Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and seventy three things

Although I know it is slow, in order to realize the dream of European unity for a long time, we can only break the curse of nationalism. . fastest update

Only after integrating the majority of the population and allowing these populations to identify with a unified Europe, a strong and complete Europe can be stable and sustainable for a long time.

The whole of Europe does not have any sense of identity with unification. It would be good if there is no trouble, let alone integration, and there is no consensus.

For most people in this land, people from other countries, even people from other ethnic groups, are so-called outsiders, enemies and enemies.

There is no other good way to slowly assimilate them except to use a unified thought and a "German dream".

Li Le looked at the excited Goebbels, and the somewhat depressed Himmler, and continued: "I always believe that there are three things in this world that must be used together to bring the whole of Europe together."

When he said this, he looked at Goebbels and stretched out one of his fingers: "Be reasonable! Explain the truth to the people clearly."

"In order to achieve this goal, I have arranged for people to conduct experiments. As a new propaganda tool, TV sets will be more memorable than radios. This is the most powerful propaganda method of the empire!" Li Le said, became excited.

Television, an image dissemination tool, is more powerful than radio and movies. It can not only improve the happiness of the family, but also double the effect of publicity.

As long as there is a steady stream of news at 7:30 in the evening, people's sense of happiness and belonging, as well as their sense of identity with the empire, will immediately explode.

Li Le is now trying to mobilize some German scientists to develop the first generation of TV sets, as well as civilian technologies such as refrigerators.

Although these technologies seem to have nothing to do with the military on the surface, in the end these technologies will feed back into the field of military technology, giving Germany a greater advantage in the electronics industry.

For example, in order to develop TV sets for Goebbels, picture tube technology began to receive attention in Germany, and the new picture tube technology will immediately be used in radar imaging technology to provide officers and soldiers with more intuitive image display.

Once this transformation is completed, coupled with the perfect development of radio signal technology, Germany's rapid development in radar technology will not be comparable to other countries.

After saying this, he looked at Hess, who was silent and absent-minded, and stretched out his second finger: "Give them carrots! Share the benefits of the empire, let them see hope and light, and Looking forward to the future we give them!"

Hess looked up. He had not been much of a presence at meetings of late. The Nazi party's deputy Fuhrer had been playing a dispensable role since the victory over France.

On military issues, he is not as important as Goering and other marshals, and Hess himself is not a master of strategizing, so it is inevitable that he has been marginalized in the state of war.

At the same time, he did not play as important a role in the economic operation as his high-ranking Nazi Party counterparts. His deputy head of state, to a certain extent, was empty, as if he was a mascot, just a decoration.

Unexpectedly, in such a programmatic meeting to change the important attitude of the Nazi party in terms of race, Führer Hitler took the initiative to find him, which made him suddenly want to cry.

In the history of Hess, in a very short and depressing atmosphere, in order to restore his status, he finally got a nerve and flew to the UK by himself.

Such a helpless move actually happened to a deputy head of the empire. It is really embarrassing to think about it.

This time, Li Le, the fake head of state, did not intend to waste every loyal assistant around him. Li Le felt that an ideal follower like Hess, who was loyal and did not doubt the status of the head of state, should be reused.

He intends to let an honest person like Hess do things honestly, and do important things that no one in the Nazi Party can do in a down-to-earth manner.

"Give the people carrots, the most important thing is to eat! Potatoes, bread, vegetables, meat, butter... These things are the basic happiness of the people!" Li Le looked at Hess and said a lot about agriculture The problem.

"Producing a sufficient amount of fertilizer to feed all those who identify with Germany is the most basic thing to gather European power." After he finished speaking, he stood up abruptly.

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, he walked over to Hess and put his hands on Hess' shoulders. This was an intimate gesture that made Hess a little flattered.

The head of state stood behind Hess and continued: "Without this foundation, we will defeat the whole world and will be overthrown by our own people."

"So!" Having said this, Li Le solemnly said: "I need Hess to temporarily take charge of the agricultural development of the empire, including the coordination of relevant fertilizers, including land integration, and maintaining efficient production!"

Germany in real history, with a weak base of 80 million people, mobilized more than 10 million troops before and after World War II.

Such terrifying mobilization strength, on the one hand, proved the efficiency of the German social machine terror, on the other hand, it also represented that the entire country was basically in a state of paralysis after mobilization.

Industries directly related to the war have been guaranteed at a minimum, agricultural and other production has come to a standstill, people's living standards have fallen, and the sense of belonging, happiness, and even identity has collapsed.

If this can still win the war, it's really hell. In this time and space, Li Le did not intend to use military force like this until the last moment.

Li Le's idea is that he wants to mobilize the whole of Europe, and even bring Ukraine and Belarus together to mobilize the original 10 million troops.

Protecting and developing one's own agriculture and related foundations, ensuring the functioning of industry, and developing higher-level future industries are prerequisites to ensure victory in the war.

If these links are damaged, the victory and defeat of this war will become irrelevant. Victory is nothing more than maintaining a decent appearance; defeat, the entire country will be destroyed.

"My head of state... this kind of thing..." Although Hess was reused and got some real power, he always felt that something was wrong...

Thinking about it carefully, he, the deputy head of the Nazi Party, was just sent to work as a minister of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is really hard to say whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

His position in the Nazi party was there, he was a small Minister of Agriculture, and if he looked at Goering in his advantageous position, he would have become a marshal of the Empire.

"Don't underestimate this position!" As if he knew what Hess was going to say, Li Le interrupted the other party's refusal and comforted: "This position is very important, if you don't take over, I will personally ask and let go. In the hands of other people, I am not at ease."

As the head of the empire, Li Le spoke his sincerity. The talents he can use seem to be overwhelming, but in fact, there are not many people who can be alone.

Hess can be regarded as a relatively reliable and honest person. From the fact that he was pushed into a corner by Goering and other rising Nazi party leaders, and finally flew to the UK by himself, it can be seen that he is regarded as a member of the Nazi party. An orphan.

And he is not only a lonely minister, but also a relatively stubborn person. Such a person is a better choice to look after his own home.

"I need someone who is dedicated to working for Germany and the Party. He is in charge of all the work of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is directly responsible to me and is equivalent to military operations in importance." man, he knew better than anyone the importance of food.

Without weapons, we can continue to fight with swords, but without food, the front line will collapse faster.

Speaking of this, Hess had no way to refuse. He could only nod his head and take on the important task: "My head, if you really need me to do this work, I will try my best to complete it."

What made him finally acquiesce to this appointment was Li Le's statement that the importance was equivalent to military action, which touched his heart and gave Hess a glimmer of hope.

Commanding the battle, Hess considered himself incompetent. Giving him jobs like troops or logistical support will only allow him to destroy them.

Therefore, he can compete with the generals and Goering and others, and he can only show his role in other work.

After entrusting Hess with the task of agricultural production, Li Le looked at Himmler, who was a little disappointed. Then he also walked in front of Himmler and said, "Carrots are not everything, of course, we also need a big After that, he said to Himmler: "Never underestimate you. mission, Himmler! I need you to keep killing, but killing with a purpose. "

"Kill those who don't agree with us, this is a warning to those who are watching! We must purify the heart of the entire German nation and never waver, but the current German nation, we have to redefine it. "

Hearing Li Le's words, Himmler's eyes also lit up. Although he didn't quite agree with the theory that the Führer said to identify the new German nation, he had to admit that it was much better than his original plan. many.

Since the existing methods are not enough to kill all the Germans, or everyone except the pure-blooded Aryans, why not use another method?

First kill some of the scum who are the least worthy of winning, and then unite with some other people who agree with the German national ideology. This can also make progress in race——

The child has been having a high fever, and the update of Longling in the last few days may be a little unstable. Please forgive me... I'm sorry to say to everyone here. As long as the child is well, Longling will definitely make up for it.

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