Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and seventy-one air battle begins

Keeping people fed and clothed is the most basic standard of happiness in life. . The fastest update Li Le intends to let Hess pay attention to this matter, and integrate farmland and factories throughout Europe to maximize the utilization rate of cultivated land.

Li Le planned to double the yield of grain crops throughout Germany in 1942 and to double the ration for most of the region.

Although his idea is a bit too optimistic, if it can be carefully operated, there is still a certain feasibility.

There is actually not a lot of land desolate due to wars in Europe. By utilizing these cultivated lands and distributing enough fertilizers, the ambition to double the grain output can barely be achieved.

With this foundation, Li Le has the most solid foundation for all his efforts to repay the rice coupons and improve people's living standards.

After that, it was the real use of productivity to improve the standard of living of German civilians. This is a big project, and it is the most real and the least discounted project.

The intuitive summary is to develop our own productivity, as well as the accumulation of technologies that support productivity. There is no detour in these tasks, and it must be done step by step.

For example, today's soda ice cream is like today's fruit and delicious food, it's like today's mobile phone, it's like today's car...

These things, with the continuous development of society, with the improvement of human science and technology and productivity, no matter what kind of regime, no matter what kind of system, will gradually become popular.

What determines the speed of popularization of these things is the increase in productivity, which has nothing to do with political forms or beliefs. It is only about the progress of productivity and science.

Coca-Cola was not produced by so-and-soism, and it was definitely not so-and-so's thought that contributed to the popularization of automobiles today. It is the production line and higher-yielding food that brought this to society.

In Li Le's vision, it has nothing to do with the war. German factories will produce millions of TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators, and truly improve the quality of life of the people.

He even shouted a slogan to let every family in Germany use a car! It was an absolutely lofty statement, an inspiring speech.

Li Le, who comes from the 21st century, knows that the promise of the head of state is a promise that needs to be fulfilled. There are too many great ideas that the politicians of later generations could not complete, and Li Le did not want to be cast aside by the people.

Equipping all families with cars is a bit too far, but with the support of Libyan oil fields, it is possible for future generations to get some Middle East oil quotas. Li Le feels that this pie is not too ethereal.

The barrel car originally designed for the German team was later the standard for German family cars. As long as it is sufficient, the comfort can even be ignored.

While Li Le was outlining Germany's bright future with Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and Himmler, an air force general worriedly knocked on the door of the conference room.

The knock on the door interrupted the laughter in the conference room. After getting permission from Li Le, the other party pushed open the soundproof door and walked between Li Le and Goering.

"Victory! Führer!" He stood at attention and saluted, raised his arms and shouted, and then he talked about the purpose of coming here.

I saw him spread out the folder under his arm, and then began to read: "My head, just a few minutes ago, the air battle in the port of Brest started."


The air battle over Brest began, and the two sides used thousands of aircraft at a time to kick off a huge battle on the sea.

Dozens of fighter jets swooped down into the sky, and the roar of their engines seemed to tear the sky apart; tracer bullets woven a large net in the gray sky, swallowing the lives of pilots on both sides.

From time to time, a fighter jet dragged thick smoke, the nose of the plane fell with flames, and the parachuting pilot could even see other fighter jets pass over his head.

As the main force of interception, me-109e fighters took the lead in rushing into the formation of British Spitfire and Hurricane fighters.

The fighter jets on both sides were biting together, constantly rolling and climbing in the sky, and kept diving and pulling up.

"Your left! Your left!" When White tried to remind his wingman, the wingman's cockpit had been hit by a bullet fired by the other side.

He saw with his own eyes that his wingman pilot was drowned in the blackness of blood and fire on one side, and he could no longer see it.

There was a row of **** holes on the side of the cabin. The hatch cover of the cabin was smashed to pieces, and half of them were lost.

The plane with no driver in sight is still flying in the sky. Its engines are still turning, and its wings still carry the weight of the fuselage.

If the plane is still alive, its subtext must be Stephen Chow's "I don't want to die," which makes people laugh and cry.

White drove his fighter jet, tumbling past the wingman, which had no response. Dodged the entanglement of the opponent's fighter, and then found a relatively safe position.

He saw a group of fighter jets fighting on the side, dense bullets flying everywhere, and a hurricane fighter exploded in the sky, bursting with dazzling fire.

Everything is so dazzling in the gray sky. Before White could sigh, he was entangled by another German fighter jet.

Having lost the cover of his wingman, he immediately seemed to struggle when he got rid of the opponent's pursuit. He tried to use a disc spin to get the distance, but the opponent immediately rolled into the inside corner.

After fighting repeatedly for a few seconds, the opponent gave up the pursuit of him, and turned around to find another British fighter to try his luck.

As if it was a prize draw, the German pilots quickly recognized that the British fighter pilots who committed the crimes were actually of different levels.

All those flying the Hurricane were novice pilots. Most of these newbies who have just been trained are participating in real air combat for the first time.

It would be good for these pilots to be able to fly out of formation in the sky, and to maintain the formation, and to expect them to be able to beat the German fighter jets would be a fool's errand.

Because of this, the German pilots quickly found a good opportunity to brush their own record. They didn't get entangled with the Spitfire, and they would give up after a little test.

Then, these German fighter jets who gave up chasing the Spitfire would find a Hurricane to start with, to experience the thrill of massacred trumpets in the novice area.

Soon, the disadvantage of the inexperience of most British fighter pilots was highlighted, which directly led to the collapse of the Hurricane fighter **** force.

"This is killing it!" White glanced at the fuel gauge, then let the Spitfire dive, aimed at an enemy fighter, and began to fire violently.

The other party obviously did not find his existence, and was chasing a helpless Hurricane fighter intently. White's sneak attack worked, and the German plane was hit in the wing.

The bullet's greeting made the other party react and began to roll out of the lock of the British fighter. The two planes crossed in the sky, and the German fighter fled wounded. White achieved his first victory in the battle of the day.

It is a pity that at this time, the sound of calling for help in the group of Wellington bombers was about to fill up the channels.

It was not the me-109e fighter jets nor the -190b fighter jets that rushed into the Wellington bomber group, but a German aircraft that did not perform well when attacking England.

Most of the me-110s have been converted into night fighters, and there are still a large number of me-110 fighters in the Luftwaffe that have not been converted and are still serving as fighters.

In order to make up for the lack of air force weapons, Goering deployed a considerable number of me-110s in France, serving as patrol aircraft and security aircraft.

Others were deployed to Brest as long-range reconnaissance aircraft to cover naval submarines and detect enemy movements.

After the alarm sounded in Brest, these planes were also ordered to take off to intercept the enemy planes. They were very self-aware, and instead of provoking the escorting British fighter jets, they rushed directly into the Wellington bomber group.

The me-110 fighters equipped with large-caliber cannons are outdated when dealing with enemy fighters, but when dealing with bombers, their advantages are obvious.

In the face of the old and slow Wellington bomber, the terrible large-caliber cannon on the me-110, as well as its massive ammunition carrying capacity, make it quite a bargain.

Equipped with 20mm and 30mm caliber cannons, the me-110 fighter can be said to be the natural killer of all bomber units in the early days of World War II.

The Wellington bomber did not have many self-defense weapons. Like the German he-111, it belonged to the less mature bomber work in the early days of World War II.

Compared with the American bombers that attached great importance to self-defense Compared with Lancaster and Halifax, which were put into battle by the British in the later period, this kind of bomber was not very advanced.

So, when the me-110 fighters armed with 20mm caliber cannons burst into the queue, the British pilots were completely disorganized.

Compared with a single-engine fighter that is agile but not large in size, the shock that the me-110 brings to the opponent is even greater.

One Wellington bomber disintegrated and exploded in the sky in an instant, and the other crashed into the sea with thick smoke. As soon as the two sides fought, the British fleet paid a heavy price.

The British pilots were screaming over the radio, and they had begun the hard fight before they could see Brest.

Next they will know that the suffering that awaits them has only just begun. And the next battle is the real bloody.

Above the clouds, the American p-40 fighter jets began to dive and join the battle circle. If they did not make a move, the British bomber group might be beaten halfway to return...

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