Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and seventy-nine continued delayed landing

Recently, the German military has been crazy about the production, from the pistols produced in Belgium to the behemoths such as aircraft carriers, all of which are desperately building. . fastest update

However, the Navy has always focused on submarines for its own reasons. It was not until the naval fleet went to sea recently that they began to pay attention to surface equipment.

Most of the navy's production energy is placed on attack weapons, and transport ships are completely at the stage of makeshift use.

Several passenger ships of pre-war production, in good condition and condition, are being converted into aircraft carriers. Most were requisitioned and turned into transport ships that landed in England.

Most of the so-called naval landing ships are converted from small barges and fishing boats. The German Navy does not even have special tank transport ships.

If you think about it, you also know that, as the German Navy looked a year ago, the production of transport ships and landing ships is useless at all, because when the war begins, these ships are the targets of the British Navy.

Who would have thought that in just a few days, the formation of the German Navy's surface ships was reborn, which not only severely damaged the British Navy, but also put the matter of landing in the UK on the agenda.

"The importance of the production of landing ships has always been after the submarines and aircraft carriers. Now there are two ships under construction..." Rader looked at Li Le, and his answer became smaller and smaller.

He really didn't dare to say that the two transport ships that were just launched are just general-purpose transport ships that can also be used by the army, not special landing ships...

The only reason why Raedl was determined to produce these two transport ships was that he planned to use these two ships to join the shipping route between the Baltic Sea and Denmark to East Prussia.

"I have to say that such production progress is holding back the army's landing in the UK." Brauchitch, who participated in the meeting, once again played the tactic of dumping the pot.

His army has set up three special landing divisions. These special divisions select elite troops, but they can only conduct simple sea crossing training.

These troops lacking support may be wiped out on the beach by the British coastal defense forces during the landing process.

After all, they did not have the terrifying ability to cover the warships like the Normandy landings, nor did they have sea control to ensure the smooth landing of the follow-up troops.

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, even with the support of the secret weapon floating dock, the German expedition to the United Kingdom still cannot control a large enough landing field before the first night of darkness.

"I have no way to transport the tank to the beach as soon as possible... This will cause our casualties to be huge." Brauchitch pointed to the English Channel and introduced his plan to Li Le.

The army plan is much more detailed than the navy. After a simple transformation, the army plans to use the method of destroying ships to grab the beach when the first wave of landings is made. It will put about 20 tanks in the first time to break through the enemy's coastal positions.

This can ensure the fastest expansion of the landing field, and reduce infantry casualties. In cooperation with the paratroopers of the Air Force, the impact force of the first wave of landing can be greatly increased.

"The plan is really good... How can we ensure that 50,000 troops, that is, a division of more than one division, can rush through the strait at the same time, carry enough ammunition, and complete the combat mission of capturing the beach." Li Le looked at the military map and asked him Said the generals around him.

In the new version of the sea lion plan, the German paratroopers will have to dispatch 20,000 people, and the army will also use at least 30,000 people to attack the British coastline at the same time.

If such a large-scale army cannot guarantee the smooth transportation of logistics, it is equivalent to sending 50,000 prisoners to the British.

The follow-up landing force has at least 100,000 people. While transporting these 100,000 people into the British mainland, it is also necessary to ensure that at least 500 tanks and more than 1,000 armored vehicles land smoothly.

If you count the navy and air force that attacked at the same time, the combat force will exceed 170,000. The landing went well, and this number will be expanded to 400,000!

Of course, Ryder knew that such a huge scale of transportation was impossible for the Navy to complete. Even if you use all the ships that can be found, you can only ship a fraction.

Not counting the damage caused to ships during the landing, nor the obstruction of the British navy, even if it is optimistically estimated that the English Channel is safe and smooth, transporting 400,000 people to the other side is still a huge project.

"All hope must be pinned on the front-line landing troops, breaking through the opponent's defense line within an hour, and attacking in depth." Brauchitch said this, with a little despair.

As an army general in the Supreme Command, Keitel shook his head at this time and said to Li Le persuade: "This is simply an impossible task... My head of state... the probability of being blocked is higher than 90%. ."

Of course Li Le knew what kind of disaster would he encounter if he rashly landed in the UK under such circumstances. Even in 1944, the Atlantic Wall, full of recruits, blocked America's elite for hours.

It is still the same problem now. Although the German Army is strong, it has never fought a landing battle. The advantages of the armored force cannot be exerted, and the landing force cannot reach the expected scale.

"The plan to land in the UK continues to be delayed... The construction of the landing ship has to be put on the agenda... Within a month, we will be ready to land in the UK no matter what." Li Le looked at all the people present. The general said slowly.

In the future, that is, in June 1941, the risk of war between Germany and the Soviet Union exceeded Li Le's expectations.

And the more successful the action against the UK, the longer the delay, the higher the possibility of the US coming in to disrupt the situation!

Under the dual risks of the east and west lines, Li Le is more and more vague about the future direction of World War II, which has been beyond recognition.

"In this month's time, we must use the naval fleet to cut off the British mainland's transportation line and completely isolate the British mainland!" Li Le squeezed his fists, pressed it on the map, and watched Raidl order.

"Yes! My head of state! The navy will attack as soon as possible to destroy the other party's transportation line once again!" Raedl quickly stood at attention, raised his chin and promised the head of state.

He had little confidence in the naval fleet, but now he trusts the mighty fleet in the hands of Lütjens.

Earlier, he was afraid that his landing ship and transport ship would be killed by the British Navy in vain, and now he has the mind to produce transport ships with confidence.

"What the Air Force has to do is, on the one hand, to be optimistic about the Navy's backyard in Brest, and on the other hand, to harass the British mainland..." Looking at Goering, Li Le planned to "relieve" the Air Force.

The cost-effectiveness of continuing to bomb the British mainland has become lower and lower. Churchill and the British Air Defense Forces are not fools. They have taken the lead in recovering from their confusion.

More and more anti-aircraft guns have replaced Spitfires as the main means of intercepting bombing by the Luftwaffe. Under these circumstances, bombing losses remained high, rendering air strikes meaningless.

"The bombing mission is gradually compressed until it is cancelled... Unnecessary losses should be avoided as much as possible." Li Le was unwilling to let the pilots of the Air Force spend such meaningless consumption in the British air battle.

In real history, Germany was defeated and forced to end the British Air War. This time, Li Le ended the British Air War when he won.

The Luftwaffe Command had already calculated that the losses suffered by Britain now could not be recovered until 41 years ago.

And if the Shanghai military faces the destruction of the British mainland transportation line, this time will be delayed until at least 1942.

The calculation results are similar to what Li Le knew about the historical situation. In fact, it was indeed in 1942 that the British mainland fully entered the counter-offensive stage and began to interfere with the German rear on a large scale.

This time, the accuracy of the destruction of the Luftwaffe was higher and the destruction was more thorough, so it was a believable inference that the United Kingdom could still be unable to organize effective production in the first half of 1941.

"My head of state, the top priority is to increase the fuel reserve." Brauchitch heard Li Le cancel some of the air force's combat operations, and quickly suggested.

Recently, his armored units, even exercises and training have been suspended. He has been equipped with more than 1,000 Stalker tank destroyers and 20 mechanized infantry divisions.

Also more tanks, more trucks and armored vehicles, more self-propelled guns and more towed guns…

These weapons have made the German Army more powerful than ever, and at the same time are also more fuel-hungry than ever. It's like switching from a fuel-efficient Japanese car to a high-horsepower Cadillac at once, and the fuel consumption rate is naturally higher.

"The fuel brought back from Libya can only make up a fraction... The infrastructure over there is too backward, and the effect is much slower than expected." Speaking of this, Brauchitch was extremely depressed.

In Rommel's Afrika Korps, all officers and soldiers canceled their return home holidays, and all transport ships to Africa, except for letters, were fully loaded with fuel and returned to Europe.

Even so, there is still not much fuel shipped back. After all, Italy and France have to take some away. Although the amount is not large, it is also distressing to add up.

In addition, the oil shipped from Italy to Germany also takes up a lot of Italian transportation capacity. The oil in southern Italy is piled up, and the oil in northern Italy is much less.

This is the current situation, a status quo that is causing headaches for German executives. Li Le also felt helpless, so he could only promise Brauchitch: "My marshal, wait patiently, things will get better soon!"

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