent's battleship and not let it go, the British battleship could seriously injure the German battleship.

With this idea in mind, John Tovey gave the Reputation an order to retreat, but he took the Hood to continue chasing the German fleet.

A British battlecruiser chasing two enemy battleships and a battlecruiser... such an incredible sight, it just happened.

"If it's loaded, don't wait for my order! Target wounded German warships, fire!" After glancing at the artillery commander, General John Tovey ordered.

"Boom!" Not long after he gave the order to attack, the Hood fired her second salvo of the battle.

Then, after this salvo, John Tovey gave the order to turn: "The battleship turns the rudder 10 degrees to the right! Pull the distance slightly!"

He had to maneuver as much as possible to avoid increasingly precise German naval artillery fire. The two sides have been at war for so long, and John Tovey also realized that his opponent was also a group of well-trained naval soldiers.

On the other hand, he also realized that the opponent's warship was equipped with a device that could detect him, perhaps a radar, or some other secret weapon.

He has sent this information to all the fleets and the homeland, but he must face it alone, such a German fleet with secret weapons and equipment.

General John Tovey, who put away his contempt, began to use movement to adjust the distance between himself and the German fleet, hoping to avoid being hit by the artillery of German battleships.

The Hood turned a few seconds after firing, and her shells hit the battleship Bismarck again.

Yes, another hit! HMS Hood is the pride of the British Navy, and the soldiers on board are of course very elite.

Under the guidance of the fire, one of the shells in the salvo hit the Bismarck's deck accurately, blowing up the anti-aircraft guns above, and directly destroying some nearby lifeboats and boats.

However, fortunately, Bismarck's heavy armor allowed it to avoid losses again. Although the surface damage looked serious, there was no fatal wound.

At the same time, when it was hit, the battleship Bismarck also fired her fifth salvo. The shells ripped through the air and flew to the Hood in the distance.

Looking at the flames formed by the explosion on the deck of his Lütjens's worries are constantly expanding.

He was worried that his warship would be wounded by the British, causing it to slow down and be forced to leave the fleet. In this case, disengagement also means being sunk by the enemy.

The battleship Bismarck was hit twice by the opponent, and the luck of the British was simply against the sky. In this case, the German battleship seemed really doomed.

"Turn the rudder to the left by 10 degrees as a whole! Adjust the distance from the British battleship! We can't continue to be beaten passively like this, and we must find a way." Lütjens also gave the order to turn the fleet shortly after firing.

On the other side, a salvo from the battleship Tirpitz accurately hit the battlecruiser Reputation, which had begun to slow down.

Luck seems to have not only patronized the British warships, but also the German warships. On such a dark night, the German artillery shells accurately flew over a distance of more than 15 kilometers and landed on the hull of the Prestige.

"Boom!" The huge explosion suddenly soared, and the fire on the Renown was at least three times larger than before. The power of the 381 mm caliber artillery shell is indeed amazing, and the deadly kill is completed in an instant.

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