Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and eighty solutions to the oil problem

The shortcomings of Germany's fuel reserves were formed before the war. . If the update is the fastest to change this short board, Li Le has no good way.

He can only make his generals wait patiently, waiting for the Libyan oil field under construction to start to exert force.

Of course, he still has a good way, and that is replacement. After saying this, he announced to all the generals: "This time the battle meeting will be here, and I will fight for your share of the oil."

Goering, Brauchitch, and Raeder quickly stood to attention, raised their arms and said off: "Victory, Führer!"

Li Le waved his hand casually and walked out of the conference room door with Keitel behind him.

Kesselring glanced at Goering in front of him, trying to guess what the Führer could do to increase the country's fuel reserves.

But Goering was also at a loss, glanced at Kesselring behind him, and walked out of the conference room without speaking.

Brauchitch and Raedel glanced at each other. The two were digging holes for each other just now, and of course they won't be friendly for a while.

So they just turned around and left, not even thinking of getting together to talk. The huge conference room was empty after a while.

The head of state Li Le walked through the corridor and entered another conference room at the end of the corridor. Everyone inside who had been waiting there for a long time stood up.

"Victory! Head of State!" Everyone present raised their arms and saluted Li Le with their chins raised.

In the same way, Li Le waved his hand casually, indicating that everyone should not be so restrained. Then he went to the head and sat down.

Then, Yuan Xiansheng pressed his palm like the chairman of the committee, and everyone sat down respectfully. After a short period of noise in the conference room, the silence returned.

"This time, what we are going to discuss is how to ease the pressure on domestic oil reserves." Li Le said while signaling his secretary, Bowman, to put a stack of documents on the conference table.

As he spoke, he pointed to a stack of documents, and said to Speer, who was looking at him, "I heard from your report that the tight national reserves have begun to affect production?"

"It's like this... My head of state, derivatives are very dependent on oil." Speer nodded and said: "Especially for substitutes for rubber products, we are in great demand."

Germany itself does not produce any rubber, and in fact there is no rubber production area in the United States. The British depended on regions like Burma to supply their country with rubber, while the Americans depended on South America.

Germany, which has no overseas colonies, relies heavily on imports of rubber products. This is not the era when synthetic rubber is very common in later generations. Synthetic rubber is still a new thing, a very expensive and low-yield petroleum derivative.

As a material-poor country, German steel relies on the Norwegian occupation zone, oil depends on Romania and Africa, and rubber can only rely on its own reserves and artificial synthesis.

The quality of synthetic rubber products in 1940 was incomparable to natural rubber, which was another fatal reason why the performance of German engines became more and more backward.

At the same time, the lack of high-quality gasoline also makes the overall performance of German engines inferior to those of similar products in the United Kingdom and the United States.

These are all digressions. At present, Germany lacks even oil, let alone oil to make derivatives such as synthetic rubber.

If you are familiar with the weapons and equipment of Germany during World War II, you will find that the wheels of many German cars are very narrow. This approach to weakening off-road performance seems difficult to understand.

The reason, in fact, this is a helpless choice. In most parts of Europe with good roads, such a wheel can save a lot of rubber and also save a little bit of fuel...  

However, when such a car enters the Russian plains where the road conditions are not good, it can only be used reluctantly.

"The army has added more than 2,000 vehicles and half-track armored vehicles, which consume a lot of materials such as rubber." Speer is the deputy minister in charge of production, and he knows his work very well.

In November, Germany alone is expected to produce twice as many cars as it did in October. In this case, the pressure of material consumption in production is indeed astonishing.

"On the Air Force side, just increasing the production of the engine is enough to cause a headache. According to your request, several design companies are still developing new aircraft, which will make the future pressure even greater." Speer When you mention the things you are responsible for, you become eloquent.

The Fuhrer asked him to take charge of industrial production. Of course, he must do his best to complete the tasks that the Fuhrer gave him.

The so-called scholar died for the confidant, and the head of state promoted him from a favorite in the building hobby to an official who grasped the real power of one party. He must repay the kindness.

Li Le was very, very satisfied with Speer's performance. First of all, its loyalty in worker training and its talent in the organization of industrial production are outstanding.

"Industrial production capacity, you continue to hurry up to prepare! I will give you a chance to increase the performance of the lathe!" Li Le asked Speer to stop talking, and comforted him.

Then he turned to the other side and looked at Ribbentrop, who was sitting beside him. His plan to replace oil requires the cooperation and efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Mr. Foreign Minister, the negotiation with the Italians may be a little difficult. This time we don't have to make too much concessions. As long as we complete a part of it, we can relieve our own pressure." Li Le pair has raised his head to look at his Ribbentrop said.

The German foreign minister nodded, and then began to report on his recent work: "My recent work is tilting in this direction."

"The negotiations with the Italians, although difficult, have achieved some results," he said, pointing to his notebook, which recorded part of the negotiations between the two sides.

"The Italians agreed with our plan, but they were unwilling to accept the total amount we asked for. This is the main difference between the two sides." After Ribbentrop finished speaking, he handed the notebook with important information to Li Le.

The matter is completely within the scope of Li Le's conjecture. What troubles Germany and Italy is the trouble of back-and-forth transportation of oil produced by Libyan oil fields.

There is a way to solve this kind of trouble, at least to say, it can solve most of the trouble of transporting oil from different countries.

Li Le's plan is to replace Italy's oil share in Romanian oil fields with oil produced in Libya.

The whole process is simply a process of reducing cycles. In this way, everyone can save a lot of time and labor.

The original transportation route, the oil produced in Libya, had to be shipped to the south of Italy, and then replaced by trains and sent to Germany in the north.

Part of the crude oil extracted from Romanian oilfields will be sent to Italy. After all, Italy also buys oil produced in Romania.

Li Le's plan is to have Libya shipped to Italy by sea, and the crude oil originally belonging to Germany will be directly exchanged for Italy, so that Italy does not have to work hard to transport the oil northward.

At the same time, the same amount of oil produced in Romania that originally belonged to Italy was sent directly to Germany, which is equivalent to liberating Italy's transportation capacity and shortening the fuel delivery cycle in Germany.

A simple replacement can make Germany's oil more timely, and Italy also avoids the trouble of turning oil.

While it's a win-win, it's really not that convenient to implement. The first and most important difference is that oil extraction in Romania is much more convenient than in Libya.

After all, Romania is a mature oil field, and the speed of crude oil extraction and infrastructure construction are already perfect.

The oil fields in Libya are inconvenient for maritime transportation and have poor infrastructure, which also worries the Italian side.

The focus of the negotiation is that Germany hopes to directly exchange, and then each is responsible for the transportation; while Italy hopes to exchange according to the actual amount of oil received.

Although the two sides are at odds in this regard, this exchange is indeed in everyone's interest, so Italy and Germany have begun to use payment methods in private to reduce their total oil transportation.

"Because Italy paid part of Libya's oil production with Romanian, we have already increased the total oil production planned by a large part." The official in charge of oil reserves introduced the oil. Reserve situation.

Compared to last month, the consumption of Germany's oil reserves is actually starting to decrease. Increased oil shipments from Romania have given Germany's oil reserves a little hope.

"In general, everything is still developing in a good direction..." Li Le, who heard the good news, was relieved.

Under his constant overdrafts, the German government is living a life of rationing for the rest of the world. If the oil runs out, it will be a fatal problem.

Li Le was fortunate in his mind at this time: Fortunately, now the United Kingdom, or the United States including the United States behind the United Kingdom, is attacking German oil...

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind. Now is not the time to sit back and relax! There is still a place for the British to threaten Libya, even Romania!

So, he stood up abruptly, only hurriedly left a sentence "The meeting is here", then turned and walked out of the conference room, leaving behind everyone who looked at each other in dismay.

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