Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and sixty is a blessing or a curse

Another aircraft carrier that Britain handed over to Germany is the famous Ark Royal. . fastest update

On March 23, the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal is now fully equipped with carrier-based aircraft and becomes a member of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet.

The main port of station for this fleet is the port of Brest in France, the secondary port is Portsmouth, and the alternate ports are set up in the Netherlands and Liverpool in the United Kingdom.

It is precisely because of the fact that with six aircraft carriers, the less than 200 carrier-based aircraft pilots of the German Naval Air Force appear to be so insufficiency.

In order to make the Royal Ark aircraft carrier into combat capability as soon as possible, Germany transferred 200 apprentices from the Air Force and 50 active pilots to join the navy.

To appease Goering, the Air Force added 2,000 new pilot apprentices. German air power had never been so powerful, and the number of planes that could fly, including the naval aviation, was so great that Goering was satisfied.

In any case, the German navy is growing rapidly, and the speed of growth even exceeds the expectations of the navy and the expectations of all enemies.


Compared with the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean seems to always be more peaceful than three points. The sea breeze here is still warm, and the air here is still fresh.

"The ships in front, please indicate your identities, please indicate your identities!" In the radio station, accompanied by the rustling current interference sound, a voice kept repeating the question.

On the bridge, Phillips opened his mouth and gave his own answer: "Answer him! My fleet is escorting an important person to India, and has no intention of fighting!"

"My ship is escorting an important mission to India, without any combat intent! Repeat, without any combat intent!" The officer standing beside the radio quickly repeated his superior's words.

Hearing the inquiry in English, Phillips felt that he had been tense and relaxed all of a sudden.

Drifting on the vast sea, how anxious is it to lose the country behind you? It was not easy for him to carry two battleships to the present.

In the sky, the patrolling swordfish attack planes were circling round and round. It didn't carry torpedoes, so it couldn't actually do any damage to Phillips' fleet.

This Swordfish attack aircraft belongs to the only British aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean, HMS Athletic.

The aircraft carrier Athletics God has indeed created a lot of precedents for the design of aircraft carriers. In the era before the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II, many countries in the world were refitting aircraft carriers, but no one had much experience, and they were refitting while using them. .

In the construction of the Athletics God, the talents of the British man-made ships were fully displayed. The Athletics has three creative characteristics, and these characteristics have become the most typical specifications of aircraft carriers.

First, there are all-pass flight decks. This was indeed a very advanced design idea around 1920, and this design provided unprecedented convenience for flight operations.

Second, the closed bow. This bow is resistant to waves and makes the flight deck stronger. At that time, Japan's Hosho used an open bow. During the exercise in 1936, it encountered a strong typhoon, and the wind and waves destroyed the flight deck.

Third, the island-style superstructure is placed on the starboard side, encircling the chimney. At that time, the chimney of the aircraft carrier became a headache, and the design of the aircraft carrier chimney of the naval power Japan was a typical failure case.

The lateral chimneys and reversible chimneys used by Japanese aircraft carriers are not strong enough to withstand the blow of wind and waves, and the operation is also difficult, and it is not good for the ship's sealing.

Using the right bridge to surround the chimney, this design is quite creative, which is not only conducive to flight and navigation command, but also has higher strength than the lateral chimney and the foldable chimney, and is beneficial to the hull sealing. It is still used by conventional aircraft carriers to this day.

Regrettably, the USS Athletics is so old that even though it was very advanced when it was designed, it can be used in 1941, and only the word "out of date" is left.

Insufficient tonnage and insufficient follow-up expectations for the development of carrier-based aircraft eventually led to the appearance of one of the biggest weaknesses of the aircraft carrier Athletics.

That is, when the number of carrier-based aircraft was insufficient, the Athletics God could only carry 20 carrier-based aircraft. Now it has been replaced by the Swordfish, which can only carry 16 aircraft.

An aircraft carrier that can only carry 16 carrier-based aircraft can actually only be said to be an **** aircraft carrier.

Although the Athletics is indeed a specially designed aircraft carrier, it is a pity that the number of carrier-based aircraft seriously restricts its combat effectiveness.

It is precisely because the Athletics God is now a chicken rib that it was dispatched to the Indian Ocean to shock and deter the surrounding colonies.

Therefore, when the United Kingdom failed miserably and faced great changes, the aircraft carrier Athletics God escaped the disaster and was directly detained in India, becoming the flagship of the British Resistance Indian Ocean Fleet.

Mountbatten, who was standing on the pier, watched the boat approaching him in the distance. Earlier telegrams said that an important person was in a hurry to meet him, so he rushed to Bombay to meet the legendary and mysterious figure.

Of course, the message would tell Mountbatten about the arrival of Princess Elizabeth, otherwise he would not have come here to greet him in person.

It's just that he is still in a very uneasy mood now, and he doesn't know whether this princess who came here is a blessing or a curse for the British resistance organization.

"I hope you don't disappoint me too much." Mountbatten muttered softly when he saw the boat tied to the dock, and the sailors carefully stopped the ferry.

Compared with the small boat in front of him, two battleships with pergola erected on the sea in the distance could attract Mountbatten's attention even more.

When he learned that there were two battleships coming to join him, a smile appeared on his face that had not been shown for a long time.

Naval strength is an important shortcoming of his. Losing the deterrence of local naval power, Japan is just around the corner in Southeast Asia, and the colonies have begun to have ulterior motives.

Now, two battleships with huge guns have entered the Indian Ocean, so everyone has to consider whether they are the opponents of the Royal Navy.

USS Rodney was the leader of the treaty battleships, with formidable 406mm guns. Fight against such a terrifying warship, be prepared to be sunk at any time.

When Mountbatten looked back from the wonderful silhouette of the battleship, he saw a petite girl standing in front of him.

The girl was wearing a decent skirt and looked like a noble who came on vacation. Mountbatten recognized the identity of the girl in front of him, stood at attention and saluted: "Can you get used to it along the way, Your Highness?"

"Fortunately, Your Excellency General." Elizabeth answered Mountbatten's greetings with a smile, and then asked directly, "I am here, will you embarrass you, General?"

Without waiting for Mountbatten to prevaricate the answer, Elizabeth continued to speak quickly: "I'm here only to give you righteousness, and other things are up to you to decide."

Hearing Elizabeth say this, Mountbatten's eyes lit up: It seems that Her Royal Highness is a sensible person, and it seems that her arrival is a blessing rather than a curse!

"For the army, Auchinleck and Montgomery are already in charge of you. For the navy, you have to pay more attention. Let Phillips give the command to Phillips for the time being..." Elizabeth took out the aura of a princess and said. Divide the work they are responsible for.

The current old Her Majesty is just a young girl. Even if she took out the extravagance of the royal family, she did not make Mountbatten feel the slightest bit of fear.

What really impresses Mountbatten is the princess's future arrangements for him. He has the right to ask about the army and the navy, as if he was half the prime minister.

What he didn't know was that Elizabeth had already thought about her words after landing on the way. This little girl full of wisdom is very good at grasping the world.

This can be seen from her later handling of Princess Diana and other matters! The royal family is still standing, and a dead princess is still unblemished.

In fact, no matter who came to greet her, Elizabeth would have given this rhetoric. If Montgomery O'Kinleck and Mountbatten came along, she promised to let them all negotiate.

Elizabeth was too young to rule the country and preside over the war. Therefore, she will definitely delegate power and sit honestly at a high place as a totem, which is more in line with her ability.

"Montgomery and General Auchinleck will definitely be very happy with your presence!" Mountbatten continued with a smile, apparently having accepted the princess's proper arrangement.

In the past few days, in fact, Mountbatten, Montgomery and have already separated the primary and secondary.

Obviously Mountbatten was the victor: he sat in India to control Burma, and he was stronger than Montgomery and Auchinleck, who were trapped in the Middle East, both in terms of logistics and in terms of troops.

Without his support, Montgomery and Auchinleck would have had no more troops and no subsequent ammunition replenishment.

In the end, Montgomery and Auchinleck compromised, and this was the moment when Mountbatten came alone to meet Queen Elizabeth.

"I'm also very happy to meet such patriotic generals as you and them. Without you, my father and I wouldn't know what to do." Elizabeth was a little bit coquettish.

This is in line with her age, and also makes Mountbatten more comfortable with the conversation: "Leave everything to me when you come here, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"Send telegrams to Burma, Australia and Canada, telling them that we are still loyal to the royal family, and that we are determined to restore the United Kingdom and be loyal to the princess!" Mountbatten stayed by Elizabeth's side, and ordered his men to be humane--

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