Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and twenty eight has never been so powerful

"Stand at attention!" All the German soldiers stood up in the pool of blood, and then greeted the German Admiral Raedl who boarded the battleship with the most heroic gun salute. . fastest update

Redel, in his most respectable dress, was probably the happiest moment of his life.

From when he was the commander-in-chief of the German Navy, the powerful British navy was like a wall, which made him extremely depressed in front of him.

Whenever he thinks of the battleships of the British Royal Navy, as the commander of the surface ships of the German Navy, he is almost scared to breathe by that powerful force.

Operation Rainbow in Scapa Flow turned into a sharp arrow and stabbed in the chest of the German Navy. For many years, as a soldier of the German Navy, when it comes to the British fleet, it is always a change of heart.

And now, stepping on the deck of this battleship, Raidel suddenly found himself talking about a disgusting enemy, and now there is nothing to be afraid of.

The German navy was closer to victory than at any time in history, and this was a great victory achieved by Raedel while he was in charge of the navy.

With this alone, he, the Admiral of the Navy, can definitely go down in history. Now he was extremely satisfied, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile.

On the pier in the port, behind Reeder is the majestic German naval military music. And in front of Raidel, stood the most elite soldiers of Germany.

These soldiers stood beside the corpse and greeted the highest officer they saw with their tallest standing.

"Gentlemen, thank you for your hard work." In order to receive these warships safely, Rader borrowed this special unit that had not been fully trained and formed from the Führer.

I heard that everyone in this unit has chosen the most loyal fighters, and everyone must have battle records, be familiar with various weapons, and most of them can speak at least one foreign language.

Each of these soldiers is assigned to the front-line combat unit and can easily command an infantry squad or even an infantry platoon.

But here they can only be a soldier. The most interesting thing is that even if they can only be a soldier, very few people are willing to leave this mysterious army.

Stepping past the corpse of a British soldier, Marshal Raedel was the first to observe Britain's latest battleship so closely.

HMS King George V was the latest battleship in British service before the war, with a full 10 356mm caliber guns installed.

If necessary, the design of the battleship allows Germany to retrofit the battleship with 380mm or larger caliber artillery, but now the German Navy has no plans to retrofit the battleship at all.

Even though he knew that the German Navy relied on advanced carrier-based aircraft and the aircraft carrier to win the naval battle, Raedl still liked the battleship under his feet.

As a traditional naval commander, he was born with a love for battleships and the romance of men alone.

Obviously, the warships that the enemy surrenders and presents are more pleasing than the warships built by themselves.

So Raedel came in person and walked step by step on the deck of this mighty British battleship, watching this great battleship with great interest.

In the distance, the battleship HMS Repulse, which originally belonged to the British Royal Navy, was using a pump to remove the water in the cabin.

Like the battleship, British sailors opened a handful of sea openings, allowing some of the Repulse's cabins to flood into the sea.

A few minutes ago, HMS Repulse, the fastest battleship of the British Royal Navy, and HMS King George V, the most powerful battleship, had become the spoils of the German Navy.

Coupled with the Royal Navy's most modern and largest aircraft carrier HMS Ark, Germany can now form another fleet.

In fact, Ryder thought so too. He was to form another strike fleet in the waters off Norway and the Netherlands to fortify Germany's northern coastline.

Previously, it completely relied on troops such as carrier-based aircraft and torpedo boats. Now there is a fleet, or a fleet of huge battleships and battlecruisers.

As for the Ark Royal, Raeder knew that the Führer 80% would hand it over to Lütjens to form Germany's first aircraft carrier fleet.

When Redel thought of this, he didn't feel any annoyance. He had never had so much power in his hands, which made him very satisfied as an admiral.

In northern Germany, such as Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands, Germany now has the battleship HMS King George V and the battlecruiser HMS Repulse.

Add the German battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz, and two Scharnhorst-class battlecruisers, and Germany has six capital ships.

If the treaty between Britain and Germany is completed, including battleships such as Rodney, the German navy will have 13 capital ships, and the fleet will be large enough to dominate the Atlantic Ocean.

Even, once Germany has such a powerful fleet and takes over the Strait of Gibraltar, Germany's power in the Mediterranean Sea will directly surpass Italy.

When attacking the Soviet Union, relying on such a powerful fleet, Redel's navy can pass through Turkey and attack the Sevastopol area, directly threatening the hinterland of the Soviet Union!

Thinking that he could have so many main battleships, Raidl couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

"Stand at attention!" In the bridge area, the German Navy has already taken over the work. This place has been cleaned up, the bodies have been carried out, and the blood is being cleaned up.

Seeing Marshal Redel come in, the naval officer on duty raised his chin and shouted the command to stand at attention. Everyone stood at attention, waiting for the arrival of the marshal.

Rader walked to the steering wheel in the center of the bridge, looked at the port in the distance, and nodded with satisfaction.

The majestic military music was still circulating on the dock, and the local Dutch civilians watched the British naval flag slowly fall on the mast of the battleship.

The locals, who were allies of the British a year ago, had seen the vast fleet of the almost invincible Royal Navy.

The mountain-like battleship used to be the backing and support for them to fight against the German Army, but at this moment, they were replaced by the battle flag of the German Navy amid the sea breeze.

"The body of Admiral Charles is on the third floor of the hull..." A naval officer came over and reported the latest work progress.

The sailors are carefully looking for every corner of the cabin, and must beware of the British sailors using any means to destroy the warship.

For example, placing explosives in inconspicuous places is a very dangerous method. There is no clue on weekdays, but once the warship is hit, these explosives may become a terrible force to sink the warship.

It is a pity that the search for dangerous goods ended up being fruitless, because the German inspection was too strict, and it may be that the British had too much affection for their warships, so they did not bring explosives to their warships.

Thinking about it, if they had explosives in their hands, they would not be so embarrassed if they used it at the moment of violent resistance.

"I won't go to see him. If possible, send his body back to England for burial. Treat warriors as you would a warrior." Raedl is ready to give his opponent a decent funeral , he felt that this was what he should do.

Compared with the tragic land war, the sea battle has always carried a little chivalrous romance and a trace of humanity.

After a German submarine sank a British merchant ship, it invented a telegram to report the location of the sunken ship and notify the British Navy to come to rescue.

The British Navy will also rescue the survivors of German submarine officers and soldiers who fell into the water and send them to their own prisoner of war camps to wait for the outcome.


Just when Rader was complacent, standing on the bridge of the British battleship, feeling the glory. Li Le also heard the news of the safe arrival of the warship in the Office of the Head of State in the Prime Minister's Office.

He knows that the shortcomings of his maritime combat power have been filled, and now Germany seems to have no obvious weaknesses.

If the legacy of the British Navy can be safely received, then Germany will not have to add more naval warships in the short term.

Peace of mind to develop the army and air force, Germany's industrial production capacity will be more concentrated. Once the production cycle is formed, the integration of production capacity across Europe is absolutely amazing.

"What we have to do now is to sign an armistice agreement with the United Kingdom as soon as possible, so that the handover of the navy can be completed as soon as possible." Li Le said while looking at Ribbentrop.

Then he paused, and after thinking about a point, he continued: "The British think it is necessary to gain benefits from this conflict. My opinion is that they cannot back down and continue to take a high-handed posture to destroy their will!"

Ribbentrop nodded and said to his head of state: "The British have agreed to the treaty, and some of the agreements have been signed."

"Don't be careless! Before our army enters South London, nothing can be careless!" Li Le warned his subordinates, fearing that the United Kingdom would once again lead the way and play the old way of procrastinating and insisting on war.

At any time, before the enemy is completely knocked down, don't be paralyzed. Only a qualified powerhouse should have the quality.

Since he is a soul from the 21st century, Li Le naturally knows how many movies in which bad guys chatter endlessly, and finally waste the great opportunity to kill the protagonist.

"We have to take the initiative and tell the truth first, and don't let the British side distort the facts." After giving Ribbentrop's orders, Li Le waved the order of expulsion.

Because outside the door, there was another person he wanted to see. So he had to end the conversation as soon as possible to save time for the next meeting.

Watching his foreign minister walk out of the room, the door was knocked on again soon.

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