Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and twenty-seven last step

"Sir! There is still a distance of 20 nautical miles from the port specified by Germany." A British officer approached the admiral's exclusive lounge, saluted and reported the latest situation.

Charles is tidying up his Admiral's gown, with countless Navy Medals of Honor hanging on his chest, looking so beautiful.

In recognition of Charles's exploits and to appease the naval commander who was about to hand over his rights, the King of England promoted Charles to the rank of Marshal of the Royal Navy.

This seems to be an irony, because after Charles took over the post of commander-in-chief and began to command the Royal Navy's Home Fleet, the Royal Navy was on the decline and did not win any important victories at all.

So Charles was reluctant to wear this dress until he stepped onto the battleship HMS King George V and became the commander of the fleet again, leading the fleet to Germany.

This time he put on his marshal's dress, because he felt that what he was doing was in line with the glory that this dress brought.

He couldn't die like Nelson in the light of victory with a hearty victory. So he can only use a tragic defeat to maintain the last dignity of the naval commander.

"Operation Sunset begins! Control Tonghaifa and naval guns as much as possible! If the mission fails, start Plan B and seize the ammunition bay!" After the last button on his collar was fastened, Charles ordered him to become the Admiral of the Navy. a combat order.

"Woo...woo!" In the dim battleship corridor, the battle alarm suddenly sounded. The German guards who were caught off guard saw British soldiers rushing towards them in groups.

"It seems that the matter of transporting secret weapons is really right..." Seeing the red alarm flashing above his head, the German officer standing on the bridge narrowed his eyes and sighed coldly.

The doors of many of the cabins were pushed open from the inside, and the German soldiers, who had long been ready to go, rushed out of the cabins with their new weapons.

These days, they are all taking shifts in their cabins, all of them are sleeping together with their clothes on, with the secret weapon brought this time around.

On the surface, most of the German soldiers on the ship were ordinary soldiers, but only a few people knew that this unit was a special unit trained by the Führer himself.

They are the most elite soldiers, and they are also equipped with the most elite weapons: Mauser rifles are just camouflage, and they are all STG-44 assault rifles in the wooden box they carry on the ship.

Each of them is equipped with a Belgian pistol and the sharpest bayonet. According to the standards of later generations, these people are at least special forces trained in the "reconnaissance company" mode.

An encounter came as scheduled, and the two sides started a hand-to-hand battle in the narrow warship corridor.

As soon as the two sides fought, the British sailors felt the difference between the other side. Many of their units responsible for controlling certain parts of the battleship lost contact.

"The firepower of the other party is too fierce... They have automatic weapons! Is that a machine gun?" A British sailor with an axe, his face covered with blood, leaned behind the iron door of the cabin, asked loudly, and was blocked by another side officer.

The cabin was littered with the bodies of British soldiers, secretly carrying weapons. Most of the British soldiers who fought only with pistols and Lee Enfield rifles were no match for the German special forces.

"They were already prepared! We failed!" Before waiting for the officer to say anything, in the corridor on the other side, several soldiers stumbled over, shouting words that disturbed the morale of the army.

Another soldier fell on the way of the attack. He fell in a pool of blood of his comrades. He didn't close his eyes until he died.

Some of the soldiers who died here were radio majors in school, while others were top students in artillery schools.

They had never fought at such close range, and some had never even learned to use a firearm.

As a former maritime hegemon, the British warships traverse the seven seas, and the large ships and cannons are invincible in the world. Serving on the most powerful warship on earth, who would learn to fight with tiny firearms?

They have huge guns of 356 mm caliber, which can accurately hit enemy warships from 20 kilometers away.

The place where these sailors fought was in a small cabin, where they could not see their enemies or even feel the ferocity of the battle.

With cooperation, they can easily destroy enemies from a distance. It is a pity that their cooperation at this moment cannot shake the German line of defense.

Like the British sailors, the German special forces officers and soldiers also rely on skilled cooperation to destroy their enemies.

Compared to operating a 300-meter-long battleship weighing tens of thousands of tons, their cooperation was much more primitive, but it was also much more effective at close range.

These soldiers, who had long been accustomed to killing, covered each other in an orderly manner, and squeezed the helpless British sailors into areas that were not important at all.

It was only at this time that several British naval officers who were in charge of the team discovered that they had not been able to break through a German-held area and reach their pre-planned cabin.

"The power compartment is still in the hands of the Germans! We have no way to cut off the power..." An officer put down the phone depressedly and shook his head at his boss.

Just now, there was a gunshot on the phone, and then the connection was interrupted. The sailors who were apparently responsible for the raid on the power compartment had been completely wiped out.

"The soldiers who go to the ammunition depot are the best equipped. If they don't get the result, our resistance this time is almost a failure." Another officer shook his head and sighed, speaking in frustration.

Tonghai cutting is very scattered, and even so, the British sailors only opened a few scattered valves.

The rest of the soldiers were shot dead in the corridors, and a few were huddled in a few unimportant cabins to fight stubbornly. It was only a matter of time before they were eliminated.

Some people kept rushing out of their rooms, and some people didn't even know about this action at all. Many British sailors were killed by German soldiers inexplicably, and they didn't know they were just implicated until they died.

After several flooded cabins were closed, the officers and soldiers of the German special forces were all but under control.

At the gate of the bridge, a German officer stepped over the body of the British rear admiral who was on joint duty here, and walked behind the supreme commander of the German receiving unit.

"Sir! We've got the situation under control, and only a few enemy troops remain in local areas, and we'll be able to eliminate them soon." After standing at attention, he spoke calmly and reported.

"This is your first action, it's excellent... No wonder Yuan Chief established a unit like yours..." The admiral praised, and then ordered: "Don't have any accidents, don't live!"

At the same time, the German admiral who received the Royal Ark aircraft carrier stepped over the corpses of the British army one by one on the ground and walked to the prisoners who were kneeling on the deck with their heads on their heads.

He stood there with his hands behind his back, and looked down at the British sailors who were still covered in blood, as well as the first few British commanders.

"It's your responsibility to let so many people at sea die." The German officer wriggled his lips and said slowly.

"This is our plan, it has nothing to do with them! They are just executing orders! Please forgive their guilt, for God's sake, please..." A British officer gritted his teeth and pleaded with his men. road.

But his words were interrupted by the order of the German general: "Shoot! Execute these enemies who intend to destroy the important military weapons of the Reich."

"Tutu! Tutu!" On both sides of the general, the German soldiers who had already carried their assault rifles pulled the trigger and swept the dense bullets into the crowd.

"I'm sorry..." Watching the British sailors fall one by one, the German general said apologetically.

The same thing happened to the British Navy's version of Operation Rainbow on the battlecruiser HMS Repulse, which was doomed to fail when the German army had taken precautions.

"Marshal..." The blood-stained British officer hurriedly opened the hatch, staggered and stood in front of Charles: "We failed! The Germans were already prepared!"

"No, we didn't fail!" Charles raised his chin and comforted his subordinates.

He stretched out his hand, patted the panicked men on the shoulders, and said, "We just want to show our attitude! The navy of the British Empire has no cowards who are afraid to fight! We have proved it at this point. So we won, boy!"

"It's just our regret that this battleship was not destroyed... This is not a failure!" After Charles finished speaking, he walked to the hatch: "Now, it's our turn to fight for our country, don't be afraid, death won't make us shrink back! "

The officer swallowed, gritted his teeth, and followed Charles. And right at the door of the cabin where they were sitting was full of British sailors waiting for orders.

"Let's go! Let the enemy take a look at the courage of the British Navy." Charles looked at these young faces and took the lead in the direction of the dense gunfire.

He used to walk down this corridor, when every soldier passing by would stand at attention and salute him.

There was blood everywhere on the iron plate under his feet, and Charles walked carefully, avoiding the corpse lying on the ground.

"Surrender! Or we'll shoot!" the German soldier with an assault rifle shouted.

Charles did not stop, he faced the bullets fired by the Germans and took the last step in his life.

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